Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Rainbow Bridge

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.

The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

This page is for all the dogs that have been through the doors of Second Chance Kennels and have sadly passed away.

We will put up photos and stories here as memories to the dogs that were loved so much by us and their owners.

Song: Tears In Heaven by Eric Clapton

Max >>
Posted: 24th October 2020

We are sorry to hear another of our wee ones is away to Rainbow bridge.

Thank you for giving him a wonderful home xx

Amber >>
Posted: 30th August 2020

Dear Visitors,

Most of you won't know me, My name is Scott. I have been the webmaster of the Second Chance Kennel website for around the past eight years, Normally it would be Ena that would put these up but I have opted to take the opportunity to write this entry myself.

I just wanted to write a few words about our life with Amber.

I was first introduced to Second Chance when my dad and I were seeking a fluffy companion for our way too quiet house, and we meet the most lovely golden retriever who we named Amber. Amber was a very shy dog at the beginning.

My father and I took to her quite quickly, we remember when she first barked in our house. It was the funniest little yelp you ever heard sounding like it came from a dog much smaller than she was; we encouraged her to bark some more and eventually she never stopped barking (oops!) but I'd give anything to hear her bark again now.

She was the most loyal dog you could ask for, she never left my dads side, and they were exactly what each other needed. She was probably the most spoiled rotten dog we ever had, she wanted for nothing, and she lived like a queen and to be fair, she was!

We had this old car sitting in the back garden and Amber would run miles around it every day, even after going for a long daily walk she'd still run around that car. She definitely kept herself well exercised! She always had a toy in her mouth, usually the bright red Angry Bird!

Every time we came back from the shop we opened the door, and she ran straight outside to greet us (mostly Dad). She jumped up and you'd never see a happier dog. She definitely gained her confidence over the years because she was the boss; If she wanted outside, she got out.

Since she's been gone nothing has been the same, we will never forget her and will never stop missing her, but we wouldn't change any of it, we'd happily do it again if we could!

As Ena and Frank would have said, Run free at the Rainbow Bridge Amber, you'll definitely be missed by all of us.

I'd like to thank Second Chance Kennels for everything they've done for myself, my father and all the dogs they have enriched the lives of.


Amber  Amber
Amber  Amber
Amber  Amber
Amber  Amber
Bailey & Bryn xx >>
Posted: 14th February 2020

Dear Ena and Frank

I'm heartbroken to let you know we lost our sweet, huggable, lovable Bailey bug on January 10th. We thought we were going to lose him in August 2018 but the vet put him on new meds and he lived happily all that time. His hips were certainly riddled with arthritis but the meds gave him a new lease on life for quite some time. He had many lumps on him, being that he was 12 but the most recent lumps presented at his throat. He couldn't eat his dog food so I cooked him soft baked salmon, sirloin steak and pureed it, scrambled eggs and soft boiled chicken all of which he loved. But, then he went off food and would only eat sporadically. His breathing was laboured and he had constant diarrhea when he would eat. I could no longer get his meds into him as they were in his food. I tried to get them directly into his mouth but his jaw was fiercely strong and he wouldn't let me get a syringe of liquid in.....being that he was Rhodesian Ridgeback/King Shepherd cross that part didn't surprise me. We finally made the decision to let him go so he wouldn't suffer any more. It was devastating as he and Bryn were my babies we got from you and they have been with me for such a huge part of my life and given me and my foster boys so much unconditional love. My foster boys came here and spent many hours with Bailey and came with me and Gracie to the vet. They let us keep Bailey in the SUV like we did with Bryn in March last year. Bailey was in his dog bed surrounded by all of us. The tears continue to flow as I write this to you. I just wanted to thank you both for running such a wonderful rescue and for bringing my two boys, both Bryn and Bailey, into my life. There is a huge whole in my heart and Gracie, my little BC, keeps sleeping in Bailey's bed. Poor soul is lost without her big brothers. I am just so grateful to have had my sweet babies in my life for as long as I did. Bailey always had a big, happy, goofy smile on his face. He would sing along to his favourite songs and do his usual head tilts when you chatted with him. I am so grateful we had a green Christmas so he could be outside on the grass in the warm sun for several weeks over December and early January this year. He loved being outside. I love him and miss him so much. I just wanted you to know and to thank you.
Lynda, and Gracie
Lynda thanks for letting us know were are all so very sad to hear your news.Thank you so so much for giving them such a wonderful life filled with love xx XX

Bailey & Bryn xx  Bailey & Bryn xx
Bailey & Bryn xx  Bailey & Bryn xx
Chloe >>
Posted: 7th November 2019

Chloe went to sleep 4th November 2019 Miss you so much have an empty space in my heart. Will always remember the support and love you gave us. Bye my honey bun love you xx

Eddie xx >>
Posted: 12th February 2019

We were all very sad to hear of Eddie's passing. he was such a dear wee lad. Everyone loved him none more so than his family and his wee pal Alfie. Run free at Rainbow Bridge Eddie you'll be sorely missed. xxX

Eddie xx
Frankie xx >>
Posted: 1st February 2019

Dear Ena and Frank,

I am just checking you got my e mail last week telling you about my Darling little Frankie passing from this world?
In case you didn't,my precious little guy passed quickly and peacefully,Monday,21st January.
He had soldiered on against all the odds for nearly 2 Years but finally his time came and we had to say Goodbye to him.
And we also said a Massive Thankyou to him for all the Love and Joy he brought to our Lives....anyone whoever met him loved him and saw what a dear sweet Soul he was.
I miss him so so much,and Life feels strange right now,but My little Man is flying Free,and I give Grateful Thanks for the Gift of this such Special Boy........So Grateful to you and Frank(Frankies namesake)for having gifted him to us...
Much Love,
Julie thank you for letting us know about your precious wee lad. We were so so very sorry to hear Frankie has gone to Rainbow Bridge but what a fantastic life he had with and your family and for that we are so very grateful.xxXXX

Frankie xx
Gabby xx >>
Posted: 18th November 2018

After I lost my last dog Ena phoned to say she had a wee Lab/ Collie, but it might be too quick for me to be thinking of another dog. I said I would and have a look but it was too early. Guess who came home with me that day !! Gabby was the most biddable loving companion and reached the grand age of 13 leaving me with wonderful memories.

Wilma thank you so much for giving Gabby such a wonderful home. xx

Gabby xx  Gabby xx
Purdy xx (Purdy Wurdy Gurdy Gurdy) >>
Posted: 7th November 2018

It was with great sadness I heard that wee Purdy has gone to Rainbow Bridge. She found such a brilliant home with Marjory after having been returned to us. She met lots of people who all grew to love her, well if you met her you couldn't help but love her.Your mum will have so so many happy memories of your time together Purdy. Run free at Rainbow Bridge you just might meet some pals who used to be here.You were so loved and will be sadly missed wee one xxx

Purdy xx (Purdy Wurdy Gurdy Gurdy)
Taige xx >>
Posted: 4th November 2018

Got some very sad news yesterday, Taige has gone to Rainbow Bridge at the grand age of 16.I used to do "Dog of the Week "in the leader and he was the featured wee dog all those years ago,his folk still have the cutting from the Leader. This photo was taken when his dad brought him for a visit last December.His folks are heartbroken, but will have so many lovely memories of their time together. Run Free at Rainbow Bridge Taige you were so loved and will be so missed. xxXX

Taige xx
Kaiser xx >>
Posted: 12th October 2018

Another one of our past residents has gone to Rainbow Bridge. This time Kaiser,gorgeous friendly big pup, he was adopted from here as a puppy ( Kai ) and had a great home where he was well loved.His folks are absolutely devastated at his loss.Sure they will have lots of happy memories of him.

We are so lucky our doggy family go to people who adore them.RIP Kaiser run free at Rainbow Bridge xx

Kaiser xx  Kaiser xx
Skye ( was Shy here ) >>
Posted: 10th October 2018

Sadly just got news of another one of our past residents who has gone to Rainbow Bridge.

Skye was a beautiful girl both in looks and nature.Her folks are devastated they had her for about




Just got news of Skye another one of our past residents who has sadly gone to Rainbow Bridge. She had a brilliant home and was so well loved her folks are devastated.Hopefully all the lovely memories they have of Skye will help them in the weeks and months to come. Run Free at Rainbow Bridge Skye knowing how much you were loved.XX

Skye ( was Shy here )  Skye ( was Shy here )
Bailey xx >>
Posted: 4th October 2018

Here is one our favourite photos. We were so lucky to have had Bailey as part of our family. A loving dog who became our best friend. He loved his walks, playing with his labradoodle pal Wilf. The years flew by and we were lucky to share them together.

Jackie we were so so sorry to hear your beloved Benji has gone to Rainbow Bridge
Thank you for letting us know. Run Free Benji knowing how much you were loved by your family xx

Bailey xx
Henry xx >>
Posted: 30th September 2018

Let you know that Henry is passed away on Thursday age 13half year old. We all broken heart loss to him. He have a great enjoy life with us n his little bro Dan too.
Jenny we are so so sad to hear about your beloved Henry, but so very grateful he had such a wonderful life with you and your family. Run Free at Rainbow Bridge knowing how much you were loved here Henry xx

Henry xx  Henry xx
Henry xx  Henry xx
Tessy xx >>
Posted: 27th September 2018

Margo thanks for letting us know about your darling Tess we were so very sad to hear she has gone to Rainbow Bridge but very grateful for the loving caring life she had with you xx Your poem is very heartfelt and touching xx

Tessy our princess, our angel from above ,

So with tears & heartache and so so much love,

We said goodbye to you our sweetest little darling,

And held you in my arms one last time , even then you were so charming .
We rescued you over 8 years ago ,
You were cherished and perfect , never having to say no.
Jet & Beau your brothers cuddled you in each and every night,
We all cuddled and loved you and always held you tight.
A poor wee soul , but you grew with our love ,
We thank our lucky stars & heavenly above.
Fun & frolics & happiness you brought to us all ,
Smiles and wagging tails , no tears were to fall.
Our memories of you we will never forget,
Tessy our darling , our most precious pet .
Beau Dobbie and Pip were your loyal friend,
Loving you sweetheart right to the end.
Our hearts will hurt for a very long time ,
But my darling Tessy, thank goodness you were mine.

Tessy xx  Tessy xx
Perfect Sam xx >>
Posted: 6th September 2018

Just a quick message to let you know that Perfect Sam had to be put to sleep a few months ago.

Big white teeth which he loved to show! Seven months old when I got him from you. Just miss him so much.

Such an amazing dog. Loved so much. Missed desperately. Nearly made it to twelve years old. Mind still so young but the body not able to keep up. So grateful that you let me have him. Sarah.

Sarah so so very sorry to hear about your beloved Perfect Sam I know you miss him dreadfully but hopefully you will be able to look back at your memories of him and get some comfort xx RIP Perfect Sam your sorely missed xx.

Perfect Sam xx
Suki xx >>
Posted: 27th July 2018

Dear Ena,
I'm sure you will remember, way back in 2009, taking in an abandoned black greyhound- you named her Suki.
Just to let you know I had to have her put to sleep last week. She had been suffering from intestinal lymphoma for the past year and added to that she was nearly blind. She'd had a tough time of it but the old girl had spirit and I loved her dearly.
She had a happy life since being rescued and everyone who knew her said what a gentle soul she was.
She was my constant companion through good times and some not so good and I miss her more than words can say.
It has been a privilege to take care of her - thank you.
Keep up the good work.
Best wishes
Kathleen Longbotham
Kathleen thank you so much for giving this special wee lass such a brilliant home filled with love something she had never had in her life. Run Free at Rainbow Bridge Suki you will be sorley missed xxx

Suki xx
Jack xx >>
Posted: 16th July 2018

It was with great sadness we heard "our " wee Jack has passed over to Rainbow Bridge.Before he came to us he hadn't had much of a life poor wee soul, but his life was transformed to one, where he was so well loved and happy for 4 1/2 years. Sadly missed wee fella. Run Free at Rainbow Bridge Jack xx

Jack xx
Stru xx >>
Posted: 15th July 2018

Hi. My wife and I rehomed a Springer from you in 2002. His name was Struan a black and white Springer male. He was 1 when we got him and he lived to 13. He died nearly 3 years ago now but had a brilliant life. We are looking to adopt again but would dearly love another Springer or Cocker.
Can you help?
So sorry to hear about Struan but so so very grateful he had such a wonderful home with you. If you would like to send a wee story and photo’s of Struan’s life with you I will put him on our Rainbow 🌈 Bridge page.
If I hear of any I will definitely contact you.

Stru xx
Penny x >>
Posted: 1st July 2018

Dear Ena

I just wanted to write and tell you the saddest news
Poor little Penny, who had quite a lot wrong with her but was a real trouper and just got on with it right to the very end passed away this morning
She was snuggled up next to Laurence and we had been taking turns to nurse her before taking her to the vet but she just quietly passed away beside him
What an utterly amazing little doggie, full of the most special traits and love for all things human
But you know she had been on and off very unwell and was having more bad days than good ones and in the end she just ran out of steam but it was only in the last 24 hours that you could see she was really struggling
Here are a couple of lovely pictures of her taken just a few weeks ago
Needless to say we are all so devastated and will never be able to replace her
Thank you so much for such a wonderful gift in Penny, we have loved her for over 13 years.
Katie thank you all for giving Penny such a wonderful home over there on the Isle of Mull we are so grateful she had such a long and happy life with you. RIP Penny run free at Rainbow Bridge xx

Penny x  Penny x
BoBo xx >>
Posted: 28th April 2018

Dear Ena,
As promised...I put together my memories. I hope you will like it. Bo bo ( to my French friend he was Beau-Beau) was an exceptional dog.
I'm sending some of his pictures so you can choose...
thank you for everything
We are just so very grateful he had such a wonderful long life with you all. RIP Bo Bo you will be sorely missed xx.

BoBo xx  BoBo xx
BoBo xx  BoBo xx
BoBo xx  BoBo xx
BoBo xx  BoBo xx
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