Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Gender: Male

Age: 1 year

Status: Has been rehomed

Hi I'm Reggie and I live at the Pet Care Centre next door to Second Chance Kennels.

I am about one year old we think, don't know when my birthday is though 'cause I was brought in by the dog wardens and sadly no one has claimed me :( I am just another statistic of our throw away society.

I would love a home of my own, although I do tend to be a bit jumpy, I was out in a home but the woman brought me back after just a few days because I was jumping up and grabbing her mum's jersey. I just need to learn some manners as obviously no one has ever bothered to teach me anything.

Hopefully my special person will read this and come and see me, as I would love company.

Well it looks like all the Second Chance dogs are being chosen, which is good but could someone maybe come and meet me please? I'm only in the kennels next door...

There was a phone call about me today, now I'm not going to get too excited but it sounded good. The lady already has a Pet Care dog she got via Second Chance. She says she will bring her boy to meet me on Saturday, oh but it's so exciting I can't help it

Thanks for looking,
Reggie signed by Reggie
