Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Since it opened in 1999, hundreds of dogs have passed through the kennels doors and have gone on to wonderful new homes and families. On this page you will see some of those lucky dogs in their forever homes, and hear how they've settled in and how they've enriched their new families' lives.

Bobbi xx >>
Posted: 25th May 2015

Well this wee lad caused the phones to melt Sarah was saying lol. However he now has a wonderful home with Elizabeth and her family, who as you can tell by the smiles were so happy to be taking him home, where he has settled in a treat loved by all the family xx

Every day is new and special with our wee man, Bobbi. He has settled in amazingly well and I feel like he has always been with us. He woke me up by licking my face at 6.15 this morning then ran down the stairs to the backdoor to get out. He promptly ran back upstairs onto my daughter's bed and curled back up. Needless to say lol I was aeake by then, I'm gonna have to get a doggy door installed lol. We spent the morning at the groomers .Fiona, getting to know her, then registered with and met our new vet David. Now we are all going for a walk since the weather is so nice. I have included some pics of us in the garden. More will follow. Elizabeth thank you so much for the update on Bobbi he looks great sporting his new hair cut.Glad he has settled so well xAnother Bobbi update how spoiled is he lol xx

Did I mention that he is spoiled rotten lol. He has taken over my daughter's bed as his own haha. We were up walking in the trossachs today, I think he may be a little tired lol. He is such a joy to have around. Perfect little bundle of madness. Thanks again for trusting us with him.
Dawn, Elizabeth, Sahrina and Alexander

Bobbi xx  Bobbi xx
Bobbi xx  Bobbi xx
Bobbi xx  Bobbi xx
Bobbi xx  Bobbi xx
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Ted xx >>
Posted: 22nd May 2015

This is Ted now in a lovely new home with his wee "sis" Peaches and his "dad" , he was such a scared wee lad when he came in, but has come on so well, he and Peaches have met each other a couple times just to make sure they get on. So another happy ending just the kind we like xx

Ted xx
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Two Happy Hounds xx >>
Posted: 22nd May 2015

This is Mac and Robbie setting off for their new home with a very excited and happy mum.We weren't sure if we would manage to keep them together, but were determined to try as they had just " lost " their dad so we didn't want them to be separated from each other. Then along came Anne who is totally besotted with the boys already, well who wouldn't be they are great wee guys. xx

Two Happy Hounds xx
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Jess xx >>
Posted: 19th May 2015
Hi Ena & Frank
Can't believe it's 2 years today since Jess came home with us! I've attached a few pictures, the first one not looking too happy with her new coat on. She hates getting wet but its going to take a little time and patience for her to realise she is not being punished when she gets her coat on! She just stands rigid and wont move - wont even take a biscuit, which is definitely not like her! So I think it’s a few trial runs in the house before we venture out in it. She and Jake are very happy together, if one disappears into the woods the other wont move until they come back. She does get jealous if Jake gets attention but then that's why we have 2 hands!
What you do is amazing, you bring such happiness to so many dogs and people - even reading your website is so heartwarming. Thank you so much for allowing us to have Jess in our lives xxx
Thank You Laura it is hard to believe it's two years, where does the time go.
Loving the photo's Jake is gorgeous as well. Hope Jess gets used to her coat lol xx

Jess xx  Jess xx
Jess xx  Jess xx
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Peanut and Fudgi (previously Kingston) >>
Posted: 18th May 2015

Well we came back for a wee visit today, Auntie Ena missed our visit but we left her a wee photo just so she can say aah look aint they gorgeous!

Peanut and Fudgi (previously Kingston)
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Toby on his hols xx >>
Posted: 16th May 2015

Hi Ena, Toby has been on holiday thought you would like a photo of him surveying the territory, we were at Grannies Heillin. Hame and he had a great time xx

Jean thank you he looks so confident and happy, hope you all had a lovely time xx

Toby on his hols xx
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Archie >>
Posted: 16th May 2015

Archie went away to his new home today. Don't know who was more excited him or his new family! He jumped in the back of the car no trouble and off he went. Another happy wee resident on his way to his new life xx

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Dizzy (was Lizzy) >>
Posted: 16th May 2015

Dizzy brought her dad and sister back for a wee visit today! This wee girl has grown so much since she went away to her new home. She loves running on the beach and has her dad wrapped round her wee paw!! It was great to see her again.

Dizzy (was Lizzy)
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Smokey >>
Posted: 15th May 2015

This is me getting ready to set off with mum and dad. My big brother Luther is waiting patiently at home. Mum is good on facebook so I'm sure she will teach me the art of selfies!

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Tara >>
Posted: 15th May 2015

Tara brought her dad back for a visit today. This lovely lass (who didn't even do bed and breakfast with us!) has found her forever home. Everyone in the family is smitten with Tara and poor Tom has to wait in queue to take her for a walk! Another wee lass that has landed on all four paws.xx

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Poppy going to her new home xx >>
Posted: 12th May 2015

Well this was a hard one !! this morning Poppy went to her new home. We all loved her here especially Frank I did say he could take her home, but he knew she needed a home where she will be the centre of attention. She will be the apple of her new mum's eye I'm quite sure, look at her cuddling into mum already xx

Poppy going to her new home xx
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Tess and Riley back to visit xx >>
Posted: 12th May 2015

Tess and Riley brought their folks for a visit the other day,both looking great as is their folks. Great to see them xx

Tess and Riley back to visit xx
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Jack xx >>
Posted: 11th May 2015

Wee Jack the Yorkie getting ready to go home with his pal Missy ( who looks so like wee Alfie it's unreal) This is him with his lovely new family xx

Jack xx
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Patch going home xx >>
Posted: 11th May 2015

This is Patch a 12 week old Staffie another wee one who never reached the website This is him with his mum he does have a big very cannie canine brother called Toby who was there with them but sadly not in the photo. xx

Patch going home xx
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Molly xx >>
Posted: 6th May 2015

Hi Ena,

Please find some photos of Molly attached. My sister said it was ok to send the one with her daughter, Morven. Will send some pictutres of Ollie soon.


Hi Andrew thank you so very much for the update on Molly, great to see to see her photo's. Look forward to some of Ollie xx

Molly xx  Molly xx
Molly xx  Molly xx
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Mika xx >>
Posted: 4th May 2015

Mika says thanks for toys as you can see she is loving them have had to hide some for later.
Thanks for the update on your gorgeous girl, glad she likes the toys xx

Mika xx
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Milo and Harley xx >>
Posted: 4th May 2015

Next visit was Milo and Harley both look fantastic although would rather have been going down the park lol, but it was so lovely to catch up with them and their folks xx

Milo and Harley xx
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Hamish xx (was Perry here), he is >>
Posted: 4th May 2015

Well we have had a lovely day today first of all Hamish came with his folks for a visit, he looks great and had great fun chasing a ball along with the rest of the dogs here. He has settled so well with his folks who obviously just adore the wee lad xx

Hamish xx (was Perry here), he is
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Rosie going home xx >>
Posted: 1st May 2015

This is our wee Rosie heading of to her new "Forever " home. What a great life she is going to have. Hopefully her folks will keep in touch with photo's. Well you know I love getting updates on all our past residents xx

Rosie going home xx
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Skye going home xx. >>
Posted: 1st May 2015

This is Skye getting ready to set off to a brand new life with Marley (Second Chance boy) and her lovely new family xx

Skye going home xx.
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