Breed: Yorkshire Terrier
Gender: neutered /
Age: 18 months
Status: Has been rehomed
Hope Visit done off to my lovely new home in the Morning Wednesday !!!
I too had visitors today and its a definate YES for me,just a home visit to do.Sadly them indoors don't think it was a good idea for me to go with children. So I will have my mum and dad all to myself.They were so lovely but I must mind and tell them I'm a bit scared of the hoover not in a bad way though ie: I don't attack it lol xx xxx
This is an update on wee Ramsey, doesn't he look handsome now, thanks to his auntie Sandra for the grooming session.We found out through his mc he is 18 months not a year old as his owner told us.He is a bit unsure of people he meets for the first time but is coming along really well with Frank, Sarah and myself.He has just been neutered today and started his vaccinations. x
Thanks for looking, Ramsey 