Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Breed: small Jackadoodle

Gender: Female 1st

Age: 3 years ol

Status: Has been rehomed

Hi my name at the moment is Teasle, I am a three year old small Jackadoodle.I am a wee bit timid till I get to know you, but my wee tail never stops wagging, I'm a real hit at th kennels, always in reception and get loads of love and cudddles. I often dream of a nice quiet home where I can live and be loved. I might ? not be housetrained but I'm such a clever wee lass I'll soon learn. I would really love a new best friend it's kinda lonely here without all my pals,Love Teasle xxx

I came in with my sis and a miniature Apricot Poodle , they are both now on Happy Hounds. My sis is named Treacle and wee Poodle is now Fudge both doing really well.


Thanks for looking,
Teasle signed by Teasle
