Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Since it opened in 1999, hundreds of dogs have passed through the kennels doors and have gone on to wonderful new homes and families. On this page you will see some of those lucky dogs in their forever homes, and hear how they've settled in and how they've enriched their new families' lives.

Sam,Tess & Jack >>
Posted: 19th December 2008

This is Sam ( yellow lab) then he was joined with Tess (black lab) and then last but not least wee Jack who joined them this year all live together very happily and are adored by their family, only thing is I think they must be wee bit lopsided and probably need another dog to even things up haha.

I saw a rabbit honest- Merry Christmas and this is our wee Jack sitting at his dad's desk. Oh he is gorgeous.

Sam , Tess and Jack ( bumble)

Jim McGregor

Sam,Tess & Jack  Sam,Tess & Jack
Sam,Tess & Jack  Sam,Tess & Jack
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Jed >>
Posted: 19th December 2008

Hi Ena/Mhairi,

I'm getting on well and am now begining to enjoy my new surroundings.

Thought you would like to see me studying hard at home for the festive season and also during my play time.

Hope you have a very good Christmas and New Year because I know I will as I'm going to my Gran's for Christmas dinner.

See you in the New Year.

Lots of licks and paws


PS: Mum and dad just back from the shops I'd better get off the computer.

Jed  Jed
Jed  Jed
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Willow >>
Posted: 19th December 2008

This is Willow back with her mum Sheila for a visit, Willow can be a wee madam her mum says but she loves her anyway.Sheila now helps us out at the kennels when she can which is lovely.

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Sandy >>
Posted: 19th December 2008

This is Sandy back for a visit, he has been out for a few years now and is looking very well, and his folks adore him.

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Poppy >>
Posted: 19th December 2008

We were asked to help rehome a young Labradoodle girl just a puppy really, well there was no room at the inn but wait a brilliant idea came to mind, young Alfie our white Labradoodle just might like a friend. So called Alfie's house got his dad told him the story he phoned his wife and the rest is history Alfie now has a baby sister.

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Dennis >>
Posted: 19th December 2008

This is Dennis back for a visit, his mum dad and other couples did a "Come dine with Me"whereby another three couples and themselves each made a meal and paid £20-00 for each meal and everyone had to vote as to who had made the best meal and guess what Dennis's mum & dad won, WELL DONE ! and they donated the £80-00 to Second Chance Kennels, thanks guys.

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Meg >>
Posted: 19th December 2008

We only placed the three Pet Care Centre dogs on the web site on Saturday night and great news is they all have found lovely caring new homes.( Sorry the pics are late comuter was on the blink !!)

This is Meg getting ready to go home, we have since heard she has settled in wonderfully well and her owners absolutely adore her.

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Scrappy >>
Posted: 19th December 2008

Scrappy brought her folks back for a visit, she has settled in very well but is still very scared of men but Liz & Steve have helped her so much already. It won't be long before she is acting like a 7month old puppy should.

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Ozzy >>
Posted: 14th December 2008

This is wee Ozzy with his mum who totally adores him, isn't he looking great.

Ozzy  Ozzy
Ozzy  Ozzy
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Rusky >>
Posted: 13th December 2008

This is Emma ( was Rusky ) we met her family yesterday when they just fell in love with her. Only her dad came to collect her today, but he has promised to send a family photo in.

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Chester & Ralph >>
Posted: 13th December 2008

Merry Christmas to all at the Kennels
love and licks Chester and Ralph!

Thought Aunty Ena would like our outfits". I would have preferred the elf suit". "The thing's you've to do for a gravy bone"

Chester & Ralph  Chester & Ralph
Chester & Ralph   
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Coco >>
Posted: 12th December 2008

This is Coco who never reached the web site with his lovely family in his new home.

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Jess >>
Posted: 11th December 2008

Jess the young Springer Spaniel came with her dad, this was the second time for Jess from the kennels, the first people only kept her about five weeks. Her new family are besotted with her and she also has a spaniel sis,
Just listening to her " dad " rave about her was wonderful.

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Gypsy >>
Posted: 11th December 2008

Look who came back to visit us today wee Gypsy, it was lovely to see her again, it will be three years tomorrow since she went to live with Luke and his family, She is looking great is loved to bits and is young Luke's best friend.

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Jasper >>
Posted: 10th December 2008

See some people do look at the web site, this is the springer girlie's mum, that Jasper spoke about in his thread.
Pleased to say that Jasper has now gone to stay with Penny, we are all so pleased for him. The wind will never blow the wrong way on him ever again

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Radar >>
Posted: 9th December 2008

This is Radar doesn't he look good, he was adopted at six months old and has a wonderful home in the country.

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Ruby >>
Posted: 9th December 2008

Hiya this Ruby with her new mum and dad,brilliant home.

They had already adopted a black lab from us about five years ago and sadly she went to the Bridge two weeks ago at the age of 11.

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Tia >>
Posted: 9th December 2008

This is Tia from Perth, who has a clever daddy.Tia was adopted a few years ago as a puppy and is a well loved wee girl, I keep asking if she would like a friend but her mum & dad are just ignoring me.

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Ozzy >>
Posted: 8th December 2008

This is Ozzy with a very happy new mum and the wee girl next door to her who would love a dog,now she can share Ozzy. Sorry had to lighten the pic to see Ozzy's face a bit better.

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Star >>
Posted: 7th December 2008

Got these this morning this is Star with her brother ( northern Inuit) the Mum of the four Husky puppy's in the photo below. Star is looking stunning, filled out and looking absolutely brilliant.

Hi Ena,

Here are some photos of our Star,she is an amazing
girl we wouldn't be without her.She plays with her toys
and brother Timmeu all the time.She loves to run in the
sea on Dunnet beach 5 mins from the house,and we can even
let her off the lead for short runs,she loves to leap like
a gazelle through the ferns.
Take care and have a wonderful festive season
love and best wishes Heather,Jamie,Timmeu and Star

Star  Star
Star  Star
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