Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Since it opened in 1999, hundreds of dogs have passed through the kennels doors and have gone on to wonderful new homes and families. On this page you will see some of those lucky dogs in their forever homes, and hear how they've settled in and how they've enriched their new families' lives.

Big(wee ) Alfie >>
Posted: 4th February 2013

I came back to Second Chance today with my mum & dad,Suzanne & ian. I was happy to see everyone, and they were more than delighted to see me. I'm getting to be a big boy and such a happy one. Hope my brothers and sisters are getting on fine too. Lots of love Wee Alfie xxx

Big(wee ) Alfie
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Milly has found her Forever Home. >>
Posted: 3rd February 2013

I had visitors yesterday who came along and totally fell in love with me as the had always had black Labs, the feeling was mutual so a home visit was done with me today, so now I have such a lovely mum / dad & grandad. the people at the kennels are very happy for me even Pam my doggy walking friend, now I have found my " Forever Home" with lots of country walks to look forward to.Lots of love Milly xx.

This is me with mum and dad and one with me sitting on dad hehe x

Milly has found her Forever Home.  Milly has found her Forever Home.
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Leo / Bella & wee Maise. >>
Posted: 1st February 2013

Karen brought Leo / Bella & Maisie for a visit today,it was so good to see them, they look amazing, Leo was happy to be here ( he loves the sausages) but wee Bella was a bit timid I think she thought we were going to keep her wee soul. Maisie was neither up or down as she didn't come from here. It was so so nice to see Karen she was up last week with her sis Fiona who has just adopted our wee Bobby,xxx

Leo / Bella & wee Maise.
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Robbie ( was Rusty ) >>
Posted: 31st January 2013

Hi It's me wee Robbie ( I was Rusty here ) I have such a wonderful

home with Toby a wee Border Terrier I am getting on really well in my new home and my mum & dad love me to bits.Love Robbie xx. Mum got me two coats this is one and the other one says (Here comes Trouble ) As if !!!!!!!!! hahaha xx

Robbie ( was Rusty )  Robbie ( was Rusty )
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Rogan >>
Posted: 30th January 2013

This is Rogan getting ready to go him with his " dad " and there is a very excited family waiting for him at home. His " dad " was telling Rogan he and the family will take him a lovely walk along the beach today sounds good xx

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Gypsy/Dodger & Friend >>
Posted: 29th January 2013

Ian thanks for pics love them. xx

Gypsy/Dodger & Friend  Gypsy/Dodger & Friend
Gypsy/Dodger & Friend   
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Cullen & Nevan. >>
Posted: 28th January 2013

Wendy thank you so much for the photo's, Cullen ( Sandy ) looks great, as does Nevan xx

Hi Ena and Frank,
As i saw your email address on the site i thought i would send you an email with some pictures of Cullen aka Sandy. He is doing well though very upset as his big brother keeps having to get operations so he gets starved too so as not to upset Nevan, so either way we have an upset dog he also doesn't appreciate when nevan charges about in the buster collar and barges into him. I think he may be very close to calling dogline.
Otherwise he is doing great, the class clown at dog training because when he recalls he looks like bambi on ice but he got through his bronze and we will grt him through his silver as he gains confidence in a stay, i don't think he likes me walking away from him in case a scary flat coat gets him.
Loves his cuddles and his run time and overall is an awesome dog just a bit wussy but we can live with that.
Will be through soon to delivery our fundraising money, so hope to see you soon.
Love Wendy, Damien, Nevan and Cullen :) x

Cullen & Nevan.  Cullen & Nevan.
Cullen & Nevan.  Cullen & Nevan.
Cullen & Nevan.  Cullen & Nevan.
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Daisy/Reg/Mouse Iggy &Gus. >>
Posted: 27th January 2013

Some very welcome pics of some of " our " dogs and their friends !! How lovely to see them all so settled and happy. Thanks for the pics Marjprie xx These are pics of Reg ,Iggy and Gus all Second chance doggies and Daisy who found her way to us via Pet Care with their friends Mouse & Kizzie xx

Daisy/Reg/Mouse Iggy &Gus.  Daisy/Reg/Mouse Iggy &Gus.
Daisy/Reg/Mouse Iggy &Gus.  Daisy/Reg/Mouse Iggy &Gus.
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Jess & Moss going home. >>
Posted: 25th January 2013

Our day has finally arrived this is us getting ready for the long journey to The Isle of Skye, it's good we are going together as we get on so well. Our dad is dying to see us again and is going to introduce us to something called a goat tomorrow !!! Hopefully all will go well. Dad has promised to send photo's and video's down to you all at Second Chance and thanks for looking after us lots of love Jess & Moss xxx.

Jess & Moss going home.
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Bailey going home. >>
Posted: 25th January 2013

Hi well I've had a good day, fIrst of all I went along to Kingdom fm and was made such a fuss of and then the ladies from the offices downstairs from the radio station took me into their office where again I fair enjoyed it. Then a lady came along just after we arrived back from the radio station who used to stay across the road from Ena & Frank, they used to have a big Rottie so are used to big breed dogs. So between the Fife & Kinross Extra and Kingdom fm I have found my forever home.Thanks to everyone who called offering me a home. Lots of love Bailey xx.

Bailey going home.
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Bobby >>
Posted: 23rd January 2013

I too went to my new home today, Just had a call from Ena to see how I was settling in and I'm doing very well. I am going to somewhere called a grooming parlour tomorrow, so they can make me feel a bit more comfortable, I'll be half the dog tomorrow haha. I could have stayed at the kennels and gone to Ena's daughter Karen who has a grooming business, but they didn't want to leave me, mum and auntie Karen and Catherine just love me already. Love Bobby xx.

Update on Bobby this is him with his new haircut doesn't he look great xx

Bobby  Bobby
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Miles. Me and Mum. >>
Posted: 23rd January 2013

It's Miles here I went to my new home today, Ena has just called about me and I have settlked in a treat with Molly a wee Border Terrier. I am so excited I'm going to get to do something called flyball, hope I'm good enough, I just love playing with my ball, in fact I was a star turn at the kennels everytime someone passed me I jumped up and put my tennis ball through the gate.Must go now someone wants to play with me Love Miles xx.

Miles. Me and Mum.
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Isla (Bonnie's pup ) >>
Posted: 22nd January 2013

Look who came to visit today Isla she was one of 9 puppies born at the kennels on 27 Jan 2008, she is looking great, and obviously adored by her family, and she loves the new grandchild.It was lovely to see them. There is a pic further down the page of her brother Alfie who looks quite like a Shepherd. It would be nice to have pics of them all !!! xx

Isla (Bonnie's pup )
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Ollie the Collie >>
Posted: 20th January 2013

Hi well didn't take long for my charms to work, my " dad " only had eyes for me when he visited the kennels. So he came back to visit me his family have always had Border Collie's so that pleased Ena & Frank ! I was taken on a home visit this morning and everything went so well I got to stay, and this is some pics of me in my new home, hope you like them love Ollie xx.

Ollie the Collie  Ollie the Collie
Ollie the Collie  Ollie the Collie
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Bonnie and Breagh >>
Posted: 19th January 2013

Hello Aunty Ena. Happy New Year. Picture of me worn out after my gym exercises! From Bonnie.x

Happy New Year from me too. Stupid sister! Exercising what ever next. Breagh x

Bonnie and Breagh  Bonnie and Breagh
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Dakota none of our puppies. >>
Posted: 19th January 2013

Hi guys it's me Dakota, thought you might like some pics of me in my new home, As you can see I have settled in very well but still have my inside out ears HaHaHa. Bet you can't believe how big I've grown !! Loving my new home and everyone in it, especially when I cuddle up to my new sis. Hope all my sisters and brothers are doingf as well lots of love Dakota xx

Love the pics Dakota you look so happy and settled and sooo big !!! Lots of love from us all here Ena & co xx

Dakota none of our puppies.  Dakota none of our puppies.
Dakota none of our puppies.  Dakota none of our puppies.
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Alfie >>
Posted: 14th January 2013

Hi Ena,

Thought you might appreciate seeing this update of Alfie,filling in his mate next door on the latest gossip.

It's like Alfie is saying to Spencer did you hear about the Setter up the road !!!

HaHa Ha, Neil thanks for the pic of Alfie love it, so pleased you and he are doing so well, be nice to see you both in the flesh sometime xx

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Mac >>
Posted: 17th January 2013

We had visitors today Mac brought David his dad along for a visit. It was lovely to see them, wee Mac had been down the park playing with his pals, and I think Mac was a wee bit worried his dad was going to leave him wee soul.I'm sure if he was human he would have said phew thought I was getting left there ! xx

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Rufus ( Staffy puppy ) >>
Posted: 14th January 2013

hey here are some photos of Rufus's first week in his new home
there is also a little movie of rufus and his new friend obi meeting.
Oh thanks Lauren he certainly looks well settled, and has grown !!! x

Rufus ( Staffy puppy )  Rufus ( Staffy puppy )
Rufus ( Staffy puppy )   
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Bailey Oscar and Grandad. >>
Posted: 12th January 2013

Hi Ena
Happy New Year to everyone at Second Chance Kennels, just thought id send you some more pics and a wee update! We went away for christmas and Bailey like everyone had a ball as you can see from one of the pics we found a nice walk on christmas day that he loved! The rest are just Bailey in his day to day life! Im so sad to see that you get so many border collies through your door, they are such lovely breeds, clever but daft at the same time, so loving and so full of fun!! Bailey is such a cheeky chappy when we go out we leave him in the kitchen with his bed and we shut all the bedroom doors upstairs when we return home bailey is always in the kitchen waiting but what he hasnt figured out yet is he leaves a trail of clues as to what he gets up to when we are away. He opens all the doors tries every bed we know this because he likes to make himself comfortable pulls the covers down moves pillows etc and then must hear us coming back runs downstairs lies in his bed as if he has been there the whole time!! ;-)
Love from
Victoria, Steven, Oscar and Bailey.
Victoria that is so funny about Bailey and yes it's sad about all the Border Collie's looking for homes. Thanks for the pics love them xx.

Bailey Oscar and Grandad.  Bailey Oscar and Grandad.
Bailey Oscar and Grandad.   
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