Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Since it opened in 1999, hundreds of dogs have passed through the kennels doors and have gone on to wonderful new homes and families. On this page you will see some of those lucky dogs in their forever homes, and hear how they've settled in and how they've enriched their new families' lives.

Billy xx >>
Posted: 10th June 2015

Wee Billy brought his folks for a visit last week,he is such a happy wee soul. His folks are besotted with him so much so I said to them "Think we'll need to take Billy back, don't think you love Billy enough lol " All the family adore him xx

Billy xx
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Posted: 10th June 2015

Well this is Max off to a lovely new home now, he was so excited to see his new family again. We take our hats off to them as well because they had booked a holiday but wouldn't have been able to take Max with them, so they asked the children holiday or Max ? and everyone plumped to have Max join their family.So pleased for them all. xx

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Erica xx >>
Posted: 10th June 2015

Hi Ena and Co
It's 7 years since we adopted our beautiful Enca from you. Where have the years gone? When we came along we had a small male dog that didn't shed hair in mind but we just couldn't resist our not so small, female, constantly hair shedding spotty dog. We wouldn't change her for the world though. We love her to bits and get full on unconditional love back in return. She wouldn't be with us if wasn't for you and your Team. Keep up the good work.
Lynda, Iain and Fiona xx
Hi folks you've said it where does the time go, can hardly believe its 7 years since we were out visiting you.Erica is looking so good, everytime I think about her i see a wee dog with a purple bandage lol. Thank you so very much for the update on your lovely girlie xx
Look what came up this morning you your husband and Erica, when you adopted her xx

Erica xx  Erica xx
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Tank xx >>
Posted: 9th June 2015

Hi Everyone
Thought I'd send you a few photos of Tank, here he is on a walk along the old railway at the Ferry Glen today. He's doing ever so well, we're just back from a wee holiday up in Dunkeld and he absolutely loved it! Spent all day sniffing about in the Tay Forrest and all evening snoozing on the couch :)
All the best
Renee, Nick and Noah
Hi Folks,
Thank you so so very much, for the update on your wee lad Tank, they are lovely so glad he is having such a great time, he looks very happy xx

Tank xx  Tank xx
Tank xx  Tank xx
Tank xx   
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Poppy xx >>
Posted: 9th June 2015

Wee Poppy brought her mum back for a visit today,she was looking really bonnie. and so happy. Tried to get a photo of her but she wouldn't sit still or look at the camera, well she had a squeaky ball lol. What's really good is her mum adores her xx

Poppy xx
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Lennox xx >>
Posted: 9th June 2015

Last but by no means least today is Lennox, he too has found a brilliant home as you can see by the photo, don't know who has the biggest smile xx.All in all a wonderful day for three wee dogs and their wonderful new families xx

Lennox xx
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Leo xx >>
Posted: 9th June 2015

This wee lad has also gone to his new home today, ( sorry Frank ) he has another wee dog waiting at home for him, think its going to be a fight to see whose knee he goes on lol. xx Leo is the second one of our residents to go today.

Leo xx
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Lily going home xx >>
Posted: 9th June 2015

Well this wee lass looks very happy going off to her new home, as do her lovely family. xx

Lily going home xx
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Honey xx >>
Posted: 8th June 2015

This is wee Honey off to her new home, she is going to be so well loved even though she took her squeaky turtle home with her.xx

Honey xx
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Wee Aggie xx >>
Posted: 7th June 2015

Hi Ena
I hope you and Frank are well? Here is photos of Aggie when we were in Aberfeldy at the weekend. She is doing smashing a lovely natured dog with a very energetic nature.
Hi Amy thanks for the lovely photo's of your wee Aggie, all the wee " Gremlin's" look so much alike.xx

Wee Aggie xx  Wee Aggie xx
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Max >>
Posted: 6th June 2015

Max brought his family back through for a visit today. What a handsome wee chap he is, has settled really well and seems a happy wee guy x Thanks Max for bringing the food and treats for all our other residents. Hope to see you at Bark in the Park!

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Benji >>
Posted: 6th June 2015

My new family came for me today and by the time you read this I will be all settled in my new home. Thanks to everyone who enquired about me (I really do appreciate it x) love Benji

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Bailey and his wee pals xx >>
Posted: 5th June 2015

Hi Ena
Here's Bailey a bit mucky looking he's just come in from digging in garden but as you can see he watches everything Oscar does and Sophia just loves him!!
Lovely photo's as per usual thank you xx

Bailey and his wee pals xx  Bailey and his wee pals xx
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Taz xx >>
Posted: 4th June 2015

Taz brought her folks for a visit today as you can see she is one of the Gremlin's. Poor Erin ( her sis) she must have been i need of a rest as Alfie and Taz had her throwing a tennis ball for ages to them.Wish I had some of their energy lol. It was so good to see them xx

Taz xx
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Daisy and Sid xx >>
Posted: 3rd June 2015

Hi Ena, Frank & Alfie
Sid & Daisy are doing so well, we all have great fun together. Daisy certainly helped to bring Sid out of his shell, they run and play together and always come back to me, a sight I never thought I would see as Sid was so nervous before. Thanks for making this possible, Tom and I love them to bits.
Audrey xx
Thank you for the update on your two lovely wee ones, so so pleased they are getting on so well xxx

Daisy and Sid xx
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Scruffy / Sparkey xx >>
Posted: 1st June 2015

Well Scruffy you have certainly landed on all four paws this time lass, going to stay with Sparkey and his lovely family is all we could have hoped for. XX

Scruffy / Sparkey xx
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Toby ( was Geno) >>
Posted: 31st May 2015

Look who came to visit the other day Toby and he is looking great and has so much more confidence now, so happy he has settled in so well with his lovelely family xx

Toby ( was Geno)
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Bobbi xx >>
Posted: 30th May 2015

Had a great day out today in Aberfoyle at David Marshall's Lodge. Wee Bobbi is just so happy and full of life. He loves being out and so do we, so it's a perfect match. What a great day we have had. I hope I'm not bothering you with all the mail, I know how busy you all are, it's just great to share my happiness...

Elizabeth no bother at all !! we love seeing how our past residents are getting on, and this wee fella is certainly have great fun. Thanks xx

Bobbi xx  Bobbi xx
Bobbi xx  Bobbi xx
Bobbi xx   
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Danna xx >>
Posted: 29th May 2015

Hi Auntie Ena
Thought I would send you a pic of me fully grown now, with big sis Gigha.
Danna xxx
Lovely photo of you and your sis Danna xx

Danna xx
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Izzy with her pal Bailey xx >>
Posted: 27th May 2015

Hi Ena,
Just to let you know that I was spayed last week and everything was fine. Bob is having trouble keeping me from running around to much but I go for a check up on Friday and then he will be letting me run for balls and taking me for longer walks.
Have attached a picture of me and my friend Bailey after we had a walk on the hills the other week - he's gone home now so I have the place to myself.
Luv Izzy
Izzy it's so good to hear how your getting on,you sound as though you've landed on all four paws, loving the photo. xx

Izzy with her pal Bailey xx
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