Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Breed: ShihTzu

Age: 4 years

Status: Has been rehomed

Thanks for all your inquiries offering me a home I have now gone home !!

My name is Lola and I'm a wee Shih Tzu about 4 years old. I belonged to an older lady in her eighties unfortunately she can longer keep me. I have only been around her 9 year old grandaughter, never been around any other children I think well no!!! in fact I know I would like a homem without children !! I am very bewildered here in the kennels and wondering whats happening to me. SWo them indoors would like a home where they are used to my breed ! as we are noted for being a bit tempramental ! hopefully there will be someone out there who weill love me, oh meant to say I had an accident awhile ago and am bit blind in one eye. Well hope to hear from someone soon ple3aswe. love Lola xx.

Thanks for looking,
Lola signed by Lola
