Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Gender: Female

Age: 5yr

Status: Has been rehomed

Well look who arrived today.I am a gorgeous Rottie girl and will be five in March. I originally came from a good breeder who is really careful where she places her puppies, she doesn't breed that much. However,like quite a few of us we tend to trust some people too much. She lost touch with me. She has moved heaven and earth only to find I have had a terrible life ie: had five homes and numerous litters of puppies, been chained up ect: She can't keep me herself although she would dearly love to and was really upset at leaving me. However she knows I will be well looked after here and hopefully will find my forever home. Even after all I've been through I still have a lovely nature.


Look at my lovely gentle face, Ena is in love with me and she cannot understand why anyone would mistreat me.You will need to be pretty special if you want this lass to join your family.

Update 13th Jan:
I had visitors today ( brought by Margaret Roberts from Scottish Rottweiler club ) they were really lovely and good news is, they think I'm gorgeous. They have a lovely Rottie boy and sadly have just " lost " their beloved girl. They are going to come back and see me as I can't go " home " just yet with me being in season. So life is looking good from now on I will be well loved. Although Ena thinks I'm the best thing since sliced bread and would dearly love to keep me herself, but there is a wee black / tan thing about 12 inches high that stops her, I think she said his name was Sandy. Cassie xx.

Thanks for looking,
Cassie signed by Cassie
