Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Gender: Female

Age: 0

Status: Has been rehomed

Hi, I am another Pet Care Centre dog but a wee girl this time, the police brought me in one weekend quite a while ago. Sadly like Mr No Name & Bryn no one has bothered to claim.Which is quite sad as we must have been loved at some point in our young lives. Again, there is no history on me either. I am not that old and was really friendly when Frank brought me down to have my photo taken.As you can see I'm not that big and have that scruffy look which a lot of people like. I do hope someone nice falls in love with me I would love to be in a home.
Jess xx (Ena has named me)

Thanks for looking,
Jess signed by Jess
