Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Since it opened in 1999, hundreds of dogs have passed through the kennels doors and have gone on to wonderful new homes and families. On this page you will see some of those lucky dogs in their forever homes, and hear how they've settled in and how they've enriched their new families' lives.

Lindsay's crew. >>
Posted: 10th November 2012

Lindsay came back to visit today, after she kindly did the home visit for Daisy May. She brought her " crew " with her. There is Foley / Oscar/ Blaize, and Cooper , Eddie and Finn who are Second Chance dogs. But I failed miserably today she went home without Jack or Troy !!!!! But Gary will be happy. It was lovely to see them all xx.

Lindsay's crew.  Lindsay's crew.
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Charlie >>
Posted: 8th November 2012

Hi Ena
Pics attached of the dogs. Charlie is really well, he has been a very healthy dog with no problems at all. He is a total sweet heart. I can hardly believe that it is nearly eight years since the wee lad was tied tou our gate just after Christmas, how time flies eh!! Do you ever see Sarah and Sam ?? I do see Sam most days as I still keep my horses at Sarahs. Sam and Charlie are best of friends and love to meet up and go for play dates together. Sam is a beautiful dog Sarah has done such a fantastic job with him.
Janet x

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Purdy >>
Posted: 8th November 2012

Not sure whether you got a report about Purdey Wurdey from me a couple of months ago, but here's an update. You'll remember she came from her previous owners rather overweight, and the vet has had her on a diet. Yesterday she was there for her booster (cos you'd had it done a year ago when she came to you) and the vet says she's reached the target I'd been set, 16 kg. That means she's lost half a stone since her heaviest point. I've to keep going and get her nearer 15 kg but her current weight is officially ok. Woo-hoo!

I hope everything is ok at the kennels. Take care,

Marjorie didn't receive your last update, but thanks for this one, great news about her weight loss she is looking well, so pleased for her. xx

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Bailey Collie. >>
Posted: 6th November 2012

More photo's of our lovely Bailey and his best pal,( who I have to say was born after family adopted Bailey )They are the best of pals and we always get lovely pics from his mum Victoria. As usual photo's are wonderful xxx.

Bailey Collie.  Bailey Collie.
Bailey Collie.  Bailey Collie.
Bailey Collie.   
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Jessie >>
Posted: 6th November 2012

Jessie on the beach at St Andrews, she loves the beach, and so much for her not being allowed on my bed, she's cute.

Hope you’re well,

Lynn and Jessie xx

So pleased to see her looking so fit and well Lynn xxx

Jessie  Jessie
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Sox >>
Posted: 6th November 2012

This is me in my new garden with my family, there is also Susie who was a Second Chance dog as well. We are gettin on fine and our folks love me already lots of love Sox xxxx

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Jess & Jimmy >>
Posted: 2nd November 2012

Hello Ena
I have been meaning to drop you a message for ages now to let you know that Jess and Jimmy are doing well in their forever home in Stirling. We can't believe they are both 9 years old now and that we have had Jess (previously Jenna) for 8 1/2 years and Jimmy for 5 years! Where does time go?
We discovered earlier this year that Jimmy, the Westie, has diabetes and has to have 2 injections every day. You are never too old to learn a new skill! He copes well with it though and I think the lure of the cooked chicken breast in his bowl helps us get the injection in.
Jess, on the other hand, runs away until the injection is over watching carefully from behind the bed until it is safe to come out. She has been a real treat of a dog. So obedient and loving.
I hope you are well and I see that you are still doing a great job in finding homes for all these dogs. What joy!
So nice to have a catch up.Thanks for the pics and story, sorry to hear about wee Jimmy but he looks great as does Jess, love the fire by the way xxxx

Jess & Jimmy  Jess & Jimmy
Jess & Jimmy  Jess & Jimmy
Jess & Jimmy   
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Our wee Dec. >>
Posted: 1st November 2012

Well it was a sad but happy day today, as our wee Dec who we have had for weeks, has gone to his new home. His mum has been up walking and getting to know him. Dec came into us very obese, weighing about 19 kilo's and we have managed to get some weight of him he now weighs 17.2 kilo's and his mum has promised NOT to give him treats and to bring him back to get weighed every fortnight. Lovely family and we know he will have a loving caring home. Not only that we have two new dog walkers, which is good.

This is Dec with his mum and two " sisters " all very excited at adopting our wee lad. xx

Our wee Dec.  Our wee Dec.
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Rocky >>
Posted: 1st November 2012

My mum came for me this morning, I was so excited I just couldn't sit still and there was no way I was taking my eyes of my mum, well she might have went without me. Didn't matter what Ena said I wouldn't look at the camera, so this is me with my mum giving her big licks. Lots of Love Rocky xxx

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Mac >>
Posted: 31st October 2012

Hi Ena and Frank,
Just spoken to you Ena,so thought I'd send these pics whilst all of them are sleeping!!
He's a great boy! I'd love to know more about his background though,because there are a couple of things he's really scared of.
Bathrooms being one of them! It was awful seeing him like that.
He loves the train though.We often pop up to Kdy to see Mum,as Methven is right at the station.As for the beach,well,I should buy shares in the bloody place!!
It's been a hectic 10 days getting to know him,but after an awful year,10 of the very best

Thank you

Will come and see you all next week.Love Alison xx

Hi everyone just thought I would send you an update on me, this is me having time out !!!! and just one of my wee face awww, I have settled in so well and my mum loves me to bits, even though I still want to chase the cats, but I'm sure we will get used to each other in time, mum says she will bring me to visit soon. Lots of love Mac xxxx

Mac  Mac
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Bonnie >>
Posted: 28th October 2012

I remember getting our dog Bonny from your kennels. She was very nervous and shy, and when i saw her i thought, right this dog needs lots of TLC and that is just what she has had for the last 15 years. But i am sad to say she is now very slow, has heart problems etc. But we make her as comfortable as possible and spoil her with all the love she can possibly get.

I would just like to say, thankyou for letting me have the most wonderful companion all these years and we hope we can keep her going a bit longer.

I have read your home page and it sounds like you give these lovely creatures such a lot of love. Until they are rehomed.
If the awful day should come that i should loose my wonderful friend, i and my family will, in time come to rehome another dog.
Margaret thank you so much for the update on Bonnie and the pics, she's lovely, its just so sad that like the rest of us they have to get old !!! I just love hearing from all our dogs xxx

Bonnie  Bonnie
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Broxi (Leo ) >>
Posted: 27th October 2012

We had visitors today in the shape of Broxi and his family, he is looking great and loves " his " cat now, they sleep together.He is adored by his family and is a very happy lad. It was lovely to see them xx

Broxi (Leo )
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Holly (Yorkie) >>
Posted: 27th October 2012

Hello Aunty Ena and Uncle Frank

I am starting to settle in my new home with my new mum. I had to go and see a nice man called Angus he is a vet. My new mum said that my breath was a bit wiffy!!!! So I had some dental work done and now I can give and get lots of kisses.

I am getting out and meeting new friends and I visit my country cousins Scruffy and Skye. Photos to follow as my mum cannt find them just now.

So here are some photos of me. I have a lovely pink harness and a new red coat.

I will come and visit you soon.

Lots of Love


Hi Holly,

Thank you so much for the photo's nice to see you out and about, look forward to seeing the ones with Scruffy and Skye , imagine them being your cousins and also Second Chance dogs, and of course there is your 4 o'clock club as well. xxx

Holly (Yorkie)  Holly (Yorkie)
Holly (Yorkie)  Holly (Yorkie)
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Tess & Riley >>
Posted: 26th October 2012

Well the wee hooligan was back to visit with his sis Tess ( another Second Chancer ), they get on really really well together,and he has been put in his place by the cats so all is well although a bit roudy with the two of them playing in the house. Loved they most certainly are xx

Tess & Riley
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Miley >>
Posted: 25th October 2012

This is me on the way to my new home, I have come on so well since I came in, and haven't taken long to find a new home. My folks have had Chows before so they know all about the Spitz breeds. Well must go and get my folks home so I can have my tea. Will keep you posted as to how I get on love Miley xxx.

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Cassie ( was Penny) >>
Posted: 25th October 2012

Look who came to visit today " our Penny " who has a lovely new name Cassie, to go with her brilliant new home. She was such a malnourished wee girl when she came in, and to look at her now you would never have guessed it, her coat is like silk she has put weight on but most of all she is loved so much. Just made our day xxxxxx.

Cassie ( was Penny)
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Skye >>
Posted: 23rd October 2012

Hi everyone this is me with my " mum " getting a pic before going home, Ena had to take about four before I would look at the camera or at least in the direction of it. I am going to be so loved, I just hope Bailey is as lucky as me and finds a new home really soon. Love Skye xx

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Mitch >>
Posted: 23rd October 2012

Just had an e-mail from Mitch saying "I'm Famous" xx

So glad wee man that you are so settled and happy. Just new your Mum & Dad were perfect for you. Love from Ena & Frank xxxx

Hi Aunty Ena and Uncle Frank Its Mitch here, sorry for the delay in writing, I have just been so busy with my new Mum Valerie, Daddy Andrew and my other Dad Bob, who looks after me during the day, right next door, so I really have two houses and two gardens which is just great. On Friday’s I go out with Nicky the doggie walker and meet up with other doggies, Nicky says I am a good boy – well what would you expect ? I have settled in very well and enjoying life, I have been on lots of new adventures and been to lots of nice new places and met some nice people. I live very close to the park and woods where I have made lots on new doggie friends, I really like Tilly, she is a lady about my age and I even share my ball with her J I have been to the beach lots of times which I just love, it is the best place on earth, but mum worries a bit when dad throws the ball into the water, but I am a great swimmer and love it. My dad took me to his favourite hill which was great fun. I have even been on my first holiday, we went to Aberdeen for a couple of nights, I got a bit anxious when I saw the bags getting packed up and my bed going in the car, but I soon settled down when I realised I was going on an adventure, we went on lots of walks and I got a new fancy ball to play with. We will go on another break very soon. Mum says I am more messy that her other doggies have been, she said Meggie was a proper lady and would walk around the muddy puddles, but apparently I am a real cheeky boy who will run through these puddles at full belt – well I have to catch my ball J The downside is with all this bad weather and all my walks I am going through lots of towels and that mum of mine insists on me getting a bath – can you tell her not to do that please, I don’t like it! I love the water at the beach, burns and the big puddles that have magically appeared in the park but not the bath! Here are some photos of my adventure so far, thank you for looking after me, I miss you both, but I am really happy here and we will come for a visit one weekend before Christmas so I will see you soon.

With paws, cuddles and big kisses. Mitch

Mitch  Mitch
Mitch  Mitch
Mitch  Mitch
Mitch  Mitch
Mitch  Mitch
Mitch  Mitch
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Rusty & Friends. >>
Posted: 22nd October 2012

Rusty came back to visit today with his two best pals, he did nothing but wash their faces and ears bless !! Rusty is now nearly 12 yers old and looking brilliant. His grandad saves up money in a jar for us and comes along when the jar is full. It was so good to see them all today. Thanks Laurie xx

Rusty & Friends.  Rusty & Friends.
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Max >>
Posted: 22nd October 2012

Hi everyone does my mum look happy or what, she is so so excited that she is finally taking me home, she had to sort a bit in her garden but that's all done now. So this is me going home. I think something called agility was mentioned sounds fun !! Would like to thank everyone who has called offering me a home especially to Careen, Alison's friend who put her on my track !! lots of love Max xxx

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