Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Since it opened in 1999, hundreds of dogs have passed through the kennels doors and have gone on to wonderful new homes and families. On this page you will see some of those lucky dogs in their forever homes, and hear how they've settled in and how they've enriched their new families' lives.

Jake and Sandra xx >>
Posted: 9th September 2014

Jake his mum and two we Pug sisters came to visit the other day. Jake is 12ish now but looking good, his mum is hiding behind him !!! xx

Jake and Sandra xx
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Sasha xx >>
Posted: 9th September 2014

Heathe thanks for giving Bob ( Buddy's dad ) a photo of Sasha to bring along to us it's lovely and she looks sooo happy xx

Ps: Took a photo of your photo but it turned out quite good x

Sasha xx
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Poppy and Buddy meet up xx >>
Posted: 9th September 2014

Poppy and Buddy who are brother and sisiter, came in for rehimg together. Good news for them is they now have lovely homes, with people who have adopted from us before in fact Poppy went to stay with Faith the lab whi is in the photo's.

This is Buddy's mum & dad Eileen / Bob and Poppy and Faith's mum Sara xx.

We had a wee catch up with them all today at Second Chance it was so good to see them all,Bob was trying to " steal " Poppy though.You can see from the photo's why !!! xx

Poppy and Buddy meet up xx  Poppy and Buddy meet up xx
Poppy and Buddy meet up xx  Poppy and Buddy meet up xx
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Brodie xx >>
Posted: 8th September 2014


Hi there! I was at the car wash last week when I heard you on the radio and it was a coincidence as Brodie has been with us exactly 1 year past Friday.

I thought I would update you and say he has turned into an extremely sweet and loving wee boy and I just wanted to let people know that sometimes you wont get the perfect dog in a week or 2, you have to be more realistic than that.

It takes a bit of work and lots of patience and we have the reward of a very loyal, fun and happy dog. He was with 2 different owners for the first 5 months of his life so we figured that we owed him at least the same amount of time with us. I couldn't have asked for a nicer wee boy now so please don't give up on one just because he or she misbehaves at the beginning. They are just frightened and need you to show them the way forward.

Anyway thank you again Ena for letting Brodie into our lives and I have uploaded a few recent pics.



Hi Alan,

Thank you very much for the update on Brodie.Its good to know how well he has settled in and he has grown into a very handsome boy.Which is all down to you.

It's very true what you say, some people expect a rescue dog to be the " perfect " dog without spending time and putting some effort and patience and love into bonding with the wee soul. If they have had a hard time before coming in to us they need very special people to help them adjust.

Have to say most of our Second Chance family do this there is just the odd one or two who want to dominate the dog !!! That makes me very angry as they desserve so much more !!

Brodie xx  Brodie xx
Brodie xx  Brodie xx
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Bailey boy and Oscar Best Pals.xx >>
Posted: 5th September 2014

Victoria thanks sorry to have bothered you but haven't had photo's of "our" boy and his best pal for ages !!! Again great photo's Bailey and Oscar , bet he's missing Oscar since he started nursery XXX
Hi Ena
I'm so sorry I've a heaps of photos I've been meaning to send you way it's just been one crazy summer we have all been out all day everyday bailey has been loving it!! There's a few ..of him on his summer walks, getting cuddles - it's not a sleepover for oscars cousins if baileys not in the bed too!! The one with the facecloth is if Oscar drops It out the bath bailey picks it up and give it back!! Oh and bailey much prefers water straight from the tap as you can see!! The pic of him with my dad is so funny he does not let my dad sit for one second and since Oscar at nursery we noticed he's even more bossy I think it's to pass time!! He expects to have a ball thrown from the moment we arrive at my folks house If my dad isn't up straight away bailey starts pushing him!! :-) we saw a lovely article about you, frank and all your hard work at second chance kennels in the local paper in St. Andrews xx
Lots of love

Bailey boy and Oscar Best Pals.xx  Bailey boy and Oscar Best Pals.xx
Bailey boy and Oscar Best Pals.xx  Bailey boy and Oscar Best Pals.xx
Bailey boy and Oscar Best Pals.xx  Bailey boy and Oscar Best Pals.xx
Bailey boy and Oscar Best Pals.xx  Bailey boy and Oscar Best Pals.xx
Bailey boy and Oscar Best Pals.xx  Bailey boy and Oscar Best Pals.xx
Bailey boy and Oscar Best Pals.xx  Bailey boy and Oscar Best Pals.xx
Bailey boy and Oscar Best Pals.xx  Bailey boy and Oscar Best Pals.xx
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Wee Ruby and friends xxx >>
Posted: 5th September 2014

This is wee Ruby the Cavalier, who just went to her new home a few weeks ago, she has now been spayed and as you can see has settled in very well.Her mum assures us they do all have a bed each but prefer to share

Just found this other photo of Ruby with her big sis xx

Wee Ruby and friends xxx  Wee Ruby and friends xxx
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Pearl xx >>
Posted: 5th September 2014

Not ready to get up yet mum xx

Pearl xx
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Wee Benson xx >>
Posted: 2nd September 2014

This wee lad brought his folks back for a visit today,they had been away for a few days in their camper ven, what a wee star he is, goes up and down the wee stair to get into the van with no trouble and to see him trotting around you would never think he's blind. Eleanor and Brian just adore him, as do all their family. Thank you both so very much for loving "our" wee boy, it was great to see you. xx.

Wee Benson xx
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Munroe Mollie xx >>
Posted: 30th August 2014

Hope this finds everyone well. Eight and a half years ago we had lost
our dog and we came to you and you gave us Mollie (she was called April
and came from down south).We stay in Dollar. We wanted Mollie as a pet
and for me to have as a companion as I set off to climb the Munros.
(mountains over 3000ft in Scotland). We didn't take her up the Cuillins
and I had completed some with our old dog before she died. Mollie has
come up 235 Munros with me. There are 282! Mollie has been my faithful
companion over many a mountain which I have climbed solo. Many hills
required a cycle in before actually climbing and she would ride in a
padded laundry basket attached to the carrier on my bike. On the 23rd
August I completed my Munro round and along with friends and family we
celebrated on top of Beinn Fhada in Glen Shiel all wearing pom pom hats
and Mollie wore a pom pom garland. I just thought you might like to see
her again even it was many years ago that you last saw her!!
I cant thank you enough for giving me the best dog in the World!!
Kind regards
Elizabeth Mckinnon
Elizabeth thank you so very much for the update on Mollie, what a wee STAR, imagine climing all those mountains well done both of you. Mollie looks as if she enjoys it anyway,lucky girl going on all those adventures. So good to hear from you although we aren't in touch much we think about our past residents often xx

Munroe Mollie xx  Munroe Mollie xx
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not a dog photo lol x >>
Posted: 23rd August 2014

Proud mum! Poppy would at one time never have had the courage to stick her head into a carrier bag, far less pull out things to get to the stewing steak, pull the packet out, rip open the covering and pull some steak onto the carpet to get a better chew. All this in the space of about 4 minutes when we were unpacking other bags. Fergie was not happy because he was in the kitchen watching us and missed his chance x
Even more proud. Just realised she can read! Still not fluent though as she obviously read stewing as chewing x
Lorraine I know a lot of people will be saying OMG your dog has gone into your bags and pinched the stew, but we know what a great step forward that is for Poppy, hope she shared it with Susie and Fergie after you cooked it for them lol xx
Should have said they are wee Yorkie's who had a terrible life before you and Jack adopted them, and they have never looked back thanks to both of you xx

not a dog photo lol x
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Benson at home with his daddy xx >>
Posted: 23rd August 2014

Just to let you know I am settling in fine and am now just one of the family. I am getting ready for my first trip in the camper.
Thanks for the lovely photo of Benson and Brian, so pleased he has settled so well with you, his pal Barney also has a lovely new home xx

Benson at home with his daddy xx
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Happy Zara xx >>
Posted: 23rd August 2014

Hi Ena
Here is Zara looking settled in her new home and playing football with her new brother
Thanx Lynn

Hi Lynn,

Thanks for the update on our lovely Zara, she certainly looks as though she has made herself right at home, not sure how many footballs Logan will have lsft though Lol !!! So good to see how content she looks.xx

Happy Zara xx  Happy Zara xx
Happy Zara xx  Happy Zara xx
Happy Zara xx  Happy Zara xx
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Jess xx >>
Posted: 23rd August 2014

Hi Ena
Lovely to chat to you this morning. Here is Jess with her very own bag!
Jimmy to follow
Here is the wee rascal himself on his daddy's TV beanbag!
Thanks Shona for the updates who would believe it was way back in 2004 where does the time go. Love their photo's and they both look amazing love their bags too. xx

Jess xx  Jess xx
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Tiny or shoud we say Slim Jim xx >>
Posted: 22nd August 2014

Hey Ena
Pic of Tiny in his limo!!!
Thank you Michelle,
Love this photo of him, what a poser !!
What is he like he just loves being in a car, can hardly believe how much weight he's lost certainly a slim Jim now lol xx

Tiny or shoud we say Slim Jim xx
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Olly the Collie going home xx >>
Posted: 22nd August 2014

Well folks first of all I would like to thank everyone who was in touch offering me a home. Only one of me though and my new dad has alwqays had Border Collie's so know all about our breed.I have settled in very well get to go lots of long walks I'm loving it. Love Olly xx

Olly the Collie going home xx
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Tig & Wills xx >>
Posted: 22nd August 2014

Hi Rachel and Brian thank you so much for the update on your guys. Obviously getting on so well together, and looking so happy. Love the pics hope you managed to save some apples though Lol xx

Tig & Wills xx  Tig & Wills xx
Tig & Wills xx  Tig & Wills xx
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Zara going home xx >>
Posted: 22nd August 2014

This is me with my mum, doesn't that sound good, just look at the big smile on my face. I thought no one would want me with all my lumps and bumps. Ena called to see how I was doing and Lyn said she loves me already. I love Logan their wee boy too, he plays football with me so that's cool. Although Lyn told Ena she won't be able to keep me supplied with tennis balls as I burst them all, poor wee Alfie had quite a few at the kennels, not anymore, sorry Alfie but I'm sure you will hwve more by now !!! Love Zara xx.

Zara going home xx
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Barney going home.xx >>
Posted: 22nd August 2014

Well this is me going home, my folks have had dogs from here before, so I know I will be really well looked after.I was playing with toys and mum said oh dear we don't have any toys now Barney, so Ena said no problem opened the toy box and I chose some toys to take home.xx

Barney going home.xx  Barney going home.xx
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Tess on holiday xx >>
Posted: 20th August 2014

Hi Ena,
Just back from my holidays in Elie. My mum and dad took a cottage for a week as we didn't want to travel too far in the car. We were really lucky with the weather! Great walks on the beach and the golf course. Lots of new sniffs and adventure. Happy days!!
Love Tess xx
Tess that's great, thanks for the photo's what a wonderful life you are having xx

Tess on holiday xx
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Willow ( was Mindy )xx >>
Posted: 19th August 2014

Hi, some pictures of Willow, to let you see how she is settling in. She is actually getting cheeky now, getting confidence, although she still runs for cuddles when she gets a fright! She is lovely, and we can't thank you enough for the opportunity to adopt her. Thank you Ena especially, for all your support
Fay, David and Willow Adamson xxx
Thanks for the photo's she looks so happy, thank you both once again for giving another one of our residents such a brilliant home xx

Willow ( was Mindy )xx  Willow ( was Mindy )xx
Willow ( was Mindy )xx  Willow ( was Mindy )xx
Willow ( was Mindy )xx   
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