Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Breed: Border Collie Tri coloured

Gender: Male ( Neu

Age: Nearly 2yr

Status: Has been rehomed

Udate 10th Jan. well had a home visit done which passed with flying colours, so my new mum is coming to take me for a walk tomorrow and then collecting me on Saturday she is talking about taking me to something called flyball xxx


Ena's starting to wonder if Second Chance are now Border Collie Rescue !!!! My name is Cody and I will be two years old at the end of January.There is not a lot of history on me but we know I have never been around children in fact not been socialised that much. I really really need a Border Collie person/s to offer me a home. I am a lovely lad very friendly here at the kennels. I need a best friend who will be there for me through thick and thin. Love Cody xxx

Thanks for looking,
Cody signed by Cody
