Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Breed: Jack Russell

Gender: Female vac

Age: 6 years.

Status: Has been rehomed

Maggie here I'm the wee white and tan girl, sitting on Frank's knee, the wee black & white girl beside me already has a home to go to with people who have already had Second Chance dogs.

I am looking for a very special home with someone who will have the time / patience and love to help me adjust.I need help to walk on a lead ect:


It won't take long as I've been a very good wee girl here, just need more watching over at the start.Love sitting and getting cuddles.

Ena loves me well she loves all the dogs, but she says us two are a wee bit special xxx. xxx

Thanks for looking,
Maggie signed by Maggie
