Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Breed: Satffy X Lab

Gender: Male ( Neu

Age: 2 years

Status: Has been rehomed

We are so very sad for poor Barney no one is giving him a second glance never mind a Second Chance. All because he has Staffie in his makeup !!!

I've had visitors two days running and I was a really good boy, showed them all my toys and how well behaved I am. so fingers crossed for my home visit xx. Love Barney xx

Woo hoo my prospective new family came back yesterday and too me for a walk over the field. I'm so excited just home visit then I can go tomorrow,Monday 11th Nov. I'll be really missed here as i've wrapped everyone round my wee paws xx

Update on Barney he's proving to be such a lovely boy, gets on with the other dogs here and is quite obedient. He can open doors though !!! and doen't " do " cats.!!!


Hi I'm Barney,I only arrived this afternoon. I'm having to look for a new home due to a change in circumstances at home. I am a bit barky when you first meet me but my tail is wagging all the time. I lived with childrem. It's just a bit strange this morning I was in my home and now i'm here !!! It might take me a wee while to get used to it. I'm sure them indoors will update my story as they get to know me a bit better. Love Barney xx.

Thanks for looking,
Barney signed by Barney
