Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Breed: Wheaten Terrier

Gender: Male ( Neu

Age: 21 months

Status: Has been rehomed

Mylo here as you can see a very handsome Wheaten Terrier, I'm 21 months old good with children / other dogs. I too, like Chief and Fluff will need a doggy parlour visit from time to time. What can I say about myself ! well I have been much loved and it's because my folks loved me and are devastated, at having to let me go but know it will be best for me as they won't have the same time to look after me that they have brought me in so that I can find another loving home. Love Mylo xx

Thanks for looking,
Mylo signed by Mylo
