Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Since it opened in 1999, hundreds of dogs have passed through the kennels doors and have gone on to wonderful new homes and families. On this page you will see some of those lucky dogs in their forever homes, and hear how they've settled in and how they've enriched their new families' lives.

Fudge / Linda xx >>
Posted: 29th April 2014

Fudge ( was Ingo here) brought his mum back for a visit, he's doing really well, just loves his cuddles, his mum just loves him.He has such a woderful life now xx.

Fudge / Linda xx
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Cole xx >>
Posted: 28th April 2014

We went to see Cole and his mum last week, he has settled in so well,like he had always lived with her. So nice to see we are so happy for them both xx

Cle with his mum and Cole and wee Alfie xx

Cole xx  Cole xx
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Oscar xx >>
Posted: 26th April 2014

We had a visitor today, " our Oscar " even although he has been out and returned three times, he was still very happy to come in and see us all.So much so he made himdelf at home on the couch lol x

His folks cannot understand why he was returned as they have been working with him for only two weeks and they are totally besotted with him, as are the children and family who vist, and he has three friends to share his home with in the form of cats and they all get on so well together. Just want to thank Gary & Keith for first of all loving our boy and for the patience and umnderstanding and giving him the time he needed to settle in, all he needed was people with commitment, patience and most of all love. xx

Oscar xx  Oscar xx
Oscar xx  Oscar xx
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Bracken xx >>
Posted: 24th April 2014

We had a few days off last week and went out to visit one or two of our past residents. This is Bracken the lovely Spaniel we had a few weeks ago, has gone out and settled brilliantly into his new home with Kayleigh the wee lovely wee Westie, it was great to see them of course wee Alfie or "Dancer " as Albert calls him, would have kept him I'm sure xx.

Bracken xx  Bracken xx
Bracken xx  Bracken xx
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Brogan xx >>
Posted: 23rd April 2014

Brogan came back for a visit, some of you may remember he was out in home for about four days !!! and brought back ! Well he has gone to stay with Tricia & John who are " Springer people " and getting on famously. xx He's such a friendly big lump xx.

Brogan xx
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Marley xx >>
Posted: 22nd April 2014

Hi Ena
Just an update on marley. Hes doing fantastic! Would be lost without him
Take Care
Jenna & Fraser.
Hi guys,
Thank you very much for your " Marley " update.
Great to see him out enjoying life, see there is life after Second Chance Kennels and ususlly a great one, sometimes we get it wrong but the second time is an absolutely a brilliant home, what is they say ? better second time round and in Marley's case this was certainly true xx.

Marley xx  Marley xx
Marley xx  Marley xx
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Gem xx >>
Posted: 22nd April 2014

Hi Ena and Frank
Hope you are both well.
Just thought I'd send you a quick email to let you know how well Gem has settled, she loves the all the cuddles and we love her. She seems to have become quite attached to me... She follows me everywhere to the point that I feel sorry for her because she'll get herself settled then I'll move and she'll come with me!
We'll bring her to visit you once she is confident that this is her home now.
Hi Joanne / John,
Thank you so much for the update on wee Gem, she certainly looks at home,so pleased for her. love the photo's xx

Gem xx  Gem xx
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Luna (was Pearl here ) >>
Posted: 17th April 2014

At last some pics to share, !!!

Thought you might like to se Luna ( was Pearl here )

This is Luna ("our " Pearl )her folks named her Luna because they said she was wired to the moom lol !!! Judging by some of these pics they might be right !!! but true or not she is a much loved member of their family, they just adore her. Goodness knows how many baths she has had to have thoiugh, she's a right mud magnet XXX

Found a couple pics with Luna and Wee Alfie playing at the kennels before she was adopted x

Luna (was Pearl here )  Luna (was Pearl here )
Luna (was Pearl here )  Luna (was Pearl here )
Luna (was Pearl here )  Luna (was Pearl here )
Luna (was Pearl here )  Luna (was Pearl here )
Luna (was Pearl here )  Luna (was Pearl here )
Luna (was Pearl here )  Luna (was Pearl here )
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Luna and big sis Poppy xx >>
Posted: 15th April 2014

Hi Ena and Frank
This is me aged 12 weeks with adopted sister Poppy who is also a secondchance girl !!! Dad and mum say I'm a real challenge but I know that they love me really.I will come and visit soon,and return the cage you so kindly lent to me.x
Luna don't worry too much when they say that they don't mean it and you will stay with them forever.I know them of old haha and your the fourth second chance girl they will have had !!!! XX
Ps: Your getting to be a big girl and sitting very nicely with Poppy xx

Luna and big sis Poppy xx
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Baxter's Blog xx. >>
Posted: 13th April 2014

Hi Ena, Frank and everyone at the kennels,

Hope you are all well. I’m doing fine. Steve took me for my MOT the other day and I’m a healthy and fit wee boy. Christine the vet was fair taken with me and said I was a cheeky wee chap with lots of personality. I was the talk of the waiting room.

Megan and I are spoiled by Liz on a daily basis and we get lots of playtime, walks and cuddles.

That’s all for now as my tea is ready – fresh chicken – yummy!

Lots of love and licks

Wee Baxter

Baxter thanks for the update, so pleased you have found your " forever" home, you sound as though your certainly taking a trick with everyone xx.

Baxter's Blog xx.
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Korkie the Yorkie xx >>
Posted: 13th April 2014

Korkie has been for a haircut this morning and I think he looks lovely. He's better like this cos he won't let me brush him.
Love Chris
How lovely to hear from you Chris thanks for the update on Korkie,like his haircut, wee Alfie has also had one lol xx

Korkie the Yorkie xx
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Olly back to visit xx >>
Posted: 12th April 2014

Lovely surprise this morning, Olly and his family came to visit. Great to see them all, the wee lad kept Wee Alfie occupied throwing his ball to him. Olly liiks great but does cast even though he's a Labradoodle and isn't supposed to !!! Sophie wasnt with them as she's getting a bit older now and would rather have a rest than a walk. xx

Olly back to visit xx
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Jambo xx >>
Posted: 11th April 2014

Chip Settling In.
Great to see (Jambo) Chip certainly seems to be making himself at home xx Love his new name, wouldn't have looked good for a Raith supporter shouting Jambo eh !!!

Jambo xx  Jambo xx
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Faith xx >>
Posted: 10th April 2014

Faith and her family came to visit today, she is such a lovely girl, with a coat you could see your face in, it's so shiny.She had great fun emptying the toy box. Great to see them all. xx Ps: just couldn't get her to look at the camera lol xx

Faith xx  Faith xx
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Bonny & Hugo xx >>
Posted: 9th April 2014

Hi Ena,

Thought you would like to see this picture of Bonny (on the left) with her brother Hugo. We fostered then adopted Hugo last year. I am so proud of Bonny in this picture because she is not keen on other dogs being in the house and every time Hugo went to cuddle into her Bonny would growl then get up and leave. However, today Hugo was on the couch cuddled into me and my daughter. Bonny decided to jump up and cuddle in too with Hugo actually touching her and she fell asleep like this. It has only taken Bonny 1 year 1 month to do this but I am so proud of her. We ended up fostering Hugo because he was abandoned with his friend in a boarding kennel while their owners went away on holiday. The owners did not come back for them. Hugo’s friend then died while in kennels and Hugo could not cope without his friend by his side. I offered to foster Hugo because I though with him being older (12 years old) he would not pester Bonny to play etc and I did not want him to stay in kennels. We brought him home and all Hugo wanted was a cuddle with Bonny but she just growled and walked away. After months of them ignoring each other Bonny decided to try and play with Hugo but he just looked at her with a look that said I needed a cuddle when I first arrived but you didn’t give me one so I am not playing with you. Bonny has been through so much and I constantly feel proud of every small step she takes. It does take her time but she get there.


Isla x

Isla what a lovely photo, you and your family are just amazing, the love and care you first of all gave Bonny, she wasn't the easiest of dogs. I remember she was so so timid hiding behind her chair at the kennels. Then to take in Hugo at 12 years old ( love the oldies) as I said your stars. xx

Bonny & Hugo xx
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Best Pals Bailey & Oscar xx. >>
Posted: 9th April 2014

Hi Ena
These three pics were all taken in one morning Bailey just loves his cuddles just as well he gets plenty of them!
Love from all of us.
Victoria as always lovely photo's of your " boys " thank you so very much xx

Best Pals Bailey & Oscar xx.  Best Pals Bailey & Oscar xx.
Best Pals Bailey & Oscar xx.   
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Alfie xx >>
Posted: 7th April 2014

Hello Ena,
Hope this finds you,Frank and the dogs in fine fettle.
Alfie is quite settled in now,and getting on fine with Bruce although they still have the occassional "arguement" over toys.Alfie is such a loving dog..he loves getting attention and playing,and he's a lot calmer now he's had " the op".
He's getting better on the lead and we're using both an extendable one,a normal one and the Halti.
Alfie is a bit aggro with other dogs though.He seems to see each new dog as a challenge and if he doesn't get their submission right away, he can get a bit feisty.I guess this will come with time and training.
Since he had "the op", his response to treats and verbal commands has improved, and we're optomistic about the next few weeks and months training.He certainly keeps us on our toes...*:) happy
He's a big daft lad really, and a typical lab.He's funny to watch and good with visitors to the house now too.
I thought we would have received something from the chipping company,so I emailed them.They have got back to me now, wanting to confirm my address and telephone number, which I presume you gave them on the form when I was getting Alfie.I've replied today with this, just to check our details are now registered against Alifies chip.If I have any probs I'll let you know, but I'm sure it's sorted.
How are things at the kennels? Hopefully you've not got too many dogs and the ones you do have are getting lots of visitors.
Our vets in Edinburgh had heard of you when I mentioned the name of the kennels,and thought Alfie was a cracking dog too.( they're huge labrador fans and thought he looked very well looked after and of good working dog heritage)
I've attached a pic or 2 for you.I took some of Alfie and Bruce together which I'll send you next time.
Thanks again for all your help with Alf's and I hope the kennel goes from strength to strength.
I'll be in touch again next month with another Alfie update.
All the best Ena,
Angus,Bronwen,Alfie and Bruce
Thanks Angus for the update on Alfie, glad to hear the big fella is settling in although still a work in progress lol, look forward to future updates. xx

Alfie xx  Alfie xx
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Mishka & Max xx >>
Posted: 6th April 2014

Jinny & Andy visited on Saturday, it's so very nice what they do, on the anniversary of them adopting Mishka they never fail to come along with food and treats for our residents. Managed to get Andy in the photo last time but not this time, he doesn't like getting his pic taken, mind you niether does Jinny but she always obliges. Thank you guys and it was great to see the wee ones. xx

Mishka & Max xx
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Wee !!!! Zak xx. >>
Posted: 6th April 2014

Zak one of the Golden Doodle puppies came back to visit yesterday, we were just heading out but so pleased we didn't miss them, they stayed and Morag took some photo's for us. My how he has grown his folks adore him Here are a few pics of him.I think they need to take his paws out of the grow bag now though LOL XX

Wee !!!! Zak xx.  Wee !!!! Zak xx.
Wee !!!! Zak xx.  Wee !!!! Zak xx.
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Milly xx >>
Posted: 6th April 2014

This is Milly heading off to her new life with a lovely family, they are going to need eyes in the back of their heads for her, like any baby she will pick up anything, so the children are going to have to watch their toys ect : xx

Milly xx
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