Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Since it opened in 1999, hundreds of dogs have passed through the kennels doors and have gone on to wonderful new homes and families. On this page you will see some of those lucky dogs in their forever homes, and hear how they've settled in and how they've enriched their new families' lives.

Bobby and Ralph >>
Posted: 10th November 2005

Bobby is already on the Happy Hounds section but his mum has sent us some new pictures so we thought he deserved another chance at the top of the list!! Here's what his mum says:

Hi Ena and Gang!

We keep discovering new things about Bobby - his latest is his fascination with cooking - see the picture. He was trying out carrot- which he loved.


Bobby and Ralph

p.s Bob rules the roost and is still biting Ralph's toes - typical terrier!

Bobby and Ralph  Bobby and Ralph
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Coco >>
Posted: 8th November 2005

Here are some photos of me and my new bestest wee pal Glen (the daft Springer).

I'm really enjoying life here and have settled in just great, I have lots of toys and lots of people (and Glen) that play with me and when I get tired I have a great big cosy bed and I just love to curl up on it and snore my head off. It drives dad crazy!!!

Take care, I will come to see you soon.

Coco XXX

ps - in the first picture (with me sleeping), the white bit is a wee sock that my mum put on my sore paw when I came back from the vet's last week.

Coco  Coco
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Oscar >>
Posted: 8th November 2005

Oscar has settled in really well in his new home, his mum has sent this message and photos to prove it!


I promised some outside shots of Oscar!

He is doing great, settled really well. When he does need to be on the lead he is walking on a Halti. It took him about 10 mins to work it out and he's much better than Megan who still tries to get hers off.

I think he is happy with us!



Oscar  Oscar
Oscar  Oscar
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Hailey Bailey >>
Posted: 8th November 2005

Dear Auntie Ena,

At last!!

One of my parents has figured out how to work the camera/PC thingy and I have sent you some of my holiday snaps.

It was really nice to see you all again the other day and I am glad to see you still keep a good supply of sausages handy!

Mum said to tell you that I have not been well the last couple of weeks and had to go to the vet. He said that I had kennel cough and I have got tablets to take, but I should be better soon, I am going back for a check up tomorrow so Mum will let you know what he says.

Dad bought me a new car this weekend, it is HUGE!!! I've got lots of space and my own air-conditioning in the back so that I can go everywhere with Mum.

I really love my new home and have lots of family that give me loads of love and attention

I will come and visit again soon

lots of love and kisses

Hailey Bailey

Hailey Bailey  Hailey Bailey
Hailey Bailey  Hailey Bailey
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Beanie (aka Lady) >>
Posted: 6th November 2005

Just to let us know i am having lots of fun with my new mummy & daddy. I take them for walkies & tire them out. Ha Ha. Attached is another photo. Hope u like them. My unk Mick took them. Miss you

Lots of love n kisses
Beanie (Lady)

Beanie (aka Lady)  Beanie (aka Lady)
Beanie (aka Lady)   
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Tara >>
Posted: 24th October 2005

This is wee Tara and some here new friends. This is what her new "mum" has to say about her.

Hi Ena,

Just thought I would send you a wee picture of tara and the girls.She is getting lots of love from us all. She is getting on great and is starting puppy classes in the new year. We are glad we can give her the good home she deserves.Have a nice Christmas and a happy new year.

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Odie >>
Posted: 24th October 2005

This is Odie going off to his new home, doesn't he look so happy! I'm, sure his new "mum" and "dad" will update us with more photos as he settles in to his new home.

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Jess >>
Posted: 24th October 2005

Jess was one of four puppies we took in when we first started about eleven years ago, sadly when she was ten her mum contacted me to say her circumstances had changed and she could no longer keep Jess, so of course I took her back. She wasn't with us too long before Robin and his mum & dad came along and offered her a lovely new home and this is her back for a visit, she looks great and is obviously very happy with her new life and family.

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Charlie (aka Snoops) >>
Posted: 24th October 2005

HI Ena,

mum thought i should let you know how i was doing and sen da couple of upto date photos! As you can see i have grown even more handsome!! The other DOg in the photos is my best friend Buddy he also came from a rescue centre he really is very protective of me when bigger dogs get over friendly.

Jack (Owner) and i came third in a best six legs competition in the summer i think we should have come first but there you go , i have also been in the wars and needed to have an emergency operation, turns out i have a big allergy problem and am allergic to lots of things but mum has me on a special diet now and i am much better ( only problem is I dont like the V E T know!!)

So here are my photos, mum keeps muttering about a brother but dad says only one dog in this house we'll see

Love and kisses Charlie and familiy


Charlie (aka Snoops)  Charlie (aka Snoops)
Charlie (aka Snoops)   
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Billy >>
Posted: 21st October 2005

Some of you may remember Billy the Rottweiler who was on dogpages looking for a home as his elderly owner couldn't cope, well his story goes Howard (Daffy's husband) travelled 437 miles from south Wales to Second Chance kennels in Fife. We took Billy in and assessed him as he was thought to be dog aggressive and all he wanted to do was play poor soul. The great news is he has now found his "forever" home, but had to travel another 222 miles to find it, so all told he has travelled 659 miles but it has been so worth it, and he has two German Shepherds for company.

Here are a few photos of the big lad. The first one is him on his way home and the rest are of him and his new pals enjoying life in the Scottish highlands!

P.S. Ena would like to say a really big thank you to Elaine & Howard who got Billy all the way from Wales to Fife, he wouldn't be in his forever home without them.

Billy  Billy
Billy  Billy
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Katie >>
Posted: 19th October 2005

This is wee Katie leaving the kennels to start her new life awwww.

I'm sure we'll get lots of piccies from her new mum and dad when she's settled in a bit

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Gizmo >>
Posted: 19th October 2005

Gizmo the springer came into the kennels just recently and the poor guy was scared of everything. A family came to visit and fell in love with him straight away, they had had springers before. Well, Gizmo became part of their family and here is what he says about his new home:

Here I am sitting in garden of my new home. My family think I am just the beez knees and who can blame them - I am such an 'andsome Enry. Love to all xxxxxx

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Zak >>
Posted: 18th October 2005

Zak is one of Megs pup's that were born at the kennels two years past September. His mum and dad sent us this message:

Zak has settled down well now although he still has a few problems with his feeding habits.

He is great fun and enjoys going down the beach every day for a swim and to chase all the seagulls.

I attach one of his best pictures.

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Meg >>
Posted: 17th October 2005

This is Meg, she came up from Warrington a while ago with her "sister" Lucy, this is Meg on holiday with her mum & dad. As you see she is doing well and enjoying life to the full, and her mum and dad love her loads!

Meg  Meg
Meg  Meg
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Zeus & Ziggy >>
Posted: 16th October 2005

Remember Bubble & Squeak? Well look at us now we're growing up fast, and loving our new home where we are so well loved. We came back for a visit just to let everyone see how big we were getting and how well behaved we are.

Lots of Love Zeus & Ziggy xx.

Zeus & Ziggy
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Lady >>
Posted: 16th October 2005

This wee girl Lady was very lucky and found such a good home with Betty & Bob, Betty says she's not spoiled at all and she seems to love car seat belts, but can't eat a whole one though she gives it a good try, her dad has just got a new set ready to put in.

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Soldier >>
Posted: 16th October 2005

The black Lab is Soldier who came from here, don't you think I need to take him back obviously not looked after and very unhappy. This is the message he sent from his new home:

Hi Ena,

As you can see I am having a hard life now. All this swimming, and sunbathing fairly tires you out!

Lots of love from Soldier and my girlfriend Cassie

Soldier  Soldier
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Oscar >>
Posted: 14th October 2005

Hi, Oscar here just saying hello. I like it here in my new home and my new family love loads. I love my walks, in fact my mum thinks I must be a water spaniel because I even like to go out in the pouring rain! Anyway, here are a few pics of me in my new home, hope you like them.

Oscar xx

Oscar  Oscar
Oscar  Oscar
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Ace >>
Posted: 11th October 2005

Hi Ena (lady!)

Thought we would give you an update on ACE who has settled in well to his new life with us in Dunfermline! We have just come back from a run around in the park, where he was running an fetching his ball, now he's having his sunday snooze! he loves getting out in our garden and is great fun, especially with Kate and her friends who make lots of fuss over him (as both me and Liz do!) which as you know he just loves! We took him down yesterday to Pittencrieff Park just loves having a good run about! Well time to sign off for now, thanks again to you all at Second Chance Keneels for lets us have ACE he's one in a million!

Best Regards

Mark, Liz & Kate Eltringham

Ace  Ace
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Harry the St. Bernard >>
Posted: 8th October 2005

Dear Nana Ena

Just "paws" to send you my love, it has been 15 month's since I came to my new Mum and Dad and of course my two little brothers Toby & Brodie. Sorry it has been so long but I had to wait until my body grew again to fit my head, now I can see out of my eyes and the skin does not cover them I can see to write. Brodie and I keep telling Toby what a wonderful place Second Chance is, we till him it was our second chance and that Nana Ena and Grandad Frank are out guardian angels. We also see Ben peeping through the bar window from the back of his Dad's car when his Mum comes to pick him up.

As you can see from the photograph the three of us had great fun playing on the beach. I'm a bit chunkier than when I came here, but Dad says I have a little way to go yet. We have our own three piece suite, I have the couch (just right for resting my head) and the little boys have a chair each. The other photo is of me having a little snooze in front of the fire - trying to keep up with Brodie wears you out (will he ever grow up). Must go have just heard "biscuits".

Lots of love, sloppy wet kisses


Harry the St. Bernard  Harry the St. Bernard
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