Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Little Mr no name

Gender: Male

Age: 1yr to18mt

Status: Has been rehomed

I'm little no name, I came in with the dog warden to the Pet Care Centre next door. I am maybe a year to eighteen months old and have been neutered. Sadly no one has claimed me, don't know why because I'm quite well behave at the kennels. Anyway Frank has brought me here to have my photo taken to see if I can find a good caring home with someone who will love me. Preference will be given to people who have already had Jack Russells.
Little Mr No Name xx

Update 31st Jan:
I also have people coming to see me with their Jack Russell Ollie and guess what if all goes well my name will be Stanley, get the drift

Thanks for looking,
Little Mr no name signed by Little Mr no name

Little Mr no name