Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Since it opened in 1999, hundreds of dogs have passed through the kennels doors and have gone on to wonderful new homes and families. On this page you will see some of those lucky dogs in their forever homes, and hear how they've settled in and how they've enriched their new families' lives.

Maddie xx >>
Posted: 29th June 2014

Look who was passing our house on Saturday morning, just getting ready to set off to the kennels. Maddie and her dad had been out for a lovely walk. It was so good to see them Maddie looks great and is obviously well loved. xxx

Maddie xx  Maddie xx
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Wee Holly update xx >>
Posted: 28th June 2014

Well I have had Holly four Weeks now I hope her (mum) knows we are looking after her.
That Holly is doing well. We walk up the fields and she is off the lead doing her thing ,but does not stray too far.I will take my I pad some day so I can get some photos of her Ena that you can send to her . It must have been so difficult for her, I do think of her.
She is eating well so pleased with that, although she is still a little confused at times not surprised by that as she has come through a lot in four weeks ,thanks again you two for all you do for ( your dogs) .
Lol Catherine Heidi ,Holly. Xxx
Thanks Catherine so pleased wee Holly has settled in so well and is ok after getting her three teeth out.Thanks for keeping us updated see she still has her wee dog. xx

Wee Holly update xx
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Kes and Brodie xx >>
Posted: 28th June 2014

We had visitos today, Kes and Brodie brought their mum and dad for a visit. Both dogs are so happy and laid back and look so very good as well.

They soon sussed out where the sausages were lol. It was great to see them for a catch up. xx

Kes and Brodie xx
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Penny xx >>
Posted: 28th June 2014

Hi this is me getting ready to set off to my new home,My new mum and dad are so lovely and I have a new sis as well, we're all going for a lovely walk when we all go home. Ena did try her best to put mum & dad off me but they said No chance lol. Thank you all for looking after me and for the ham and sausages. love Penny xx.

Penny xx
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Sky xx >>
Posted: 27th June 2014

Look who came to visit and Frank and myself were out !!! Still Sarah took a photo to let us see how well Sky is doing. She also has a wee pal called India and thesae two wee dogs share the same bed, well thats if their not in their mum and dad's bed. xx

Sky xx
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Tess & Riley xx >>
Posted: 22nd June 2014

Lyn and David brought Tess and Riley for a visit, Both dogs look great and Tess the white one used to be so sad after she lost our " Ben " that her folks adopted sadly Ben after a long happy life, is now at Rainbow Bridge. when the time right they came back and adopted Riley, it was so good to see Tess back to her old self, Very good to see them all. xxx

Yeh Lyn you hid youself very well !!!!!

Tess & Riley xx
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Tilly xx >>
Posted: 22nd June 2014

I have gone to my new home, I have another wee dog for company,a lovely mum and extended family. Settling in fine just hope Murphy finds a home soon Love Tilly xx.

Tilly xx
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Roxy xx >>
Posted: 22nd June 2014

Well didn't take me too long to find my " Forever " home. I have gone to stay with Skye another Border Collie girl. I went to my new on Saturday and Ena phoned this morning to see how thing were going, my dad says I'm brand new and we are all getting on very well. Love Roxy xx

Ps: I'm the one on my dad's knee, next to Skye xx.

Roxy xx
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Blue & Timmy xx >>
Posted: 21st June 2014

Hi Ena,
Thought you'd like this picture of Blue, showing all of his 13 1/2 years of age after he won 4th prize in the local riding festival's senior section of the dog show - not bad for an old croc! Hi young brother Timmy has improved considerably and now has his own circle of energetic doggy friends to play, climb and swim with just about every day. Ben, spends near all his days sleeping, but is content with that.
All in all, everyone is enjoying life in the Borders.
We also regularly meet up with James, another 2nd Chancer, on the village green!
Best wishes
Linda, Thanks for the update, aw Blue looks so distinguished, so pleased young Timmy has found sme pals to plat with. Say hi to James when next you see him. XX
Linda doesn't he look

Blue & Timmy xx
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Wee Holly and Heidi xx >>
Posted: 20th June 2014

Hi Ena ,Frank,
That was my fault told you I'm not that good with E-mails, I am on a big learning curve
We are just back from a walk up the fields,I have a fan blowing cool air in the living room all the windows open ,back wide open so we are are just chilling ha ha.
Took some photos to send ,can,t remember how to send them now ,tried too anyway hope you get them.
Catherine xxx
Catherine well done you here they are thank you so much xx

Wee Holly and Heidi xx  Wee Holly and Heidi xx
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Moss & Jess xx >>
Posted: 20th June 2014

Ena and Frank a couple of pictures showing how they are getting on. 10pm at night and they are still on the go
Brilliant Gerry thank you are they helping to dig the holes !! Look so happy and content up there. xx

Moss & Jess xx  Moss & Jess xx
Moss & Jess xx   
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Penny & Jack xx >>
Posted: 20th June 2014

Look who we got photo's of !! Penny nearly 15 and Jack about 13 who look amazing, they are doing so well. They have been out in their home for years now, great to see them even if it is a photo Shona hah thanks for them . xx

Penny & Jack xx  Penny & Jack xx
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Holly xx >>
Posted: 18th June 2014

Update from Holly xx Thank you so much Poppy Phil and of course Holly xxx

Dear Ena and Frank, I'm just catching up on our mail so I thought I would take a break and give you an update on our lovely girl's second day. As I said to you yesterday Ena, Holly has settled as though she has always been here. Nothing fazes her , she would happily play all day. She loves going out for walks and shows no interest in people or other dogs. She went shopping today in St Andrews and Cupar (bought squeaky teeth, a rubber pig and a soft football, which has now burst and shed all it's innards!). She is excellent on the lead and is very responsive and loving. She only wants to be part of everything that is going on. We went up the nature trail last night and she 'found ' a stick, WOW, you would have thought she had found a bar of gold! Dogs certainly know how to live and could teach us how to enjoy life..... as you can see we are certainly enjoying our life with her! Phil has just said 'We are very lucky' We will keep in touch. Take care and pass on our regards to everyone. I better get back to work.

Hi it's me Holly, what can I say ! I have found the PERFECT HOME. xx

We had visitors at the kennels a lovely couple who adopted Paris a wee older lad from Second Chance eight years ago, sadly Paris is now at Rainbow Bridge. We all know he will be happy to know his mum & dad have adopted me. I have not had much luck lately was even advertised as a free to a good home. I was very lucky someone spotted me and brought me here,

The best news is I have found such a wonderful wonderful home, my folks are besotted wiith me, Ena has just spoken to my mum and the joy in her voice when she was speaking about me, was so good to hear, I'm their special girlie, their only one and there are no children just me my mum and my dad, doesn't that sound sooooo good. Finally I belong, even been out and had new toys ect. for me I'm feeling very lucky and blessed. Lots of love Holly xx.

Holly xx
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Kira xx >>
Posted: 14th June 2014

Kira broughther folks for a visit, she is getting so big and is very lively !!!

She looks great and is well loved xx

Kira xx
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Wee Milly getting ready to go home xx >>
Posted: 14th June 2014

Well this was one very popular wee lass, this is her with her mum and dad.who adore her already. She also has a white Shepherd as a big sis. Hopefully they will get some sleep tonight LOL xx

Wee Milly getting ready to go home xx
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Maisie xx >>
Posted: 14th June 2014

Maisie with her mum and dad she's doing fine xx

Maisie xx
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Zak .Goldendoodle x >>
Posted: 14th June 2014

Zak came back for a visit, lovely to see them today, but what a size he is now, think his mum needs to take his paws out of the growbag Lol xxx.

Zak .Goldendoodle x
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Poppy xx >>
Posted: 13th June 2014

Hi Ena and Frank
This is me with the oldies - Christine & Ron at Gullane beach.
They say that I'm such a lovely dog and just a joy to be around. I'm gaining confidence and Ron has been teaching me sit, stay and down and I now walk nicely to heel on my lead with my tail in the air! although I'm off lead now too, and keep turning round to make sure I don't get too far away.
I also jumped in the car by myself for the first time today.
Thank you for rehoming me, I'm loved so much and get loads of cuddles
Poppy x
My puppy your so very clever working a computer now, love the photo's so pleased your having such a good time. xxx

Poppy xx  Poppy xx
Poppy xx  Poppy xx
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Bonny & Hugo xx >>
Posted: 13th June 2014

Bonny's mum came along to drop some stuff of for the thrift shop, and look who was in in the car. Bonny and her pal Hugo and of course the wee lad had to get in the photo. Thanks Isla xxx

Bonny & Hugo xx
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Bingo xx >>
Posted: 13th June 2014

Bingo had visitors today, itch had been down on Tuesday, he was looking for a mate to go hill walking with, Well talk about love at first sight and it was a two way thing with both Bingo and Mitch, so much so Bingo wouldn't look at me in one of the pics ( sitting beside hhis wordly goods )he was too busy watching his new " dad ". Relly pleased for both of them xxx

Bingo xx  Bingo xx
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