Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Gender: Male

Age: 9yr

Status: Has been rehomed

My name is Flash don't you think I am very handsome, I have been a resident at the Pet Care Centre , for about nine years now I was just under a year when I came in..I met the guys from Second Chance today and they said I am a lovely lad and they can't understand why I am still there. I have a lot of collie in me, but am quite big. I have never lived with children so them indoors wouldn't expect me to at this stage in my life as I have never been around kiddie's in all the time I have been here.. I would love a home of my own I am clean in my kennel don't chew blankets or anything like that, good on the lead. Hopefully there will be someone out there looking for an older dog just like me.Hope I'm as lucky as Dexter and Todd who were older dogs from next door and now have homes to call their own, lucky things. Lots of Love Flash xx

Thanks for looking,
Flash signed by Flash
