Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Since it opened in 1999, hundreds of dogs have passed through the kennels doors and have gone on to wonderful new homes and families. On this page you will see some of those lucky dogs in their forever homes, and hear how they've settled in and how they've enriched their new families' lives.

Fudge xx >>
Posted: 1st February 2015

Hi everyone this is me with my new family, I am going to have such a wonderful life with them.Do you think we all look very happy. Sheena and her family have already adopted Blair from here,what a wonderful life he had with them,but is sadly at Rainbow Bridge now, but I think he will be happy to know his folks have given another wee lad a home. Love Fudge xx

Fudge xx
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Mr Darcy xx >>
Posted: 26th January 2015

We had two unexpected visitors today,they brought some lovely warm covers for our residents,Stuart and Mr Darcy the gorgeous Labradoodle it was so good to see them both.Darcey has come on so well he was such a poor wee soul when he came to us, but with the love and care he got and still gets for his folks he has turned into the most well adjusted big lad, and he still likes his sausages lol xx

Mr Darcy xx
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Ciaro >>
Posted: 24th January 2015

Hello gang, ciaro has settled in just fine had a great first christmas and enjoyed her first experience of snow and ice her nickname is bambi she sometimes doesnt know what to do with her long legs haha very entertaining. She is still learning her bounderies with the cat but they are getting there and spends alot of time with Bud my mums rescue dog also from second chance kennels heres some pictures of her journey thus far all the best love dani and ciaro .

Thank you for all the pics , its great to see she is settled and happy. Its great to see Bud too.


Ciaro  Ciaro
Ciaro  Ciaro
Ciaro  Ciaro
Ciaro  Ciaro
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Janek xx >>
Posted: 24th January 2015

Hiya Ena just to let you know we had to purchase a new bed ( superking) may I add for my favourite big boy as there was not enough room for the three of us in the bed lol... after all he does like a star fish at times xxxx

Hahahaha Love it as long as our boy gets the biggest share xx

Your not joken lol he's our boy love him to bits he is very vocal never shuts up lol he's put a bit weight on and filling out more now doesn't look so skinny we will come for a visit soon again hope all is well at ur end... I have lots off photos I can send you oh and casting like mad my uniform loves him hahaha xxx

Janek xx  Janek xx
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Mylo xx >>
Posted: 20th January 2015

This is young Mylo with his " dad" Tony, still never managed to get him to look at the camera, Mylo that is. xx

Well received these pics yesterday this is from his lovely family, we were a bit worried Sally might not play with him xx

His folks say " If that's not settled in we don't know what is". So very happy for them all xx.

Another pic of the three pals, and to think we worried about Mylo not having any playmates lol. x



If that's not settled in I don't know what is lol. Brilliant so happy for him xx

Mylo xx  Mylo xx
Mylo xx  Mylo xx
Mylo xx   
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Alfie and Wallace xx >>
Posted: 22nd January 2015

Frank and myself were a bit later at getting to the kennels today, well it is Thursday and the lovely Sarah opens up for us, thank you Sarahx

So pleased we came up when we did or we would have missed Neil / Alfie /Wallace. It was great to catch up wirth Neil and the boys, who are looking great Sarah took this lovely photo of them both."Our" Alfie is such a good lad but we heard Wallace is often on the " naughty step " bless him. Neil by the time he reaches 3/4 he will hopefully have settled down lol.I know you love them to bits, so your ok Wallace dad is a big softie hehe xx Please drop by sometime when you have more time Neil be good to see you x

Alfie and Wallace xx
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Ramsey xx >>
Posted: 21st January 2015

Hi Ena , thanks for the clip. What a pair!. Ramsay really likes looking at himself in the mirror. I think he thinks its his pal Alfie. Sorry i missed you this am. Left a message for you.

Had another lovely walk this afternoon down at saughton park. Lots of dogs and even a 15 week cairn terrier called Coran. She is lovely almost like a mini wolf. No problems with any of the dogs we met. He was wanting to chase the birds but im not ready to let him off the lead just yet. Both Alisdair and i wentout for half an hour earlier this afternoon. Ramsay was fast asleep in his bed when we got back and what a welcome we got, You would think we had been gone for a week! He is so good and so loving and we are so lucky to have him. Im sure you will be working your wonders on that lovely poodle. Look forward to seeing her on website after her beauty treatment. Im off to make the dinner now. Ramsay sleeping beside me on couch. Im not interested in making the dinner really . Would prefer just to sit and cuddle in and have my dinner brought to me! ha ha

Love Ann xxx

Ann thank you so much for the update, really pleased for you all xx




Frank and Ena did four home visits yesterday, well she did three and Frank did Lizzie's one on his own.I had already met my mum and dad on Saturday. When mum came today what a welcome she got from me,Ena says it was so lovely to see, as I was so timid when I came in.Alfie has shown me how to chase a ball too, he did the same with Korkie the Yorkie I hear.Well the rest of my life starts here, I just know it's going to be a good one.Love Ramsey xx Think Alfie wanted to come too as he jumped up when I was having my photo taken lol xx

Thanks to everyone who called offering me a home, but as you can see I'm well sorted now xx

Ramsey xx  Ramsey xx
Ramsey xx  Ramsey xx
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Lizzie with her family xx >>
Posted: 20th January 2015

Young Lizzie with her new family bar one, the young lad bet he will be excited when he comes home xx

Lizzie with her family xx
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Ben Springer.xx >>
Posted: 20th January 2015

This young man Ben never reached the website, John came and totally fell in love with him then brought his family back a few time to meet he is now in his new home as you can see his wee pal didn't want her photo taken bless. xx

Ben Springer.xx
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Wee Ant xx >>
Posted: 18th January 2015

Had a wee walk round the park today and managed to be let off the lead as I keep to heel...dont want to lose my mum so I make sure I stay close...xx mum is letting me off slowly tho but ive been good xx
Mum says Best dog Ever xx

Wee Ant xx  Wee Ant xx
Wee Ant xx   
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Wee Ant xx >>
Posted: 9th January 2015

Thanks Sandra for the update on "Our" Wee Ant he looks so settled now thank you. This is him waiting on a bit of chicken,Now there's a surprise haha, he does love his chicken xxx

Wee Ant xx
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Charlie xx >>
Posted: 16th January 2015

Hi Ena

Happy New Year to you all. This is me with my mum and dad on the Eildon hills on 2nd January. Was easy for me but they were getting a bit blown around. Have had a great time since I was adopted. Lots of lovely walks in Selkirk and places for me to run around. In September I got taken on holiday and we walked the Great Glen Way. Mum found lots of great dog friendly B&Bs and one of them even made sausages for my breakfast mmmm!!

Anyway just thought I’d let you know that I’m a really happy well behaved boy and my humans adore me.

Lots of love Charlie xx

Charlie thanks so much for the update and photo, you are having such a great time, just what you deserve. Love the photo of you all and the scenery is amazing. xx

Charlie xx
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New pics Janek xx >>
Posted: 17th January 2015

Hi Ena... I don't think Janek likes thunder a lighting one Min he was sleeping on his back legs in the air star fishing next he was hiding... was so funny hope u all had a great Xmas and new year hope ur all well x

Aw thanks Lee, what a big softie xxx

New pics Janek xx  New pics Janek xx
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Wee Jodie xx >>
Posted: 16th January 2015

Had a lovely wee visitor with her dad.

Wee Jodie now has a home where her " dad " is absolutely besotted with her. She really didn't want to come into the kennels she had to be carried bless her, I think she thought maybe she was coming back.However she was ok once she was in the office and I got some lovely cuddles and she got a sausage !! Great to see her so well settled in her new life, thanks Dave xxx

Wee Jodie xx
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Baillie & Buster xx >>
Posted: 4th January 2015

Hi everyone well we have found a new home, ( we didn't even reach the website ) this lovely couple came to visit yesterday ( Sat) They had adopted a wee puppy Wizzer way back in 1997 from Ena & Frank. Sadly at the age of seventeen he went to Rainbow Bridge on Christmas Eve. He was so well loved and had a brilliant life and is sorely missed. His folks came in on Saturday to hand a bag of food they had just bought for him, they were saying how their house was so empty without Wizzer. Ena let us out to play and they fell in love with us all though Dave thought he would never have a wee dog !!! So they went home to give us some serious thought and phoned today to say yes they would like us to join their family. Wizzer I know would be very pleased that they had given another two wee needy ones a home where they will be loved just like was. He will never be forgotten and will live on in their hearts xx.

Baillie & Buster xx  Baillie & Buster xx
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Ben xx >>
Posted: 11th January 2015

Dear Ena and Frank, happy new year hope you had a good festive season! Here's Ben our long long lad out for a walk on New Year's day, he's such a softie we often forget how big he is till you see a picture like this! His expression is saying "what are you looking at, I'm trying to watch the golf here"… he's well and happy, hope you are too, Lucy x

Lucy all the best and thank you so much for the update on "our" lovely Big Ben he is gorgeous as ever xx

Ben xx
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Humphrey's selfie xx >>
Posted: 10th January 2015

Ena and Frank
Happy New Year.
He is Humphrey. It is 2 years since we collected him from you and he is the best thing ever! This is his selfie!
Humphrey thanks for the update, your very clever lol, Happy New Year to you and your family xx

Humphrey's selfie xx
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Tank xx >>
Posted: 9th January 2015

Hi everyone
Just wanted to wish you all the best for 2015 and send a few pics of Tank enjoying a Hogmanay walk at the Dalmeny Estate. He's such a special wee dog, we love him to bits!
Thanks again for bringing such a smashing wee man into our lives!
Renee, Nick and Noah.
Renee thank you so very much for the update on wee Tank, he is a wee treasure, so p[leased he has settled in so very well. Love the pics xx

Tank xx  Tank xx
Tank xx  Tank xx
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Honey xx >>
Posted: 9th January 2015

Hi thanks to everyone who called about me like Pip I was very popular. This is me with my new folks, I, like wee Alfie think I'm a Border Collie would play with a ball all day long. Love Honey xx

Ps: just waiting for dad to take me down the park and shout " Honey come here " hahaha xx

Honey xx
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Pip xx >>
Posted: 9th January 2015

Hi everyone this is me with my mum, sounds so good !!Thanks to everyone who called offering me a home, but I am now in my new home and mum and her family are " in love" and I'm sure I will settle in just fine. Love Pip xx

Pip xx
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