Gender: Male
Age: 2 years
Status: Has been rehomed
Hiya! I'm Toby, a two year old Lhasa Apso and very handsome (don't you think!)
Sadly I have to find a new home as I'm no good around children and my owners have grandchildren, they are heartbroken at having to part with me, but feel it's best for me. I need a child free zone!!
I'm great with other dogs and adults don't know about cats, and I just love going for walks!
Update 19th July: well I now have been at the kennels for four days and starting to show my true nature. I am still friendly enough until they try to put me back in my pen, then sometimes I can have a right carry on, I snarl and growl and show them all my teeth! Other times I can go for a nice walk and come back and let Ena take my lead of with no trouble at all. So they think it's because I'm unsettled at being in the kennels :(
Thanks for looking, Toby 