Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Since it opened in 1999, hundreds of dogs have passed through the kennels doors and have gone on to wonderful new homes and families. On this page you will see some of those lucky dogs in their forever homes, and hear how they've settled in and how they've enriched their new families' lives.

Bailey >>
Posted: 23rd February 2010

Aw he looks lovely as per usual Victoria lovey pics Thank you. x

Hi Ena

Just thought id send some photos of bailey in the snow yesterday - he cant get enough of it!!


Victoria & Bailey too!!

Bailey  Bailey
Bailey  Bailey
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Kyle >>
Posted: 23rd February 2010

Kyle the Border Collie brought his pal Storm and his folks back for a visit, he was pleased to see us and is looking well. He must be about 8 yrs old now and has a brilliant home

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Ozzy >>
Posted: 23rd February 2010

Well Ozzy brought his mum and friends back for a visit, doesn't he look smart sporting his lovely red bow tie. He really didn't want to be here I think he thought we were going to keep him, we darling he has a lovely home and doing very well.

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Skye >>
Posted: 23rd February 2010

Another lovely family who didn't know they were going to have a puppy so soon, were absolutely delighted when I gave them a call about wee Skye a 10 week old Labrador puppy,they brought Jess their labrador girl to see how they would get on and things went very well.So of course we had to have a photo ! black puppy dark jackets !!!! so I asked David if he would like to take something's off so we could get the puppy against something light and he was very good and obliged, now he's worried after asking him to strip where this pic will end up ha ha ha x ps; We are thinking of hiring him for our next girlie night out !!!!!!!!


Just a quick note to thank you so very much for your help.

Skye (now Lilly) is doing well in her new home. Despite a bit of a runny bott, she is eating for Scotalnd and keeping us on our toes. Our Children love her and her new Nanny, Jess, is looking after her.

I just want to say you and your husband do a terrific job at Second Chance, and your volunteers are a credit to you. Good people like you deserve a medal!

We will forward some pics.

Thanks again.

David & Julie Stobie
PS If you are planning a charity "Calendar Boys" then I'm sure my Agent will be happy to talk to you!!!

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Kimmy >>
Posted: 23rd February 2010

Aw Kimmy you look great.

Hi Everyone.
Kimmy here. Yous havent seen me in a while so here is some pictures of me in the house for you to see.
I am such a good girl and everyone loves me to bits! I still have the whip tail and hurt everyone with it when i get a bit excited, but its heeled up nicely and doesnt bleed anymore. Started to put on a bit of weight as well, so im not as skinny anymore.
I also love my comfort, cant lie on the couch without jumping up and knocking down the pillow for me to lie on.
Here are some pictures of Kimmy on Christmas Day and out enjoying all the snow!
Hope you like then and i hope to come back and visit sometime.
Love Kimmy & Family x

Kimmy  Kimmy
Kimmy  Kimmy
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Diesel >>
Posted: 21st February 2010

This is Diesel with his lovely new mum & dad, he went today Saturday and his folks are so pleased he has joined their family, he even met his Gran who thought he was lovely too.

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Molly & Jazz >>
Posted: 21st February 2010

This is Molly ( black white ) and wee Jazz who is now about 9 months another wee Staffy both Second Chance dogs and both absolutely loved to bits, thanks for bringing them both back for a visit.

Molly & Jazz
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Posted: 21st February 2010

This is another success story this wee lad has now gone to stay with this lovely girl, and he gets to go to work with her, where there are another four Second Chance dogs plus another three so 7 dogs in total that is five Husky's a Westie and a Cairn . Westie mix.All got on really well when we introduced them to each other.

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Ozzy >>
Posted: 16th February 2010

This is wee Ozzy who was adopted from here, coming for a visit on Sunday.

Hi Ena! We have had Ozzy for quite along time now and we feel he would like to come see you! We adore Ozzy and he would love to come and visit you!And we were just wondering when we could come in to see you!We are avalible on Sunday 21st of Feburary , If thats all right we could come over and visit you and the other dogs at second Chance! Lovely To see you
Love Ozzy the Poodle , Babs ,Jackie and Chloe! xxx

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Blaze >>
Posted: 16th February 2010

Hello girls!

These pictures were taken by a woman that attends my class at Camperdown park, she was catching all the dogs playing at the end, and caught Blaze in action. He is TOO friendly now and wants to play with EVERYONE! Making up for lost time?!?

Well it seems Blaze may have a new home!
Steve has had German Shepherds for years, and is such a soft touch, he loves nothing better than cuddling up with one - not your average 'German Shepherd guy'. His wife wanted a yorkie, so he hasn't had a big dog around for years, but now the little one is 14 and not able to walk far any longer, he said it is his turn. He just loved Blaze as soon as he met him and Blaze liked his food! I had tears streaming down my face yesterday, as I walked away, thinking of all that we have been through in these last months, what a special dog. I know he needs somewhere more calm than all the comings and goings at our place, and he doesn't really like to share me with the other dogs. But I will always hold a nook of my heart that one!

One last thing. This week I got a call out about a 3 year old german shepherd, Max, who the couple had adopted from a family who said their newborn was allergic. However they had only had the dog 3 months, and she was already pregnant when they took him on? Anyway the new owners took him on, not realising that he has severe people and dog aggression. He has bitten me twice, and Lorraine once, and they are now terrified, after only having him for two weeks. I went to see them on Thursday, and took Blaze with me. I met Max, and the same thing as Blaze originally did, launching up, lots of barking at me. I ignored him and asked for the lead, and he was calmer away from his new owners. When he met Blaze he launched at him barking and snarling, Blaze turned away and looked at me with a ''what's his problem?'' look. Within about 10 mins I had Max calm, and walked them both together, and then into their house. Max went in a huge huff, he was very confused. I was so proud of Blaze, imagine, the dog that was going to be put to sleep, HELPING another aggressive dog!
Anyway, after that Max met us at the park on saturday afternoon, but he was very very stressed out, so I suggested I take him home to work on his trust issues. I really think that he feels he has to look after the world, and his people. He recongnised Blaze again, and that is what helped him get in my van. He too has been fine with the dogs here (avoiding), but he is very very scared of me. I am leaving him too it, eventually he will get hungry and come looking for me!

How are things over with you guys? Hope you are having lots of successful rehomings?

Best Wishes,
Jess and Pack.

Blaze  Blaze
Blaze  Blaze
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Posted: 14th February 2010

This is a wee Maltese who has gone to stay with another 3 of our dogs a wee Chihuahua a wee Yorkie and a Border Collie who was scared witless and you want to see them all now, well you can see them in the photo's how happy are they. Can't thank their Mum enough for all the time and effort she has put in.Plus she had two BC and now has two gorgeous kittens.

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Oscar, Foley, Blaize, Eddie, Cooper & Finn >>
Posted: 13th February 2010

This is Lindsay back for a visit with Oscar Foley and wee Blaize and then Eddie Cooper and Finn her latest addition who are second chancers.Lindsay does obedience and agility with most of her dogs.Then one of Finn on his own he felt he needed to have a lie down.

It was lovely to see them all.

Oscar, Foley, Blaize, Eddie, Cooper & Finn  Oscar, Foley, Blaize, Eddie, Cooper & Finn
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Ollie & Polo >>
Posted: 13th February 2010

Hi Ena
Ollie doing really well now. Went back to walking the two dogs seperately so Ollie saw us as pack leaders and not Polo. Ollie walking so well at heel. Now obeys sit,down,stay,heel,drop,come and paw. Took both dogs over to park this morning together. Ollie's first time off leash. He did brilliantly even with other dogs as distraction. Met my brother with Molly and Harvey (could hear Harvey before we could see him! Typical Bassett Hound!) The four of them had a great time. Ollie's retriever skills are amazing.
Has had second obedience class, my wife reports that the other dog owners appear nervous of him but he is so well behaved! Their problem I guess!
Here's a couple of photos I took this morning. He just keeps getting bigger and bigger.
Caroline is planning on dropping in soon to see you with Ollie and Polo. He is also getting less anxious in the car. We have been taking him on very short trips in the car and increasing the time gradually. Sometimes I need to listen to my own advice that I give clients!
Am desperately trying to convince Caroline about your 14 month old lab/rott cross to increase our pack...............................I think she needs a wee "out of the blue" phone call from you....heee heee
Kind regards

Ollie & Polo  Ollie & Polo
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Jake >>
Posted: 11th February 2010

This is Jake back for a visit with his folks who just dote on him, he is a lovely big lad and so so friendly.

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Tori >>
Posted: 11th February 2010

This is Tori one of Jess's pups back for a visit, she is gorgeous , that's her a year old now, my how time flies.

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Murphy >>
Posted: 11th February 2010

This is Murphy in his new home with his big "Sis" getting on fabulously.

Murphy  Murphy
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Suki >>
Posted: 8th February 2010

This wee girl has gone to stay with Bailey who is featured recently on Happy Hounds, his folks thought he might like a friend and here she is, because she is such a suki wee girl that is what her name is now Suki siuts her and she has landed on all four paws now too.

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Benny & Zara >>
Posted: 8th February 2010

Well look at them do you think they have settled or do you think we should take them back ha ha. This is what it is all about matching the right people with the right dogs, even when they didn't know they wanted a second dog, but it was a lovely surprise for Audrey & Brian.

Hi Ena

Here are some pictures of the babes together - he is doing just fine. They are getting on really well and he is getting to share her sleeping cushion now.

Speak soon.


Benny & Zara  Benny & Zara
Benny & Zara   
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Ricky >>
Posted: 7th February 2010

Some of you may remember Ricky & Rusty the two puppies who came in for rehoming. Well both went on to find fantastic homes and this is Ricky an absolute charmer, he brought his folks back for a visit. His folks love him dearly and are so pleased he is part of their family as he is just a wee treasure x

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Zues >>
Posted: 7th February 2010

Its been a while but I am doing well....getting older but still up to chasing squirrels, cats and barking at the deer. (the bear is asleep now and should probably stay that way if he knows whats good for him grrrr!!)
Wanted to share with you my first experience of getting sprayed by a skunk! First of all I protected everyone in the house and then Susan opened the door to se what all the noise was about and promptly shut it on my face! I tell ya! She then made a lot of fuss about how much I was stinking the place up! Dont know what her deal was, it was me that got it in the chest! Then, to make matters worse I was bathed every single day for 2 weeks! Bit over the top if you ask me, but Susan insisted that I still smelled bad. I had to sleep in the garage for the first week, my bed was thrown away ....finally I got a brand new bed, new collar and was allowed back in the house!!
Well, hope Alfie finds a home soon, he seems like a nice boy. Hope you are both well,
Love Zeus xxx

This was taken about October . He is getting grey around his muzzle but still as handsome as ever! He's my best boy! My other best boy, Kelly, is getting bigger now, he's 9, and Zeus cant push him around as much. Its funny to see them wrestling now that Kelly is getting bigger!
My friend brought her wee puppy around and it was the cutest thing to see Zeus with this puppy. Just had us in stitches, he didnt know what to do with him so he sat on the puppy!!!!
Will send over more pics sometime soon.
Susan x

Hi Susan,

I was so thrilled to get your e-mail and that Zues is still to the fore, loved his wee story about the bear and the skunk hilarious. Would dearly love some pis of him. Lovely to hear from you Susan hope Tommy and the family are fine.
Zues was one of our Rottie boy's who was rehomed here but travelled all the way to Colorado Springs to a new life and boy is he loving it.

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