Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Since it opened in 1999, hundreds of dogs have passed through the kennels doors and have gone on to wonderful new homes and families. On this page you will see some of those lucky dogs in their forever homes, and hear how they've settled in and how they've enriched their new families' lives.

Angus >>
Posted: 1st January 2006

Hiya I am one of Gypsy's puppy's, I had to wait a wee while longer at the kennels, It being Christmas, but it was well worth the wait. I have been chosen by such a lovely family and my name is going to be Angus. This is me getting ready to go to my new home. Angus x.

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Bonnie >>
Posted: 1st January 2006

How lucky am I, this is me on my way home with my lovely family, for some reason they just adore me! Bonnie x

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Lady >>
Posted: 29th December 2005

I know Ena said she wasn't rehoming till after the New Year but guess what, a really lovely couple came with their own dog Blondie, who looks just like me, and is so loved and well cared for, so of course they didn't want to pass up the chance of such a lovely home for me, so this is me with my "sister" and my mum & dad

Lady x.

P.S. I am the one on the right with the big smile on my face!

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Mylo >>
Posted: 29th December 2005

Hello Ena,

We thought you would like to see just how much Mylo is growing up! He was thoroughly spoilt yesterday and was the centre of attention, receiving lots of toys and seasonal headwear. He is a delightful pup with a huge appetite and a desire to round up the cats. Soon we will be able to start training with a lead and then it`s out for lots of walks and meeting the neighbourhood dogs. We will pop over to Fife soon and let you see what a handsome young dog he is turning out to be.

All the best to everyone at Second Chance and have a great New Year.


Mylo  Mylo
Mylo  Mylo
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Auntie Jean & her foster babies >>
Posted: 29th December 2005

This is one of our fosterers, Auntie Jean, with her very first foster babes. These two pups are now in their own homes, but Auntie Jean made sure they were looked after until they went there!

Auntie Jean & her foster babies
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Louis Gardiner >>
Posted: 26th December 2005

Hello Ena and all at second chance kennels...have a merry christmas and happy new is a picture of louis in his new coat and hair cut. He is doing very well, we are having a behaviour therapist come next week to assess him as he is a little devil in disguise. He is eating well, gets a bit stressed if left for too long, and thinks he's the boss. He likes to sing with me when i practice for my shows, i sing and he starts howling, talking, quite funny actually. Glad to see all the success stories at the kennels. I went over to Ireland a few weeks ago with a friend who was rescuing an irish red setter, (no one wanted her cause of her age, she's 5) see all my friends are now rescuing instead of getting puppies. Told them all about you too.

Bye for now

Avril and Louis Gardiner

Louis Gardiner  Louis Gardiner
Louis Gardiner   
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Piper >>
Posted: 26th December 2005

Merry Christmas. Some photographs of Piper enjoying his first family Christmas. You will see I have become a wine connoisseur. We have moved house and Piper has settled in and seems to be content in his house on the hill.


Piper  Piper
Piper  Piper
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Gypsy (re-homed in summer 2003) >>
Posted: 26th December 2005

Hi Ena,

Just a wee note to wish you all a happy Christmas from Gypsy and her family up here in Durris. Gypsy is thriving - she has bagged a few more Munroes this year, will still play 'fetch' ALL day with the kids, and still loves sausages!!

best wishes


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Angus >>
Posted: 26th December 2005

Hi there, Angus here, Just a quick note to wish the gang down at Second Chance a merry christmas and good New Year.

I've sent you a picture of me at my new home on the west coast, check out my new back garden! This week I'm learning to sit, stay, lie down and walk on, all good fun eh?

Anyway I'm off for another swim now, speak soon.......Angus.

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Maggie >>
Posted: 21st December 2005

Some of you may remember Maggie the Border Collie who was knocked down on the bypass and had to have her front leg amputated.

Well she ended up with the most wonderful home and is soooooo loved by all the family.

This is her now with her mum & dad (Sharnie & James) and her baby brother Arnie (how cute is he!). She has so come on under their tender loving care, but still doesn't like having her photo taken and I have to say didn't want to be here at the kennels.

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Rusty & Benji >>
Posted: 19th December 2005

This is Morag and Adam with Rusty who came all the way from Warrington, he has really settled down and is a smashing wee dog , he now has a "wee brother" Benji who came from here they are both getting on like a house on fire.

It is so nice to see our past residents coming back to visit, we love to see them!

Rusty & Benji
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Buster >>
Posted: 19th December 2005

This is Buster with his mum & dad back to say hello, isn't he gorgeous!

Some may not remember him, he came to us on the 4th April 2001 he was with us until December of the same year as he had to have both hips done (wee soul) and he was so good. However he landed on all four paws when he went to stay with Nigel & Gillian and as you can see is doing really well.

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Ben >>
Posted: 19th December 2005

This lovely lad is Ben, pictured with his Lovely mum & big "sis" Donna who adore him, when they came for a visit to the kennels.

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Bob >>
Posted: 19th December 2005

This is one of our past residents Bob (aka Santa's little helper) with his doting mum Fiona, pictured when he came back for a Christmas visit to the kennels.

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Henry >>
Posted: 17th December 2005

To think this was the wee quivering wreck who came to us after being left in a flat on his own for days!!

This is the Christmas message Henry's new family sent us:

love frm the huxtable family here is Henry at his 1st Birthday party or should that be Hendolf cheers all merry christmas and great 2006 to staff and all the animals looking for
a second chance lots of love xxx

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Bonnie >>
Posted: 17th December 2005

This is Bonnie, who came up from Warrington, with Lesley & Mark her new family, she is doing absolutely great!

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Tess >>
Posted: 17th December 2005

This is Tess looking very happy with her family when she came back for a visit.

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Heather >>
Posted: 17th December 2005

This is Heather getting ready to set of to her new home with her lovely mum

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Tyson >>
Posted: 17th December 2005

This is Tyson who is off to his new home, he has such a lovely mum as another three of our residents can testify.

Sheba is the wee tan & white one on the right who had a broken leg when she came to us, then there is Rags the hairy one in the middle and dear old Whisky on the left.

Tyson  Tyson
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Diesel >>
Posted: 16th December 2005

This is Diesel, one of the 7 wee terrier pups. His new "mum" has sent us this message to let us know how well he is getting on:

hi again, here are the photos i promised you of Diesel. you'll be able to see him having fun putting up the decorations and how well he and my girls are getting on!! Courtney is the big 1 , (she was with us to pick him up) and the little 1 is Rebecca. he seems especially fond of Courtney though!!

Hope the other pups are just as happy as he is.


Diesel  Diesel
Diesel  Diesel
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