Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Breed: Border Collie

Gender: Male ( Neu

Age: one year o

Status: Has been rehomed

My name is Rex and I'm a one year old Border Collie, very handsome young man, smooth coated. Typical Collie just love playing with a ball. A wee bit strange for all of two minutes when I meet someone new. Have a very friendly nature once I get to know you. Moira and Liz were up this afternoon to walk the residents here, as they do most Tuesdays, I took Moira for a lovely walk , she said I was a very good boy.My owners when they filled out the disclaimer form, havent given that much information on me to the kennels.The guys here thought I might be good at flyball / agility. So I am still being assessed here. Will update soon.Love Rex.xx

Thanks for looking,
Rex signed by Rex
