Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Gender: Male

Status: Has been rehomed

Hiya, some of you may remember me, my name is Alfie. I am a Labradoodle and was first in at the kennels at the tender age of only 5 mths.

My first owners were pensioners and couldn't keep me as i was too strong for them. Their sons had bought me for them.
A couple came and fell in love with me, so off I went to stay with two labradors, I seemed to have proved a handfull and being a puppy, have chewed things but this is only when i'm left, as in my last house I was used to having someone there 24/7, so I get bored when left. My present owners had me neutered three weeks ago but if this is going to help calm me down it can take anything from 3 / 6 months. Now my owners can no longer cope and I find myself looking for my third home :( I am now ten months old and as you can see a gorgeous lad

Some of the people looking for dogs think them indoors were strict before...

Thanks for looking,
Alfie signed by Alfie
