Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Since it opened in 1999, hundreds of dogs have passed through the kennels doors and have gone on to wonderful new homes and families. On this page you will see some of those lucky dogs in their forever homes, and hear how they've settled in and how they've enriched their new families' lives.

Buster and Snoop >>
Posted: 2nd December 2012

Genya brought her two lovely boys for a visit today, both Golden Oldies now but looking really good. Both were Second Chance dogs who thankfully Grenya took under her wing when things changed dramatically in the boys own homes. Thank you and here they are. Buster on left and Snoop on the right. xx

Buster and Snoop
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Bonnie >>
Posted: 2nd December 2012

Lives in luxury

Bonnie your lovely too, remember when you came into the kennels you were just a wee puppy,you clever though you sent your mum and dad an e-mail, to see if Breagh really did want a new friend and of course here you are many years later. xxxx

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Breagh >>
Posted: 2nd December 2012

The quiet one. Lost a bit of weight Fit as anything for 9

Hi Carol & Angus she is looking great still not managed to get down to your neck of the woods now you moved, hope your all well lovely to hear from you xx

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Jack >>
Posted: 2nd December 2012

Well look at " our " Jack all settled in and so happy , Alison what a lovely bed he has now, don't think he'll be missining the one from the kennels. xx

Jack  Jack
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Star >>
Posted: 2nd December 2012

Star your looking great so pleased you have settled in with your folks and Angel, I know you were hard work to start with but they have worked though things with you and now you are settled and happy.

Hi Ena & Frank

Hope you are both well and getting ready for Xmas. I'm all ready for the cold weather with my new winter coat. It has my name embroidered in gold so I feel very special! I love going to work with my Dad and my kennel has been all painted and now has shutters to keep out the wind and rain. After all the men have left I get to go into the gatehouse with Dad and get brushed and get lots of cuddles.

I don't think I will grow any bigger now - I'm quite petite compared to my 'sister' Angel - but then she is always eating!!!

Will pop up and see you again once the weather gets a bit warmer. xx

Lots of love

Star xx

Star  Star
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Fraser back for a visit. >>
Posted: 29th November 2012

We had visitors today Fraser and his mum & dad. Fraser who is an American Cocker is looking great, and is so loved by his folks. They also brought goodies for our residents, thank you very much. See you when the puppies are ready to go.Hahahaha xxx lovely to see you all. xxx

Fraser back for a visit.
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Wanda & Larry >>
Posted: 28th November 2012

Look who we went to see today it was so so good to see them !!! Some of our regular visitors to the web site, might remember Wanda and Larry. our Golden Oldies who were 14 and 16 when they arrived at the kennels one morning as sadly their mum had passed away overnight. Well it will be 2 years on the 31st December since they went to their new home, so they are 16 & 18 in December.They are having such a wonderful life and are looking so good their coats are like velvet. There was the usual pot of stew on the cooker for their dinner. Such a lovely family who adore " our two " Sarah had never met them and totally loved them. Long may they enjoy their lives out in the country. Love Ena & Frank xxxx

Wanda & Larry  Wanda & Larry
Wanda & Larry  Wanda & Larry
Wanda & Larry  Wanda & Larry
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Bailey going home. >>
Posted: 27th November 2012

I'm soo happy tonight I will be in my new home, and I will have Jack another wee Second Chance boy as a cousin. My folks are lovely Ena has known them for years and they saw me on Saturday when they kindly brought dog food up for the residents at the kennels. Lots of love Bailey xxx

Bailey going home.
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Bailey >>
Posted: 26th November 2012

Hi Ena

Was doing the 'photo shoot' for this years xmas cards and thought they were sooo cute i had to send them all to you! I now have to chose which one im going to use!! Enjoy!! Victoria, Steven, Oscar & Bailey

Aw thank you Victoria what lovely photo's you manage to get of "your boys " I would be hard pushed to choose one they are all so cute. Ena xx

Bailey  Bailey
Bailey  Bailey
Bailey  Bailey
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Jack >>
Posted: 26th November 2012

I'm sooo excited this is me getting ready to go home, with my mum and grandad, who says he will take me for lots of walks, sounds good. My dad and brother are waiting for me at home. Everyone is so happy I'm going to live with them. Love Jack xx

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Louie >>
Posted: 25th November 2012

I had visitors today they already have Gumbo ( now Guss ) so I have gone home with them, they are such a lovely couple so hopefully I will settle in well, just up Ena's street she loves when people who have or have had dogs from us do a return visit to give another wee soul a forever home, this time I am one of the lucky one's although I might miss my toy box and Bailey. Love Louie xxx xxx

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Baz and Princess >>
Posted: 25th November 2012

Hi it's me wee Princess and this is Baz who is my new big brother, he is also a Secomnd Chance doggie. He has been deaf from birth and he is now 7 yrs old. Sadly his big sis Missy who was a boxer has pssed away and wee Baz is missing the company, I met him at kennels and wee had great fun. We have such a lovely family this me with mum / dad big sis Jade and of course Baz he is looking great.Ena loves when people who have already given one of our dogs, come back and this time I am the lucky one. a great home So my new life starts here. Love Princess xxxx

Baz and Princess
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Skye >>
Posted: 21st November 2012

Here I am back for a visit, and doing really well, and my mum brought lots of goodies for the other dogs who haven't been lucky enough to find new homes yet. lots of love Skye xxx

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Rocky >>
Posted: 21st November 2012

I came back for a visit with mum & dad , did you see my photo's on Happy Hounds I am really clever and I have grown a bit too. love Rocky xxx

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Jessie on Holiday !! >>
Posted: 20th November 2012

Thanks for the pic Lyn what a wonderful life this wee girl is having, she looks great xxx

Jessie on Holiday !!
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Whiskey >>
Posted: 20th November 2012

Hi Clare, thanks for the pics absolutely lovely, nice to see Whisky has settled, and Brooke looks lovely tell Mandy ( Brooke's mum ) we were asking for them all xx.


Hi Ena, thanks for leaving a message the other week and so sorry for taking so long to reply - I wanted to get pictures of Whisky and Brooke together and its taken this long to get organised.

Whisky is settling in brilliantly - he is sooooo loved by the whole family it is unbelievable! After our initial fears as he had not been raised by children he has now accompanied me on walks to Falkland with around 100 school children and loved every minute of the attention he gets. I have attached loads of pictures for you to see how he has been getting on and you can see some of his naughtiness too (found with bra under the bed!!!). We have had some issues with him trying to be dominant and unfortunately he can be a bit quick to use his teeth and snarl to get his way but we are doing all we know to do to redress this and I am fairly sure he was the boss with his old owner and is just needing to readjust to being the dog! Now he will do almost all that I say even if he sometimes grumbles as he does it (but hey so do my children hee hee!). Despite his naughtiness we love him loads and want to thank you sooooooo much for trusting us with him - you have made us all very happy.
Keep up all your good work, it's certainly been great for us,

Lots of Love,
Clare, boys and Whiskey

Whiskey  Whiskey
Whiskey  Whiskey
Whiskey  Whiskey
Whiskey  Whiskey
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Oscar & Fingal >>
Posted: 18th November 2012

Lovely to hear from you. Here are some photos of the boys
The River Ayr is walking distance from our house and Oscar loves to swim.
Fingal won't go deeper than you see in the photo as when he was a pup he raced down the bank and into the water to catch Oscar who was swimming in the deep bit.. By the time he surfaced he'd already decided swimming was not for him.He just likes to paddle now!
There are some summer ones too !!
Janice thank you so much for sending the pics the boys look great and so happy,I think you should have taken Fingals paws out of the grow bag a bit sooner though hahaha but he's stunning but what a size !!! Oscar hardly look any older than when you adopted him. Glad they are so happy. Xxx

Oscar & Fingal  Oscar & Fingal
Oscar & Fingal  Oscar & Fingal
Oscar & Fingal  Oscar & Fingal
Oscar & Fingal  Oscar & Fingal
Oscar & Fingal  Oscar & Fingal
Oscar & Fingal  Oscar & Fingal
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Mac >>
Posted: 18th November 2012

Hi Ena and Frank,

I can't believe how handsome one can be!


Your one lucky boy Mac and very handsome, hope you and the cats are getting to be friends !! xxx

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Rocky >>
Posted: 13th November 2012

Hi Ena, Frank and all at Second Chance. Rocky is settling in well, he still has some raging hormones and is learning his place in our "pack". He is getting into a routine and we have very few "accidents" now. I have had him off the lead now 3 times, up on the playing field, and with the use of treats, he fetches his ball back to me, he gets bored and distracted fairly quickly when doing this, but he has only been with us a week, so that's really good progress. He has a harness now and is learning to walk to heel, again he is picking it up quickly. we have 2 leads for him, 1 extending lead, that's for "sniffing walks" with his sister and a shorter one for "walking walks" with me. I will send another email right after this one with more pics on, this will show how quick he is at learning!

Best wishes to you all at the kennels. Ralph & Carole Gilchrist, Hibby and Rocky xxxx

Hahaha what a cheeky wee lad, so pleased to see he has settled in so very well, love the pics xx

Rocky  Rocky
Rocky  Rocky
Rocky  Rocky
Rocky  Rocky
Rocky  Rocky
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Daisy May >>
Posted: 11th November 2012

Daisy May and her "mum and big sis" getting ready for home after Lyndsay kindly did a home visit for us. Her mum sent us this pic how settled is she !! We are so happy for her but I think her mum is going to get ear plugs for herself as our girl is a really loud snorer haha xxx

Aw look at her
She got her paws on the couch really quick usually takes a wee while longer for them to settle in, obviously she feels right at home!!!

Daisy May  Daisy May
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