Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Gender: Female

Age: 6yr

Status: Has been rehomed

I have been named Honey.I live next door at the Pet Care Centre. I was brought in by the dog wardens about 3 years ago. The people who have the Pet Care think I am about 6 now. I look as though I could be Greyhound with a bit of something else in there maybe a bull type ?? This is what next door say about me, lovely friendly girl, clean in my kennel and don't chew. So why has no one chosen me yet? I would love a home and people of my very own to love and who would love me in return. I sometimes dream I have this lovely home and I am taken to the beach and out to lovely green fields to run about in, then I wake up and I am still in a kennel.
Honey xx

Update 23rd March: I had visitors today,
I do hope they liked me enough to come back.
Honey xx

Thanks for looking,
Honey signed by Honey
