Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Gender: Male

Age: 2 years

Status: Has been rehomed

Ena & Mhairi collected me from my home last night (Friday). My name is Jake and I'm a two year old Bitsa dog, that's what my dad affectionately called me, I have shepherd in there and maybe collie.

I am a very friendly lad and great with children and seem to be good with other dogs, don't know about cats though!!

My dad is very very sad at having to place me up for adoption and he said if there was any other way this wouldn't be happening as he loves me very much.

Update 19th Nov: I had visitors today and guess what, they really really like me! So I am going for a home visit on Tuesday and if the garden is secure ect: then I will get to stay!

Update 23rd Nov: Well before I could go on a home visit the girls found spots of blood on my blanket, so they took me to the vets with a urine sample. It seems I had a bit of protien in it, so I went in to be neutered, the vet then found out I was missing a piece of my "willy"! She said it must have been very sore and we don't know how I've done it. However, my op went well and the vet thinks everything will sort itself out with my antibiotics and cream. Sad thing is I have lost out on the home I was going to as the man said if I have protien in my urine it could lead to all sort of problems, so they don't want to take the chance with me :( However I'm such a lovely big lad hopefully I will find a home and be settled in before Santa comes...

Thanks for looking,
Jake signed by Jake
