Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Since it opened in 1999, hundreds of dogs have passed through the kennels doors and have gone on to wonderful new homes and families. On this page you will see some of those lucky dogs in their forever homes, and hear how they've settled in and how they've enriched their new families' lives.

Tilly on a visit xx. >>
Posted: 12th June 2014

We had visitors on Tuesday afternoon in the form of Tilly and her mum,Friend Mitch and Tilly's quite large brother and siste, but gorgeous. It was so so good to see them all again, and Tilly looks great. xx

Tilly on a visit xx.  Tilly on a visit xx.
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Buddy xx >>
Posted: 12th June 2014

Hi Ena and all at second chance.
Just to let you know I was at the vets today for my wee op, all went well and I will get home again this afternoon, I have to have walks on my lead for a few days ( I will miss chasing rabbits!!!) hope to be up to visit you all in a couple of weeks with goodies for "Bark in the Park" and Silverburn.. Lots kisses and cuddles from Buddy...
Glad your feeling fine Buddy, will be interseting t hear how your folks manage to keep you quiet though and no jumping and barking at next doors wee take care lol xx

Buddy xx
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Wee Holly update xx >>
Posted: 12th June 2014

Hi Ena Frank,
Well wee Holly is coming on leaps and bounds, loves her food ,walks ,meeting new people and other dogs .She and Heidi give each other wee kisses,both sleep on the bed and are pals.
Still can not get the photos up on an e-mail ,know how to do it on face book ! But not e-mail???
Was so pleased to see Scruff go to a happy home ,he will have fun with the boys and lot of love .You and Frank do a great job thank you again for Holly.
Take Care love Catherine ,Heidi ,Holly xxx
Thank you Catherine for the update on Holly, so so pleased she has settled in so very well xx.

Wee Holly update xx  Wee Holly update xx
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Murphy and Brodie xx >>
Posted: 11th June 2014
Hi Ena , it's been a while since we were up at kennels but mum keeps up to date on your website. We are getting on a bit now, we will be thirteen this year not that you would know it if you saw us playing at the beach which is our favourite place. We both keep well although Murphy has a few problems with his back. He had a fall and injured himself but the vet keeps an eye on him. Keep up the good work and we may get up to see you. Attaching a photo which we hope you can see. Love Murphy and Brodie

Hi guys tell your mum thanks for the update, it's great to see you both and your looking good.So pleased your enjoying life to the full xxx.


Murphy and Brodie xx
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Bailey & Oscar xx. >>
Posted: 8th June 2014

We had visitors yesterday it was so good to see them all, even though Victoria keeps us updated with photo's and video's of Oscar and Bailey.

When Stetphen and Victori adopted Bailey as a young pup, they didn't have any family. Since Oscar who is now three years old came on the scene you never see one without the other it's so lovely to watch.Bailey also has a great extended family who also all adore him. Can't believe its six years though Bailey xx.

Bailey & Oscar xx.
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Scruffy xx >>
Posted: 8th June 2014

Well we finally did it !! let Scruffy go to her new home. This was a hard one as we had her a wee while and if truth be told wanted to keep her so sorry folks dragged our heels a wee bit with this wee lass xx.


Here is the wee lass with a very happy family, Debi/Kenny and Sam / Leighton. Poor Debi stalked us all week, because we thought Maisie and Scruffy would have been really good together. However she didn't. So we now have two very happy families which is great,.

Thanks Leighton ( young lad ) for the super poster you made for us, we really like it and the cards and flowers / mug.

What some people will do to get a dog hahahaha. Seriously we are so happy for all our dogs that have new adoptive families. xx

Scruffy xx
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Wee Holly xx >>
Posted: 7th June 2014

Ena,Holly is slowly settling down she loves going for walks.At first she was just I think trying to get home.,?? She is now head to head with Heidi sniffing at the same spot ,she is getting used to that routine and the people and dogs we meet. It is a slow process, but we will make it .
Will speak to you soon
Catherine Holly and Heidi xx
Thank you so much Catherine for the update on wee Holly, glad to see she is settling in well now. Knew she would be very well looked after with you xx.

Wee Holly xx
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Shelley xx >>
Posted: 5th June 2014

Hi Ena and Frank this is SHELLEY, we were lucky enough to adopt her from you some nine years ago, we would like to thank you once again for all the terrific work you do and for all the joy and happiness you bring to so many pets and families. Keep up your fantastic work.

Hugh and Margaret.

Thank you so very much for the update on Shelley she's a wee cutie,but you moved and never left a contact number !!! I've thought about you all often and wondered how she was getting on.Thank you for your very kind words.

You and wee Korkie ( the wee one just in front of Shelley's post) have just made my day xxx

Shelley xx
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Korkie the Yorkie x >>
Posted: 5th June 2014

Korkie loves Doug, he just follows him around. Nearly a year now we've had Korkie and he's a good boy. Still hates big noisy traffic but there's always something with any dog. Like human's no one's perfect. I adore him and despite what he says so does Jim,. I regularly find him cuddled up beside Jim ! He's good with Molly ( grandaughter ) They have a healthy respect for each other. She loves Doug and of course he's just a big softie.

Love to Alfie.

Love Chris and Korkie.


Christine thank you so very much for the update on Korkie sounds as though he has it made with you and your family. Love the photo of him with Doug xx

Korkie the Yorkie x
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Bonny xx >>
Posted: 3rd June 2014

I thought you might like to see some photos of Bonny since she came to live with us. Be warned though there is quite a few so you might get fed up of them all!. I know how much you love dogs though so don't think you will be fed up lol. I will have to send them in more than one email. I also haven't been though all the photos so I will send you more in the future.
Bonny loved the house rabbit in the picture. She use to like the rabbit jumping on her back. The only time she didn't like the rabbit was when he went near Bonny's bed she use to just growl at him.
Looking forward to seeing you again.
Isla xxxx
Hi Isla all the photo's are lovely so picked out a few to share, Bonny is just nothing like the wee timid girl you adopted. You and your family have made her so much part of your family, she was even good when the children came on the scene. Well done and thank you so very much xx,

Bonny xx  Bonny xx
Bonny xx  Bonny xx
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Holly xx >>
Posted: 31st May 2014

Well our wee Holly has been such a lucky wee girl, and has gone to stay with such a lovely lady and her wee Yorkie. We are all so so pleased for them all. xx

We hope her mum who sadly had to give her up, is happy she has found another lady who will love and care for her. xx

Holly xx
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Milly xx. >>
Posted: 31st May 2014

Wee milly brought her folks back for a visit today, was so ggod to see them and she looks lovely has sprouted a wee bit !! Her mum says she's the perfect wee dog, isn't that nice xxx

Milly xx.  Milly xx.
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Rex and the Gang xx >>
Posted: 29th May 2014

Hello there Auntie Ena, its Rex writing for all the rest of the gang too. Hope all is well at the kennels?. We are all doing fine at home. Just wanted to tell you, im now a big boy as I turned 2 years old just there on the 28th of May..Mummy cant believe im 2 already..she keeps saying she remembers very clear seeing me when I was 13 weeks old for the first time while doing the night time checks and falling madly in love with me and then adopting me. Goodness I only had just arrived that Wednesday afternoon and Mummy had chosen me that night. Im a very lucky boy! Im doing extremely well at my jump jumps (agility) and ive even started competing at the agility shows..its very exciting and I just love it to bits..its just great fun. Ive also been learning loads of dance moves and dance tricks which I just love too. My favourite dance tricks are twirls, jumping through mummys legs, jumping onto mums back and reversing upstairs. I practice every day..mum says every time we are learning new moves or doing agility I always have a huge smile on my face, I guess im just a very happy lad:)
The rest of the fur babies are doing well..Tizer just won a 3rd at SKC in agility and mum was very proud as Tizer will be 11 years old in September and is still winning prizes, he always puts his heart and soul into ever run and just wants to please 24/7. As you can imagine for winning a 3rd at his show he got mega spoiled for doing so well. Gayle is doing well too at jump jumps..although this is hers and Jemma's first year competing we will need to see how they do together..finger crossed for the both of them! Wee Bob has gained his weight back and is doing the moment hes had to stop agility until he gets better as we still dont know what was wrong with him but hes happy and is still cheeky and as usual always getting up to mischief. Jess is doing fabby as well, although the other day she had to get an emergency vet apt as she hurt her dew claw but shes back to normal now. Shes doing amazing at agility as shes now keeping all the poles up unlike before..everyone thinks Jessica is quiet, hmm not when shes at agility shes wild but shes happy and is completely crazy for it..which is good:) ... And Baby Joule is doing well too.
Well Auntie Ena im going to have to dash for now but have attached some updated pics for you to have a look at, hope you enjoy.
Loads of waggy tails and massive dog licks..Rex and the rest of The Gang♡.

Thank your mum so much for the story and love the photo Rex, as I know she's a busy lady. So good to hear how all our past residents are doing and baby Joels of course. Imagine two years already how time fly's. Lots of love Auntie Ena and Uncle Frank xxxxxx

Rex and the Gang xx
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Mitzi xx >>
Posted: 29th May 2014

Well this wee lass didn't reach Homeless Hounds, she now has a wonderful home. Do you think her new folks look happy !! think she might just get a wee bit spoiled xx.

Mitzi xx
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Archie in his new home with Cole xx >>
Posted: 25th May 2014

Frank and myself had a lovely run out today, we took Archie to meet his new mum and big brother Cole, who was adopted fropm here a few months ago.He is doing so very well, and now Archie has gone to join them. We are so pleased for them all and glad that Archie is now settling in with Cole, wee Alfie giving Archie a kiss before we leave. xxx

Archie in his new home with Cole xx  Archie in his new home with Cole xx
Archie in his new home with Cole xx  Archie in his new home with Cole xx
Archie in his new home with Cole xx  Archie in his new home with Cole xx
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Poppy xx >>
Posted: 23rd May 2014

Hi Ena @ Frank
Hope you got my other e-mail
Thought you would like these photos.
How could anyone not love her.
Best wishes
Christine x
Poppy you too have landed on all four paws just like the Kim, who you came in with. So happy for you. Love the pics xx

Poppy xx  Poppy xx
Poppy xx  Poppy xx
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Peanut xx >>
Posted: 22nd May 2014

Wee Peanut brought his mum and gran for a visit today. It was so good to see them and Peanut is just a wee cracker, he met a Great Dane puppy while he was here. xx


Ps: The pup was just visiting is NOT for rehoming !!!!!

Peanut xx
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Stewie xx >>
Posted: 20th May 2014

Hiya well i've made it three dogs to go to their forever homes today. I have gone to a lovely family who adopted a wee dog from the Pet Care Centre quite a few years ago. So again lovely family home for me. Hope Archie gets to go soon as he will miss me for playing with. Love Stewie xx.

Update on Stewie, who is now Cody. Settled in very well. His " dad " sent this photo of him in his lovely garden, with the caption !!

"Lord of the Manor "! enjoy your new life Cody you deserve it. xx

Stewie xx  Stewie xx
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Kim xx >>
Posted: 20th May 2014

Amy and Rose came quite a distance to take me home, they already have Holly, a wee rough coated Jack Russell who they adopted 7 years ago. So once again I will be well loved. Love Kim xx.

Ps: have promised to keep in touch with Frank I really loved him, used to follow him everywhere xx

Update on wee Kim she had a brilliant drive home and has settled in very well, had a very peaceful night. xx

Hi Ena

Here are some photos of Kim and Holly today - she is so loving things!

Amy, Rose and Rionagh



She certainly has made herself at home already so pleased for you all, Holly is looking great can hardly believe it's seven years since you adopted her. thank you girls xxx

Wee update on Kimmy.


Hi Ena and Frank

Just a short note to let you know that Kimmy (AKA Kim) is doing so well!

She has met lots of people and takes to most of them, although remains a tad timid with some men to begin with.

She has fitted loads into her first week with us - including beach walk, river walk, trips in the car, working at our new house build site, chasing the hoover, piling all her toys in one place and sleeping on beds!!

Holly still ignores her, but is tolerating her presence. This weekend Holly is staying with her cousin dogs, whilst Kimmy comes camping! I don't think she is ready for a sleepover at her cousins yet.

Will give you another update soon

Amy, Rose and Rionagh

Kimmy and Holly


(Otherwise known as Teenny and Tiny!)

Amy thank you so so much great news she has settled in so well xxx

Kim xx  Kim xx
Kim xx  Kim xx
Kim xx  Kim xx
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Poppy xx >>
Posted: 20th May 2014

This is me Poppy getting ready to go home, I just love getting cuddles so much so didn't look at the camera. My folks are second time round adopters from Second Chance so I'm in very good hands. Love Poppy xx.

Poppy xx
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