Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Gender: Female

Age: 7 years

Status: Has been rehomed

Hi my name is Tia and I'm really quite sad, my "dad" has been taken into hospital and if he gets out won't be able to care for me. I am seven years old and quite a titchy wee thing. So here I am looking for a new caring home. I am ever so friendly and good with the other dogs here, do you like my sofa it's really comfy!

29th December: Well I had a new home, but was brought back the Wednesday before Christmas because I was jealous of the old dog in the home, I was only there for three days. My dream would be a home where I am the only pet and will get all the cuddles. I am okay with other dogs just don't want to share my home with them. Well there might only be one lap to sit on and I need it to be for me!

To find out more please give the kennels a call on 01592 771933

Thanks for looking,
Tia signed by Tia
