Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Larry & Wanda

Gender: Male & Fem

Age: 16 & 14 yr

Status: Has been rehomed

My name is Larry I am 16 and this is my wee sis Wanda who is 14, but we really think we are 6 & 4.sadly our " mum " passed away earlier this year and we knew if anything happened to mum then we would come to Second Chance. We didn't get out except in the garden.but we get over the fields here and just love it. If you saw us running and playing in the fields you would never believe that was our ages. We are great with other dogs are on no medication. Them indoors really would like us to stay here as they do love us very much, well we can twist just about anyone round our paws, but it would be nice to have a home and fireside to call our own. For our retirement.

Lots of Love the Golden Oldie's Larry & Wanda xxx

Ps: If we did manage to find a nice kind home if in the future we needed any medication Second Chance would pay for it. x

Thanks for looking,
Larry & Wanda signed by Larry & Wanda

Larry & Wanda