Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Breed: Border Collie Tri coloured

Gender: Male ( Neu

Age: Three year

Status: Has been rehomed


I now have a lovely new home, with Jazz (was Jim here) another Border Collie.

My name is Mercury, I'm a three year old tri coloured Border Collie. Sadly I was proving to be too much for my folks, Nice lady at the vets phoned Second Chance to see if they could help and take me in so I could find a new home. I'm such a lovely lad good with children and other dogs. I am very energetic love going for long walks, would benefit from some training I might even like to do agility or flyball !!!!

I would really like someone who has had my breed before as we can be a handful if not given lots of mental stimulion and loads of excerise.

A lady who adopted a Border Collie from here said " If you don't give a collie a job he /she will become self employed" Love Mercury xx

Thanks for looking,
Mercury signed by Mercury
