Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Breed: Border Collie

Gender: Male ( Neu

Age: 18 months

Status: Has been rehomed

Hi everyone I'm so excited I'm having visitors tomorrow Sat ! Ena says they are lovely and I only have one more sleep before I meet my prospective new " mum and Dad ". Love Glen. xx

Ps; Still camera shy !!



Hi my name is Glen i'm an 18 month old Border Collie have had everything done ie; vacs ect. I actually belonged to the people's " son" who hnded me in, but need too much excercise for them to be able to keep me although they do love me. I am a wee bit timid when I first meet new people but soon come round. I am great with other dogs, but haven't b lived with children or cats. As you wouls expect I love a tennis ball and would spend all day chasing one. My folks say my recall isn't too good.They have written a lovely story to pass on to my new owners though.Love Glen xxx

Ps: The other thing is I don't like getting my photo taken, so this is the best of four !!

Anyway Ena hopes you all read the introduction page before you get into Homeless Hounds. Because this time we all really need a forever home. Love Glen xx

Thanks for looking,
Glen signed by Glen
