Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Since it opened in 1999, hundreds of dogs have passed through the kennels doors and have gone on to wonderful new homes and families. On this page you will see some of those lucky dogs in their forever homes, and hear how they've settled in and how they've enriched their new families' lives.

Stella xx >>
Posted: 28th September 2015

We had a visit from Stella and her family, she was the wee quiet one in her litter. She is a bit more outgoing now and is obviously adored by her family.It was good to see them all xx.

Stella xx
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Bailey Oscar & familyxx >>
Posted: 23rd September 2015

Haven't sent any in a while so thought I would send some through
Thanks Victoria great pics as always xx

Bailey Oscar & familyxx  Bailey Oscar & familyxx
Bailey Oscar & familyxx  Bailey Oscar & familyxx
Bailey Oscar & familyxx   
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Tara xx >>
Posted: 20th September 2015

Well wee Tara like Buster has found a lovely home, her folks were in signing all the forms and the phone was still ringing for her. Her new mum and dad are just so nice the only thing is they have a cat !! Hopefully Tara is young enough to accept he /she . She would like to thank everyone who called offering her a home. xx

Tara xx
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Buster xx >>
Posted: 20th September 2015

Buster had visitors yesterday and he got on very well with them and their wee dog Thea who is also a wee rescue girl. He had great fun so much so after a home visit, he is now safely ensconsed in his new home. Buster's new family are just so lovely as is wee Thea.xx

Ps: He would like to thank everyone who called offering him a home xx

Buster xx
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Maya xx >>
Posted: 17th September 2015

Wee Maya with her family ( well except daddy) she has a lovely Staffie called Tia as her big sis. Tia is so so gentle with Maya.Again a very happy family. She too had a good night. This is Maya in her new garden with big sis Tia and a toy xx

Update on Maya, thanks Helen.x




All is still going well. Tia and Maya love to snuggle. She has met her new dad and enjoyed cuddles but he was a bit camera shy.


Maya has found her voice and does demand Tia plays by barking and can be a bit rough. Tia is still putting her in her place.
She is a real sweetheart. Very loving and learning quickly.


Take care




Maya xx  Maya xx
Maya xx  Maya xx
Maya xx  Maya xx
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Binky xx >>
Posted: 17th September 2015

This is Binky with her very excited mum,Binky stayed back to keep Maya company so they could both go on the same day.They like the other seven puppies have wonderful homes, couldn't have wished for better, Sarah called today to see how she had settled in, great news she is doing very well and everyone loves her. xx

Binky xx
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Duchess & Millie xx >>
Posted: 14th September 2015

Becky and Sammy brought these two wee cuties back for a visit. They have only been in their new homes since end of August and are doing so well. Lovely outgoing wee souls who love everyone xx

Duchess & Millie xx
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Jake and Poppy xx >>
Posted: 14th September 2015

Hi Frank Ena & crew, just a wee update on Jake and Poppy. I'm just in from nightshift and they are all over me. Jake is starting to get grey, he will be eight this year. He is still the most loyal, 'knowing' dog I have ever had. Poppy will be five this year. Should have called her Janet......the gannet!! Eats everything in sight, except jelly!!! Love going out play chuck it twice a day till they get all hot then paddle in the stream at the 'doggy park'. Have lots of doggy friends, the most been in park at same time was about 15 dogs & the owners were all chucking balls for each other's dogs, good fun. It's 2 years now we have been in Devon - well settled. Still keep up to date with your website and all the good work you do. Take care, Sam.

Sam how lovely to hear from you, and to hear how Jake and Poppy are doing.Janet the gannet !!! well she is a Labrador lol. Love the photo of you all We always love getting updates on our past residents. xx

Jake and Poppy xx
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Re Balloon Race !!! >>
Posted: 12th September 2015

Well so far not one balloon seems to have been found so far !! We will keep you posted as soon as one is.

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Stan xx. >>
Posted: 10th September 2015

Another one of our SBT puppies off to his new home, his mum is so excited, she already has Bailey who is an older Staffy he has met Stan and was so good with him it was lovely to see. xx

Stan xx.
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Tara xx >>
Posted: 10th September 2015

Our lovely Tara has now gone to her Forever Home, she has settled in so very well, loves everyone, really nice family so happy for her. xx

Tara xx
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Walt & Casper xx >>
Posted: 9th September 2015

Well these two boys have certainly landed on all eight paws. Their family are just lovely and they were so good last night (first night in their new home)Looking forward to getting photo's of the boys xx.

Walt & Casper xx
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Max xx >>
Posted: 9th September 2015

Hi Ena
Sorry it's taken me so long to send you photos of Max with his two new best friends (Ben and Abigail). He's actually been missing them now they are back at school and is so excited when they come home. He's so settled these days and part of the family
Sarah thats so good to hear so happy for you all xx

Max xx  Max xx
Max xx  Max xx
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Alfie xx >>
Posted: 8th September 2015

Alfie came for a visit so sorry we missed him, looking great as always xx

Alfie xx
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Wee Chico xx >>
Posted: 6th September 2015

Lovely surprise the other day wee Chico came to visit,this is him with his dad. He is about 11 years young now and doing well, it was lovely to see them all xx

Wee Chico xx
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Benji xx >>
Posted: 6th September 2015

Hi Ena

Just to let you all know Benji is settling in really well - he still does not get on great with the cat, it will be a slow process, however there is room in our home for both and I am sure Benji will get used to Oscar the cat eventually. Oscar doesn't seem bothered either way, typical cat!

Benji just loves long walks with us, both in the woods and on the beach, he also enjoys playing with his toys in the back garden and is learning to bring his ball back to us for a treat, sometimes he even drops it without being asked.

He is a beautiful dog, with a lovely personality and he has been a very welcome addition to our family, thank you so much for letting us give him his forever home, we couldn't imagine life without him.

Wee update on our Benji, they thought it couldn't be done !!!

But we have tired Benji out after a day of walks and playing with his 3 cousins running around having fun

Here are some pics for you.

Hope all is going well at the Kennels, I know you are very busy.

Hazel, Leia, Benji & Oscar xxx

Thanks for the update on Benji great to hear he has settled so well, we never ever saw him tuckered out lol. xx

Benji xx  Benji xx
Benji xx  Benji xx
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Luna xx >>
Posted: 5th September 2015

Another one of our puppies setting off to her new home. By the smile on Laura's face I think she might be a wee bit excited as are her mum and dad who are sitting just out of the range of the camera. Such a lovely family. Laura brought Luna a lovely wee pink harness that should fit her by the time she is ready to go walkie's. Methinks Luna was a bit camera shy lol XX

Luna xx  Luna xx
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Molly xx >>
Posted: 5th September 2015

Hi everyone it's me wee Molly getting ready to set of to my new home, my folks are lovely bought me lots of things already. I would just like to thank everyone who called offering me a home, hope your all happy to know I will be in a home tonight getting lots of cuddles. love Molly xx

Molly xx
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Skye ( was Lola here ) >>
Posted: 1st September 2015

Hi Ena
Sorry never checked my emails yesterday, Yes Skyes doing really well, she's a totally different dog now, she's anything but timid! every morning I let her out the back first thing and she dives into Wallaces run and gets him out his kennel! and anytime she hears us mention Wallace she's desperate to go outside and see him. She's stopped chasing the hens but she still likes to herd them but she keeps her distance and they're getting used to her.
She had her first ride in the combine yesterday and the noise didnt seem to bother her, Craigs not had her with him as much as he intended with her being in season but shes on day 13 now so not long to go and she'll be with him most of the time.
I've not taken any really good pics yet, she moves too fast! Ive attached a few though the first 2 of them shes "worrying" her Shaun the Sheep toy and the others she at her favourite spot for catching flies!
Will send some more soon.
Hi Fiona thank you for the update on Skye so pleased for her, love the photo's xx

Skye ( was Lola here )  Skye ( was Lola here )
Skye ( was Lola here )  Skye ( was Lola here )
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Teddy xx >>
Posted: 1st September 2015

Bill has been at the kennels a few times looking for a special friend for their family. Guess who caught his eye on Saturday yep our Teddy. Now Teddy used to bark when people came in but not once did he bark at Bill he totally adopted Bill before even he knew it lol,he has settled in a treat. xx

Teddy xx
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