Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable. All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind. They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster. You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart. Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together.... This page is for all the dogs that have been through the doors of Second Chance Kennels and have sadly passed away. We will put up photos and stories here as memories to the dogs that were loved so much by us and their owners.
Song: Tears In Heaven by Eric Clapton
Zues ( our Colorado boy ) >> |
Posted: 2nd May 2012
Zeus is gone. He died in my daughter Cameron's arms a few minutes before I got home. I asked him not to make me take him to the vet today and he followed through.
He was 2 months to the day from his 12 th birthday. I'm just empty right now. He is my big boy. Thank you for the priveledge of trusting me with him all those years ago.
Susan and kids x
Susan we are all so desperately sorry to hear about your lovely big lad, he was one of the biggest most gentle dogs we ever had the priveledge to know. Frank and myself are so grateful he had such a wonderful loving caring home with you all, over in Colorado Spring.I remember you telling us about him chasing the bear away from your property and going down the creek to see the Elk.
We also remember coming to see him just before he went away he was at the bottom of your garden,we shouted on him and he just used to launch himself at us always a great welcome we got from him. Susan thank you and your family so very much for giving him such a wonderful life. Rest in Peace Zues maybe you'll get to chase a bear or two at Rainbow Bridge xxxx
Tess (Pal of Sam & Jack ) >> |
Posted: 29th April 2012
Frank/ Ena
Just a short note to let you know that Tess passed away today Sun 29th April. Since she went on her medicine she had been full of energy and life but as we expected she suddenly couldn't go on any longer.
We have nothing but great memories of a lovely girl and thankfully the company of Sam and Jack
Kind Regards
Oh Jim we are so sorry to hear this sad news, but what a wonderful life she had with you and your family, I know she was " your " special " girl, and was so much loved.
Sleep well Tess you will be sorely missed.
Love Ena & Frank xx
Biff >> |
Posted: 29th April 2012
It was with great sadness we learned, " our " Biff has gone to the Bridge. He survived his pal Tess by about five months.Biff had a wonderful home with Heather / Mark and the kids who all adored him. This was the wee lad we picked up at the vets all these years ago when he was about six and had been taken in to be PTS as he wasn't good with children !!!! What absolute rubbish he loved the three boys in his family and was very gentle with them they are heartbroken now that he is no longer with them.Thank you all so much for giving Biff the most wonderful home.
RIP. Biff Hope Tess was waiting for you. love Ena & Frank xxxxx
Mikey >> |
Posted: 29th April 2012
I called Mark out of the blue yesterday one to see how wee Mikey was doing and two about another matter. This was when I found out he had just been rushed to the vets. We hoped and prayed he would make a good recovery but it was not to be. So sending our heartfelt condolences to Mark and Brittany we are so so sorry. Rest in peace Mikey you had a wonderful life and were absolutely adored by Mark & Brittanny and all your family xxx
Hello Ena and staff. You will know already that Mikey passed away yesterday following a terrible accident at our home.He was tough enough to make it to the Vets surgery, but his injuries were so severe, he passed on a few hours later despite everyone's best efforts. Little Brittany is devastated, \"Mikey\" and she were so close, and they spent every spare moment together.In closing, Mikey had a wonderful life with us and when we brought him home from the Vets, we have buried him under his favourite copse of trees in the garden where he loved to lie in the sun. We both miss him so very much, we are just heart-broken. We just wanted to thank you all for allowing us the absolute privelage of having him in our home for 5 and a half of the happiest years of our life. With all our love to you all and to all the \"doggies\" looking for a new home. Mark & Brittany Watson. XX.
Willow >> |
Posted: 17th April 2012
Hi Ena
Just to let you know that Willow has gone to Rainbow Bridge on 30th March. This is a photo of Willow, Yasmin and Keaton just before going to the vets. Yasmin felt that it was the right time to let her go. Very sad but the right thing for Willow.
Sylvia x
Sylvia thanks for letting me know, from a wee dog that was found wandering the City bypass in Edinburgh she went on to have such a wonderful life with your Aunt & Uncle. We are so so grateful to them for giving her so many happy years.
Rest easy Willow you were so well loved xxx.
Teddy >> |
Posted: 3rd April 2012
We are all very sad to let you know that Teddy, who we adopted from the
Petcare Centre next to Second Chance, having seen him on your website, sadly
left us on Sunday 25th March. He was a happy healthy wee man until the week
before when he suddenly collapsed but recovered. Alas his recovery was
short lived and we had to take him to the vet when it was apparent that he
couldn't manage any longer. His 5 pals, Reggie, Daisy. Iggy(Second
Chancers), Kizzie and Mouse miss him. Teddy was 16 years old, was a great
character and gave them all a run for their money when there was a ball to
Marjorie so so sorry to hear about Teddy, he was a real character, and so loved by everyone, he had a brilliant life with you all, couldn't have wished for a better home for him. R.I.P. Teddy you will be sadly missed xxx
Thor handsome Rottweiler >> |
Posted: 15th February 2012
It was with great sadness we received a phone call from Margaret and Dave, to tell us their beloved big lad Thor, who was a Rottweiler, had passed over to the Bridge on the 11th January, they are devastated. Thor was found wandering on they A92 back in December 2005. He was adopted by Margaret & Dave on the 20th April 2006 He never looked back, and although they had a lot of problems with Thor with traffic to start with,they never gave up on him and he had a wonderful home in the country, he was such a big gentle boy.We used to try and visit him at least once a year and he never ever forgot us.What a nature he had and he was adored by his folks.Just last year they moved back down to England but still kept in touch, we appreciated this.
Rest Easy Thor you were so loved and will be so sadly missed by your family and us here at Second Chance. Roy Bridge will never be the same. xxxxxxxxx
A few pics of Margaret and Dave / Thor and one with Frank on a visit xx
Zeus >> |
Posted: 30th January 2012
We were all so shocked and sorry to hear about Zues, he was so young handsome and such a character a big soft lad and a credit to you. It's so so hard to have to part with one you love so much. He had such a wonderful home with you guys. We couldn't have wished for a better home for him. Sleep peacefully Zues you were so much loved here with your family. Have fun with all the other Second Chance dogs you are sure to meet. Lots of love from your family and all of us here at Second Chance xx. ******* Hi Ena, Thanks for your kind words. I am glad you like the painting of our beloved Zeus. As you know he died on 11/5/11, it is still as raw today as it was then, and our lives have changed forever. He was so special to us, he was a big part of our lives, he was with us all day every day and we wouldn't have had it any other way. If we went out Zeus came too. He loved the car and was so quiet, you forgot he was there until he popped his head up. When we went to the beach he would paddle instead of swim (which was funny to watch) and if you threw a stone into the water for him, he would look at you as if to say 'that is too far for me to get wet'. He had such a wonderful character. Zeus is a big miss to us, and to this day we can't believe he has gone because it all happened so quick. We would like to thank you for finding Zeus for us and wish you and Second Chance Kennels all the best for the future. You are all doing a wonderful job. Regards,Linda, David, Arlene & David
Sky >> |
Posted: 21st January 2012
Hi Ena
I would like nothing more than for Sky to be put on the rainbow wall .I have attached 2 pictures 1 which was taken last year with Sky and myself and also another which was taken beginning of the week with Sky and my new grandaughter.
I would like to thank you so much. My husband and kids got a puppy from you on the 29.3.1998 she was a cross lab/collie which at the time they got her for me for mothers day.Sky`s id number was 805. I have had the best ever 14 years with Sky. I could not have asked for a better dog she was loved so much but sadly I had to let her go today after many trips to the vet this week as she was losing her balance and was falling all over the place It's the hardest decision that I have ever had to make in my life. It was the right thing to let her go before she started to suffer. It's so heartbreaking not only was she my dog and pet but she was my best friend and always had a smile for visitors.I would just like to thank the Second Chance Kennels for my time with Sky.
Thankyou so much.
Tracey thank you so much for letting us know about Sky, she was one of the puppies we rehomed when we worked from home. It's so good to know she has had such a brilliant home.We are so sorry that she has passed on to Rainbow Bridge
Rest in Peace Sky you have been such a well loved wee girl and your family all miss you so very much xxx
Amber >> |
Posted: 16th January 2012
Amber's Life .
We adopted Amber from Second Chance when she was just a year old, when she first came to us she wouldn't go in her bed, she obviously had never had a bed of her own before and it took her two months to use it. She loved going for walks with her " dad " she never strayed far from him. When we went on holiday or away for the day our friend would come and stay with her and look after her she loved him and vice versa.
When Amber was 7 yrs old we got another wee dog a tiny Poodle Molly, Amber was great with the puppy, and helped house train her, we think Molly thought Amber was her mum.
Amber was a great dog to us, more than I can say.Sadly Amber became ill about 4 months ago and we had to let her go as she was in a lot of pain, she was 15 1/2. My friend and I took her to Inglis Vets who were very kind they let us have time to say goodbye, we had her cremated and she is now back home with her family. Amber was more than a dog to us more than words can say we loved her dearly.We would like to thank Mr Davidson from Inglis vets for all he did to help Amber. And our thanks also to Second Chance Kennels who gave us the chance to be her family, we had her for 15 yrs she was more than a dog to us, she was our baby we miss her sooooooooooo much so does wee Molly she keeps looking for her. Amber used to love sitting in the sun / going for long walks / out in the car playing with us and watching TV
Sleep well Amber you were a much loved girl.
Lots of love mum / dad / Molly and all here at Second Chance Kennels xxxx
Tess >> |
Posted: 9th November 2011
All at second chance kennels.
As my wife phoned on 3/11/11 to let you know, unfortunately we had to let our beloved Tess go on Wednesday night after discovering that she had developed a large lump on her side.
The vet unfortunately didn't think there was anything she could do to improve her quality of life.
I know that Tess didn't originally come from yourselves but what you didn't realise is that we only had Tess because when we were looking for a wee pup it was yourselves that pointed us in her direction.
After 14 yrs 6mnths I can safely say that this has left a huge hole in the whole families lives.
What sticks in our mind is how she was most definitely the best possible baby monitor any mother could ask for (she would sleep at the foot of the cot of all 3 children then if they woke during the night would jump up on the bed and lick your face relentlessly until you got up to see to them.
Would greet me with her whole body wagging no matter what time day or night that I would arrive home from work.
She was to myself and my wife the daughter that we never had. Will miss her dearly
We all will miss our jaunts down to the beach where her and Biff would love playing in the water or on the sand playing fetch or just plain running daft til they just couldn't run no more.
Will be sadly and devotedly missed by
Mark,Heather,Connor,Cameron,Cullan and lastly but by no means least Biff
Heather Mark & the boys we were so so sorry to hear about Tess, we knew just how much she meant to you all and of course Biff ( our boy ) will miss his pal. She couldn't have asked to be part of a better family x
Rest in Peace, Tess you are so missed by all your family and we will miss you when your folks visit with Biff and you won't be there. Love from us all xxx
Sammy >> |
Posted: 13th October 2011
This wee lad left us very suddenly for Rainbow Bridge on Monday 3rd October. Very sad day for us here at Second Chance he was such a lovable character, who was found tied up at the side of a road, luckily Shaun one of our volunteers was passing and saw him, so ofcourse stopped and brought him here. We had no history on Sammy but found out as we got to know this lad, that he had some issues unfortunately, which made it that wee bit more difficult to find the right home for him.We were quite prepared to keep him here, but sadly Sammy had a turn when out for a walk with his beloved Auntie Janette and passed away,nothing could be done for him. Everyone was devastated especially poor Janette who had a real soft spot for our boy.She took him out for the day the previous Friday and he had a lovely time with her and I will always be grateful he had that time. Hope you have fun at the Bridge Sammy where you will meet lots of Second Chance dogs. We miss you son rest in peace, knowing although you came to us an abandoned wee dog that you were loved here and we miss you. Love Ena / Frank / Janette and all at Second Chance xxx
Bryyn >> |
Posted: 11th October 2011
Dear Ena and Frank
We lost Bryyn early hours on Saturday morning and as you will know we are heartbroken. Over the last 3 years Bryyn had a multitude of illnesses of which he was treated in hospital for it just seemed to be as one door opened another slammed closed. He was diagnosed with advanced Leukaemia on Wedensday, sadly this time he could not have treatment. He was not in pain and for that I'm truly grateful. He was in my arms at home when he died, his heart just pegged out.
You brought eight years of the happiest time into my life Ena and would like to thank you for giving me and the family the pleasure of Bryyn being with us .He has made us all better people but it's left a huge void in our life.
Bye my big boy
some pics for you xx
Kind regards
Fiona and Mike
Fiona & Mike so so sorry to hear about your lovely big lad such a sweet gentle soul, I know how heart broken you both will be. I remember the day you came for him. We were so happy and will always be so grateful he found such a wonderful loving home with you both.
Rest in peace Bryyn you will be so missed by your family and we at Second Chance will never forget you x x
pic 1 was 8weeks ago, pic 2 & 3 was 2008 before Bryyns illness.
Patch >> |
Posted: 15th September 2011
Just a wee email to let you know that sadly, we had to put Patch to sleep yesterday, he had been unwell for the last 2 months but was still strong and pulled through.
Unfortunately, his age and arthritis got the better of him and it wasn't fair to him any longer. He had a great life and was loved by the whole family from the minute he stepped into this house as a puppy.
He enriched all our lives and will be sorely missed! I would just like to thank you for giving us the opportunity to adopt a wonderful dog such as Patch. He was the most gentle and loving dog and we were truly blessed to have him as a member of our family.
I have enclosed two pics of patch in happier times one as a puppy and one in a caravan on holiday.
With love from Linda and Rocky xxx
Oh Linda, I am so so sorry. I still remember the day your folks came for him, they adopted him from my home so he must have been a good age maybe even about 15yrs. We also had him back at the kennels for a visit a few years ago he was as you say a very gentle dog.Love the photo's, who couldn't have loved him. He also knew how very much he was loved he was so content and happy.
Rest in Peace Patch.
Love from all your family & Rocky another Second Chance wee lad and of course all of us here at Second Chance xxx
Morag >> |
Posted: 5th September 2011
Dear Ena
Here with tears is Morag’s story. Please feel free to cut bits out as it may well be too long.
We had spoken about having a dog as an additional family member for a while. David and I had the usual discussions with the boys about the responsibility of being a dog owner. I had secretly been looking on the Second Chance Kennels Web site and was attracted to the Kennels as I felt a lot of consideration went to the dogs wellbeing and future security and safety. In March 2006 I phoned and had a chat with Ena and it was suggested we visit. So on Friday 2nd March we travelled over the bridge to the Kennels. When we got there we kind of hung around, having a bit of a chat watching other people coming and going, of course all that time Ena was quietly and discreetly checking us out! ( quite right too!) After a while Ena explained she had a dog that she thought would be right for us, the dog hadn’t arrived in the Kennels yet but the owners stayed closer to us than Thornton. So Ena made a call we all chatted back and forward and agreed that the owner would bring Morag out to see us that night. She came we took her a stroll had a bit of time with her. Then we let the owner know we would have a chat about it, as the door closed the boys asked when could she come? when could we get her! So next day Morag came to our house!
She settled very quickly and soon became part of the family, much loved.
She was quirky and wise at the same time. Loved the beach, could run for miles even when you took her a short stroll round the woods! She thought she could catch squirrels up trees. She had this funny thing she’d do when lying down she would ‘walk’ towards you one paw at a time, we called her a frog dog when she did this! Mogger the fogger!!
She was really patient with our friends new puppy Sam, we eventually had to intervene to give Morag a break as she never seemed to tell Sam off for being too boisterous!
Other dog walkers would often comment on how good she was, what a lovely shiny coat she had and she became well known around our place with local people and kids.
She wasn’t perfect having to run haul her away from sheep comes to mind and the frustration of clearing up rubbish when we forgot to put the bin out and Morag had eaten all she fancied and scattered the rest on the floor!
She was my girl. We often said she came ready made and we didn’t have to put her in the microwave!
The outcome of the good early care she had received from her first owners.
Early in March this year we woke during the night with Morag having a seizure. This was the beginning of a cluster of seizures every few weeks that despite medication did not appear to be controlled. At the beginning of June Morag had a brain scan in Glasgow University Vet and a brain tumour was confirmed.
After some heartbreaking discussion in the family, with friends, out great vet Mike we decided to let Morag go before she deteriorated further.
So on Wednesday 22nd 9 days after her 8th Birthday, Morag had a Fillet Steak for breakfast and went to sleep peacefully. We were very very lucky to have her and thought we would have her much longer, we loved her to bits and yearn for her.
She was a very special wee girl and so well loved.
Morag sleep well in the knowledge your family adored you and miss you so very much.
RIP Ena xx
Sandy >> |
Posted: 15th July 2011
Sandy slept peacefully away in my arms Monday 6-15pm 27th June 2011.10 years 7months old. This is one of the hardest things to write.(from your loving daughter Susan, this is the hardest story I have had to put on your website). I am absolutely devastated wee Sandy has gone to the Rainbow Bridge, he came into my life at a year old as he had bitten a child. We brought hin into the kennels, he was a very misunderstood wee man and I said to Frank can I bring him home, he said of course you can. I had him at home for about six months while I looked for the right home for him, someone came to the kennels and Sandy took to them and for two years I never saw him only phoned to see how he was doing as it broke my heart to let him go but I knew we couldn’t keep all the dogs. However two years later a chap called to ask if we could take in a Yorkie as his aunt couldn’t look after him anymore. I remember saying just take the wee dog in, and when he was brought to the kennels he came through the door. I was sitting on the couch and said OMG it’s Sandy, the Wee man went crazy jumping all over me and licking my face, he hadn’t forgotten me. Then he jumped down and went to Frank who when I looked at him said yes he can stay he’s going nowhere else. So he spent his nights at the house and his days at the kennels. He didn’t much like people or other dogs although he accepted our girls and Mhairi’s girls and Stella who used to stay with us during the day. He bit quite a few of us, one being Mhairi who then wouldn’t come into the same room as him. However, I eventually managed to turn things around and she went from being in a cold sweat when he was in the room to loving him. We used to laugh because if we wanted him to eat anything Mhairi would put it in her pocket and no matter what he ate it !! When he came home we had to watch him, especially with our grandchildren, but given time and patience and lots of love, he was a wee darling I loved him so much. The only person who he never ever bit for lifting him was our daughter Susan he adored her, she could do anything with him. Another instance that comes to mind was I remember when Graeme the vet came to the kennels to have a look at the computer we always said to everyone “ DON'T LIFT THE YORKIE “ however Sandy went up onto his knee and I said mind stand up and let him jump down but he forgot and lifted Sandy down !!! he said remember and tell everyone it was a big ferocious Shepherd !! Ian from Kingdom FM came about the kennels a lot and eventually Sandy would jump on his knee curl up and go to sleep. Everyone who has known you Sandy has said you were a real character and I know they will never forget you. However you were diagnosed early this year with a tumour in your heart you had to go and have fluid drained from the sac around your heart we did this twice for you, we knew you were on borrowed time but you went downhill so quickly and I couldn’t watch you suffer anymore as you were never going to get better, you went to sleep so peacefully cuddled in on my knee at the kennels on Monday the 27th June at 6-15pm. Your dad and I then took you along to Paws R.I.P. where we said our final goodbye to you wee man. I had never owned a wee dog before but being “ owned “ by you was a real pleasure and I feel priveledged to have shared so many happy years with you. I love you so much wee man and miss you so so much. Run free at the Bridge I hope Tess, Sula Jet and your pal Kyra and all our other beloved family dogs were there to greet you. You are only ever a heartbeat away Sandy wee man xxxxxxxxx Your forever loving mum Ena xxx. God Bless xxx The 1st pic is my all time favourite of Sandy, Sandy with his pal Kyra, the 2nd last pic is the last one taken of the"Wee man" and finally, last but not least this is "our wee terminator "He had just been out to have his shampoo and set at auntie Karen's and came in and jumped up on the chair and didn't look too happy I couldn't resist taking his pic. I lost a treasured friend today, The little dog who used to lay His gentle head upon my knee. Share his silent thoughts with me He'll come no longer to my call, Retrieve no more his favourite toy. . And though my eyes are filled with tears, I thank Him for the happy years And for his love and loyalty xx miss you always Sandy Wee Man xxxxxxxxxxxx
Zak >> |
Posted: 19th June 2011
Sad news,my wee Zak died on the 16th June 2011. He was diagnosed with cushings disease a week before and our vet said that he probebly died of a blood clot, which is known in dogs with this disease. He was the most fantastic wee dog, this is Zak the day before he died in this picture. His favorite hobby was riding horses with me,he loved galloping along the beach, faster the better and he could trot and canter on his own as well.He liked everything fast,fast horses,fast cars and he had them all.I remember the day I got him he was such a wee scruffy thing and very insecure but he ended up being king of the castle(literally).He wasn't a dog that liked every one,infact he was a wee biter and a few people have his teeth signature but it didnt seem to bother people,they all still loved him.Now he has gone and I miss him SO much. I didn't think I could miss a dog as much as this but I do and my heart is broken for ever.Miss him always
So sorry to hear about Zak James I still remember the day I brought him to the stables, he was a wee darling and just needed someone to love and care for him, and thankfully he certainly got that with you.
This is a pic you sent at Christmas what a wee star.
Rest in peace wee man you will be so sorely missed xxxxx
Harry >> |
Posted: 18th June 2011
Dear Ena and Frank and every one at Second Chance Kennels
It is always difficult to write the one letter where we have to tell
family and friends that a loved member of the family group has gone.
Yesterday 13 June 2011 we had to say good bye to our wonderful gentle
giant Harry. His health had been failing for a long time and several
times we thought that the time had come, even to the stage of getting
his grave professionally dug when he would rally and give everyone a
few more months love and affection. On Sunday evening it was clear that
he was deteriorating rapidly and early Monday morning we made that hard
decision to let the suffering and pain end. He died peacefully in
Peters arms. The big old St. Bernard who had given up on life when he
arrived here on Skye had made many people smile and laugh, he gave
everyone the same warm and wet welcome and love. Thank you Ena for
saving and resucuing him and then for getting him well enough to come to
Skye, albiet it took your internet blackmail to get him here. He is
going to be greatly missed by the other four legged friends, Toby,
Brodie and Bruin. Harry alwasy enjoyed his walks and his paddle in the
river or the sea, he could find lost chickens with that wonderful nose,
greeted the guests with the most ferocious bark but then gave them a
warm welcome, loved the attention from the children at the primary
school, all in all he was a most wonderful giant gentleman.
Wherever you are Harry enjoy the sun on your face and feel no more pain, the
tears are starting we miss you and will remember you always. There is
so much more I could say but you all know his story and how very
special he had become to everyone.
Dear Hazel / Peter & Cal
Frank and myself were so so very sorry to hear about Harry, but very very grateful that he found such a wonderful home up there on Skye with you..He was a poor soul when you adopted him my grandsom Ryan loved him too he has a pic of him and Harry when Harry was all head and no body, he was so thin !! We have been up a few times to visit so have included some pics of Harry with us. and my very favourite one of him lying in front of the fire in the bar.
Rest in Peace Harry I know you are back home where you belong and were so loved.
Love Ena & Frank xxxxxxxx
Harvey >> |
Posted: 2nd June 2011
Hi Ena,
Don't know if you got the message sent to the website, but Harvey had to be put down on 23rd May. The poor soul's arthritis got very back, very quick over the weekend - we suspect the bone he was laying down over his spine pressed into his spinal chord. The vets were very good and he slept away very very peacefully. It was a relief to see him so calm.
Harvey was the most fantastic dog and I was very lucky to have him for the 10 1/2 years.
At the moment Ben and Blue are thoroughly miserable, but hopefully they will pick up in time.
Linda I'm so very very sorry to hear about Harvey, I know he was so well loved.
Ps. sorry getting e-mails through the web site can be a hit or miss.
Love the one of him smiling, sleep easy Harvey .
With love from Ena and all at Second Chance xxx
Thinking of you and the boys x
Sandy >> |
Posted: 23rd May 2011
Hi Ena,
I am finding it very hard to send this sad message to you..We lost our lovely friend Sandy on Wednesday 11th of May. He had been slowing down a bit (like we all do as we get older)!! but on the Sunday he did not seem right and was off his food (def not Sandy)!!!we took him to the vets on Monday and they gave him tablets but I just could not get him to eat anything and he was a very unhappy doggie. We went back to the vets on Tuesday teatime he was given a Morphine injection to help the pain and we were to take him back in the morning for a scan. It was the worst night ever he couldn't even stand up right. I had to go to work, it was the hardest thing leaving him, putting my arms round him to cuddle him goodbye.(I can hardly see to type this for the tears).My husband and sister took Sandy to the vets he had to be carried to the car.all morning at work I dreaded the phone ringing and when it rang at 11 am it was my husband who was crying so much he could hardly speak.to say that Sandy had a massive tumour deep in his tummy (that's why there was no lumps to feel ) and he needed to be put to sleep.I just had to leave my work as I was so upset and the hardest part was I could not get anyone to cover for me (any other day would not have been a problem but on that day there was no one) so my husband had to go himself to be with Sandy all day I dreaded going home..walking into the house was horrible (it still is)..we have had Sandy cremated and have his ashes back, that was so hard as well. Sandy was our friend ever since we brought him back from Second Chance on 16 March 2001 over 10 happy years.He had lots of lovely holidays with us over the years the last one was only in April this year at our favourite place St Fillans. He will be missed by lots of friends and family, most people in Leven knew Sandy as he was out all the time with us. We are having a family remembrance day on Sunday for Sandy we are going to his favourite places 1..Ruby bay (near Elie) 2..Silverburn park and the beach at Leven. we will have some Champagne to celebrate his life with us..then we will lay his ashes to rest in the garden ..we have had a lovely plaque made for him ..i will send you a photo of his final resting place. Thank you for all the happy times we had with Sandy over the years.I know we will be back to Second Chance to give another lonely pet a home, but right now we are remembering Sandy (the first picture is Sandy sleeping beside me on the Sunday before he died) (the second one was taken just 3 weeks ago at his favourite park Silverburn ) ( and the 3rd was Ruby bay again just 3 weeks ago).
Love from Eileen and Bob Kermack
Oh Eileen & Bob I am so so sorry for your loss he was such a lovely lovely big lad and we are so grateful he had such a wonderful home with you both. What a lovely thing you are doing for him, re your " Sandy Remembrance Day " I hope you have a good day remembering all the fun things ect: he used to do.We will be thinking of you all.
Rest in Peace Sandy you know you were so so special to your family and all who knew and loved you xx
Hi Ena and all at second chance. As promised I am sending you a photo of Sandy's final resting place in the garden. We had a family gathering last night and drank champagne. ( in between showers)!!!. My sister read out a lovely verse ( I couldn't get the words out) to say our goodbyes to our lovely boy. We will still have him in our hearts as well as the garden.Thank you again for giving us 10 happy years with Sandy. We hope to be back to Second chance soon to find another friend to give a home to.
Love from Eileen and Bob Kermack.
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