Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Since it opened in 1999, hundreds of dogs have passed through the kennels doors and have gone on to wonderful new homes and families. On this page you will see some of those lucky dogs in their forever homes, and hear how they've settled in and how they've enriched their new families' lives.

Willow >>
Posted: 5th October 2005

This wee girl had practically no hair when we rehomed her and just look at her now! This is what her "Dad" says about her:


Quick e-mail to let you see Willow. Doing well and as the photo shows she's nothing like the wee dog that came to us last summer.

Best wishes,
Neil Leitch

Willow  Willow
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Robbie >>
Posted: 3rd October 2005

This wee lad is Robbie, who went out to a home when he was 14 weeks old. His mum has sent us this message:



Robbie  Robbie
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Broxi >>
Posted: 29th September 2005

Hi, the regulars on here might just remember me, I was the Rottie who had the big op on his leg. Well I had been at the kennels from January through to June, there were quite a few people offered me a home. After much deliberation Ena let me go (but did not sign me over) to a new home. The family came and walked me regulary Mhairi and Ena did a home visit and I was off to what they hoped would be my "forever" home as I had been through so much. Unfortunately, it didn't work out in the new home so I was brought back to the kennels. Ena, Frank and the girls saw quite a change in me. I was quite subdued, not the fun loving big guy who had gone out. So, here I was, back at the kennels. I didn't mind too much, I loved everyone here and I got lots of walks in the field, but it wasn't the same as having your own home and family.

Lots of people were interested in giving me a home (well, can you blame them!), but Ena was going to be extra careful this time, she wanted to make sure that my new family would be committed to giving me a forever home. A family who had only ever owned rotties before came up to take me a walk, and then they came again, and again, and again! Ena eventually let them take me home, and here I am!

My new forever home is great and my family have started their training and are doing well, I am getting on with the cat she even comes on walks with me! I miss Ena and Mhairhi but have been to see them and they were quite well behaved despite their excitement.

Anyway, I'd better go, those humans aren't going to walk themselves! Sorry for the long story, but I've been through quite a lot for such a young dog. I've sent a couple of pics so you can see how handsome I am:

Broxi  Broxi
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Alaska & Tara >>
Posted: 27th September 2005

Young collie x Alaska was rehomed from the kennels a few weeks ago, she went to live with another second chance doggie called Tara. This is the message their new family sent us:

Well, Alaska has settled in with Tara and, after some misgivings about what two young dogs might do to our house, my husband is has been completely won over. The dogs love playing chase in the park and 'hide and seek' in the long grass. We've even been out doing some hill walking. Here are a couple of photos of them out in the park and 'recovering' afterwards. Thank you so much to everyone at Second Chance for bringing Tara and Alaska into our lives.

Alaska & Tara  Alaska & Tara
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Ellie >>
Posted: 21st September 2005

This is Ellie, the Rottie with the tail, who came up from Warrington and then moved from Glenrothes to Kent!! This is the message her new "mum" sent:

hi ena, mary here, just quick note to let you know about our girl ellie, she has settled really well, she has really taken to alans mum who is in a wheelchair, they have become close friends. she is a blessing in our lives, i thank god for bringing us together every day. the local children love her as do we all. take care, love to you all,

mary and her best friend ellie.

Ellie  Ellie
Ellie  Ellie
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Hailey >>
Posted: 20th September 2005


I knew you would be thinking about me so I thought I would send a little message to let you know that I was just fabby!

I got to my new home and went straight to the garden for a look around and met the dogs next door through the fence, I don't know if we are going to be friends yet (they look a bit boring!), then after my dinner I had a cuddle with my new mum and dad, I think I have picked good people (they are very well behaved, it must be their breeding!)

I have been for walks with both mum and dad and they say I walk beautifully in my new harness thingy (although it was a bit of a faff trying to get it on at first!)

I have a huge window that I can lie beside and see everything going on but it was a bit of a long day for me yesterday so I went to bed and left mum and dad watching TV. I only woke up once because I had to go potty, so I told mum straight away and she let me out in the garden.

I will write again soon, don't miss me too much

lots of love
Hailey Bailey

Hailey  Hailey
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Buster >>
Posted: 19th September 2005

Buster the cocker spaniel was rehomed from the kennels just over a week ago. His "mum" has just took him for a haircut and has sent us some before and after pics. The first one shows Buster pre-haircut, what a difference!! His mum says it has taken years off him, can you believe he's 11 years old?!

Buster  Buster
Buster  Buster
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Tia >>
Posted: 17th September 2005

This wee girl went out when she was just 6 weeks old, and just look at her now! The first pic is Tia when she first arrived at her new home, and the second is her now at 2 years old.

Tia  Tia
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Kelly >>
Posted: 11th September 2005

This is the wee lass who was caught after about a week of scavenging for food by a very kind lady called Kelly. It seemed she had just had puppies, even though she is just a baby herself (probably caught on her first season). Kelly brought her to the kennels to find a nice new home.

Her new mum sent in these pics and message to show how well she's settling in:

hi anty ena photos of my first night in new house, outside in garden, sitting be side fluffy my new friend, tired out, eating pigs ear. love this, having a great time.

love to all, will come along one day to see you all.

love kelly and laurie family

Kelly  Kelly
Kelly  Kelly
Kelly  Kelly
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Angel >>
Posted: 10th September 2005

Hi auntie Ena heres a few pic's of me in my new forever home,sure i look good in red,playing with my red ball is fun too, but it makes me so hungry then i just have to have 40 winks.It wont be long before i can come back to visit all you gals that looked after me so good, thanks for finding me my new mum.Lots of love Angel

Angel  Angel
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Misty >>
Posted: 7th September 2005

This is one of the wee waifs, back for a visit! This wee girl is now named Misty, and as you can see has grown quite a bit.

Her mum & dad are over the moon with her except when she chewed through the hall carpet, well she's only a baby. You can see her brother Cody further down the page.

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Rusty >>
Posted: 6th September 2005

This is wee Rusty who came up from Warrington last year, with his big brother Frodo.

To jog everyone's memories, he came up with Simba, who is also doing very well.

This is the message his "mum" sent:

Dear Rusty is quite a character and is definitely a Spitz as he chases birds and planes flying over, tee hee! He's a lovely little boy who keeps Frodo on his toes every day but as you can see from the piccie's they are the best of pals too. They're so like chalk and cheese, Frodo gets hot and finds cool places to sleep, Rusty likes the sunshine and is like a cat lying in the sunshine on the kitchen floor. Rusty understands all his training commands but as with most terriers he has a very strong sense of when and where he listens. The Straloch estate is fab as they have a completely dog safe garden which we can walk the boys around without worrying that Rusty will run off, he stays close most times with the occassional digging for mice (which he's a dab hand at catching!) which he loves. When out and about he stays on his halter and long retractable lead just to be safe as we'd hate to loose him. He's fitted into our family very well, we all love him to pieces and our 7yr old nephew adores him and takes him for walks when he's up from England. When taking Rusty out everyone loves him and thinks he's a fox which is cool!

Rusty  Rusty
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Patch >>
Posted: 1st September 2005

This wee man went out to his new home long before the computer arrived at the kennels, but we've just got this update from his "mum":

Hello..Just a wee update on Patch. He is doing just fine and is one pampered little pooch. He is still running rings round me and pushing his luck most days but he is a good dog when he wants to be.

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Murphy >>
Posted: 29th August 2005

This is Murphy with his mum Kirsten he was originally rehomed from here when he was about ten years old, Kirsten and her family just adored him when they first met him and as you can see nothing has changed ! he is still so well loved.

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Louis >>
Posted: 26th August 2005

This is wee Louis (or Spike as Frank would say) certainly couldn't call him Spike now!! Isn't he just gorgeous? This is the message his new "mum" sent:

Well, here he is as handsome as ever...i've sent a few so you can see what he does and how he looks now. The groomer said he was amazing and behaved so well, there was even another dog in the salon and once he'd had a wee bark he was fine. Still having trouble getting him to eat anything, though when all else fails after a few days i give him a bowl of cornflakes which he loves. He loves to lie in the sun on the carpet and will try and get into the tightest spot to reach it. He is desperate to get into the water and swim...i take him along the canal walks, but it's not very clean so may take him else where to see how he likes it. He has worked out each day what time the kids get home from school, and starts to get jumpy and running to and from the front door, waiting for them to come and see him. He will only eat his treats when the kids come round...he grabs one and takes it to the door with him. He has not had any accidents indoors and is so good at asking out. Hope you are all well and will see you soon.

love from Louis and Avril

Louis  Louis
Louis  Louis
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Weeman >>
Posted: 25th August 2005

Auntie Ena ,Just thought you would like some new photos of me .As you can see its an easy life here got them all tied round my paw. I like going to work with dad and meeting lots of people,mum says im a daddys boy.But i love mum to as she plays with me all the time,(well i make her)and she gives me Reiki for my leg as it used to be sore but its not now.Thank you Ena and the girls for taking care of me love and licks to all.

Photo 1 - This is me with my new friends, can you get them a forever home Ena.
Photo 2 - doing my tricks
Photo 3 - having a rest after my walk
Photo 4 - mum giving me a Reiki,this is a hard life being a dog.

Weeman  Weeman
Weeman  Weeman
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Amber >>
Posted: 24th August 2005

HI Auntie Ena,

Its Amber here hope you like the photo its me out in my back garden one Sunday afternoon, just been looking at the Sunday papers and lying on mums sun lounger. Dad is pretending he is not pleased with me cause i had a lie down on the plants he had just planted.(I saw him laughing) Well Auntie Ena as you can see from the photos life has been very hard for me since i left you 4 years ago. I will tell you a few of the goings on. Every day i have to take dad on a two hour walk in the woods and that's every day no matter the weather if not he won't settle at nights then when i get him back from that i have to eat the treats he puts down for me as i don't like to hurt his feelings, then after tea i have to let mum and dad play with my toys i have to join in as they might go in the huff. If its sunny and mum has her sun lounger out i always get on it as too much sun is not good for her at her age. Then to top it all if mum has a cough i make her go to the spare room as not to disturb dad (it as nothing to do with me not liking a woman coughing).As you can see Auntie Ena i do have a very hard life.

Love Amber xx

Amber  Amber
Amber  Amber
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Charlie & Harray >>
Posted: 22nd August 2005

This pair were both rehomed from the kennels, here is what their "mum" says about them:

Hello Ena, Just to let you know that all is well. They are getting on so well, right from the first weekend. Charlie has been off the lead since day two and never goes out of sight, he is a gem. Loves his food, toys, walks in the woods and fields. He even likes a dip in the river and doesen't mind walking in the pouring rain! he has so much energy and is quite comical. It's good to see Harray so playful. We've taken lots of photos but most of them are blurred or just have tails in them as the dogs run about so much! Anyway, hope you like them, kind regards, Shona.

Charlie & Harray  Charlie & Harray
Charlie & Harray  Charlie & Harray
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Ben >>
Posted: 20th August 2005

This guy went to stay on the Isle of Skye, Has a super new home and goes to work every day with his dad on The Dunvegan estate Skye so if your ever up that way keep a look out for our Ben!

Ben  Ben
Ben  Ben
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Ginny >>
Posted: 19th August 2005

This is Ginny who came back to see us, but as you can see was not impressed and wouldn't come out of the car!! She was one of the seven Border Collie puppies who came to the kennels when they were eleven weeks old. Good news is she loves her dad and the feeling is definitely mutual.

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