Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Gender: Female

Age: 10 years

Status: Has been rehomed

Hi folks, Pixie here! I came all the way up from Warrington with Auntie Catherine so that Ena could find me a nice new home. I am only a wee skinny thing, but I've been really perky, except for on Friday/Saturday when I had to go to the vets. They put me on a drip to get better and boy you should see me now! Lots of energy go for a walk, or should that be a run, up the road, just need to get some weight on my bones now.

The digs here are quite good I heard Mhairi tell Ena that I would maybe like chicken and rice tomorrow, sounds good to me, the lady in the next kennels brought me rich tea biscuits and mashed them up, I liked them. So all in all I am being really spoiled! (But I do deserve it :p )

Give the kennels a call on 01592 771933 to find out more

Thanks for looking,
Pixie signed by Pixie
