Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Since it opened in 1999, hundreds of dogs have passed through the kennels doors and have gone on to wonderful new homes and families. On this page you will see some of those lucky dogs in their forever homes, and hear how they've settled in and how they've enriched their new families' lives.

Tess >>
Posted: 29th June 2006

This is one of a litter of Border Collie puppies we had, isn't she just lovely and all grown up now! This is what her "mum" says:

hiya just thought i would send you a picture of Tess, she is a little darling well not much of little. She loves running along the beach and last week she started swimming in the sea which simba (the oldest dog) does he goes right out until all you see is his head and Tess is the same now. Well they are just away to get there teas and be taken down the beach.

bye for just now.

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Peanut >>
Posted: 29th June 2006

Some of you may remember this little one. She was the little pup who was found in a cardboard box behind a post office in Kirkcaldy. Luckily a very nice lady found her and brought her to the kennels. She was called Little Miss No Name on the website to jog your memories! Her new family have named her Peanut.

Here are some photos of Peanut in her new garden and with her family.

Peanut  Peanut
Peanut  Peanut
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Bonnie >>
Posted: 29th June 2006

We were at Ryan & Calder vets and look who came in! Bonnie and her mum! It is about seven years since Bonnie was adopted. which is really nice considering her mum only came for a visit that day, wasn't really looking to rehome a wee dog. Now she is the mascot of Pittencrief primary school in Dunfermline.

Really nice thing was she still remembers us!!

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Blair >>
Posted: 29th June 2006

This is Blair getting ready to go home, the other wee lad in the pic is Toddy who was adopted from here about four years ago. I think by the look on everyones faces they are very happy to be now adopting wee Blair!

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Bounty >>
Posted: 29th June 2006

This is Bounty back for a visit she went to stay in Perth about two years ago, but has now moved a lot nearer us, she is looking good but didn't want to come into the kennels.

There is now a new addition to the family and Bounty is really good with the baby.

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Tia >>
Posted: 29th June 2006


This wee girl was adopted from us in August 2004, her mum and dad love her to bits, it was great to see her and she looks great.

This is her with her mum & dad and sitting (very) pretty!

Tia  Tia
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Chance >>
Posted: 16th June 2006

Some of you may have seen me on 'homeless hounds', I've been at the kennels since March recovering from mange. When I came to the kennels I hardly had any hair, but I got regular treatments at the vets and my skin is now loads better.

This is me with my new Mum & Dad. They came to the kennels today, took me for a big walk over the field and they just fell in love with me. Mhairi did a home visit for Kim & Keith whilst she was on holiday, because they were thinking about getting a dog, but I never thought for a minute it would for me! Although I am looking a lot better my hair has still to grow back in some places, but they looked past all that and saw what a lovely nature I had.

Chance xx

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Bella >>
Posted: 16th June 2006

This Bella about to set of for home with her new mum & dad, Bella was a wee scared girl mainly of men, but she took to Mark & Shona straight away.

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Archie >>
Posted: 15th June 2006

Hi Ena,

We have a few cracker of pictures of Archie Im sure you would love to see. He really is a special character, he has settled in here no problem at all, he slept like a log last night and Molly has started to really play with him, its great to see!

Thanks again for giving us the opportunity to look after him.

Best wishes,


Archie  Archie
Archie  Archie
Archie  Archie
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Bonnie >>
Posted: 15th June 2006

This was another wee girl brought up by Catherine from Warrington to find a new home in Scotland! Didn't she do well!


I am just writing to give you an update on my wee Jack Russell that my wife and I adopted on November 5th 2004.

She is doing just marvelously. the only problem that we had, was to spoil her too much and give her too many treats.

She got a bit overweight (11kg) but has been on a controlled diet through the vet and has done absolutely fantastic. She is now down to 8.5kg. (her expected weight) and holding. The vet feels that she is in with a great chance for the slimmer of the year award.

Down to the present.. Bonnie was entered into the "Pooch of the year" photo competition at the local Pets at home shop. I am so proud to let you know, that she was awarded First Prize, and will be forwarded to the regional finals. I have attached a copy of the winning photo which iI hope you will enjoy.

Bonnie is a very happy wee girl and gets lots of attention. She enjoys lenghty massages,long runs along the beaches in Kirkcaldy and especially going to Ravenscraig Park at just after dark (10.30pm at present). and chasing rabbits. She just goes charging into the woods and I sit and wait for her to come back out, which she does now and then just to check that I'm safe, then it's back into the woods again. she usually runs for about two hours a night. She has so much energy for such an old dog. She can run so fast it is amazing, especially as you may remember, she had a broker right leg that had set badly, leaving her with a right paw which points out almost at a right angle. I am so proud to have such an amazing wee friend. If it wasn,t for organizations like yourselves, people like Bonnie would not have the opertunity to get shelter and the love that they deserve. We will visit you soon.


David and Bonnie Lawrence.

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Jess >>
Posted: 15th June 2006

Hello every one!

It's been a while since you heard from me! I was rehomed in December (12) 2004 and went to live in Stirling with Emma, Matt and brother Harry the Labrador cross.

I have been having a great time! I have been to lots of places and at the moment I am in Birmingham although I will be back in Scotland soon. I have just been on a farm in Cornwall and I could have stayed, trying to round everything up!

I went to puppy classes and did very well and now I am trying my paw at agility. I am very enthusiastic though! Emma says I am a comic genius, she finds my prat falls off the sofa very amusing.

I have also developed a love of men in uniform, especially policemen (swoon) but my biggest love in life are my sticks - there is a huge pile by the door ready for winter!

Please find attached a photo of me at the top of Ross Castle in Northumberland, surveying my land! :-) The second is up Dumyat.

Best wishes,


P.S. I still think about my second chance friend Nero and wonder if he is getting on OK.

Jess  Jess
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Robbie & Vickie >>
Posted: 15th June 2006

This is Robbie the springer (he was called George) and his wee sister Vickie with their mum & dad Jacki and Ian, HOW HAPPY DO THEY LOOK!!!!

Robbie & Vickie
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Woody >>
Posted: 15th June 2006

This is Woody who went "home" three years ago. He was found in a field when he was just weeks old, a poor wee thing with rickety front legs, and look what a handsome chap he has turned into. He is absolutely adored by his family. They tell us he has grown up into the perfect wee gentleman and is such a loving dog, he is so much fun and they are so proud of him.

Woody  Woody
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Tara >>
Posted: 11th June 2006

I was the lucky girl who was rescued from a 'put to sleep' situation down south and then transported by some very kind people up here to Fife.

This is me with my lovely new mum & dad, getting ready for the journey home. I don't know who is most excited me or them!!!

Tara x

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Cassie >>
Posted: 8th June 2006

This is Cassie with her new mum and cousin, I couldn't get her to sit still long enough to get any other photo, she just kept giving her mum kisses! Cassie was one who didn't make the web site.

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Roxy and Jess >>
Posted: 8th June 2006

We went to see these lovely girls the other day to see how they were getting on, well they are loved to bits and looking so good. They love playing on the huge trampoline in their garden!!

Roxy and Jess  Roxy and Jess
Roxy and Jess   
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Shadow >>
Posted: 31st May 2006

Hello Ena

Tomorrow is the first anniversay of the day I met my new mum and dad, Kim and Helen, so I thought I'd send you some photos showing how I've got on.

You might remember me, though I was staying at Blairadam because the kennels at Thornton were so full at the time. Thank you so much for looking after me. I've now got a nice home in Dalgety Bay with a big garden. Mum and Dad work from home so I'm never on my own and take me for walks on the beach every day. As you can see I love the water. It's my spaniel side coming out!
I've also just been on my first camping holiday - two weeks on Mull. Even more walks! And I was allowed to take my favourite toy with me which you can see in one of the photos. I love it almost as much as my new family!

Keep up the fantastic work. You really changed this dog's life!

Lots of love


Shadow  Shadow
Shadow  Shadow
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Bracken >>
Posted: 31st May 2006

This is Bracken the golden lab who went to his new home earlier this year, I don't think he has settled in very well do you!!!

Bracken  Bracken
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Bailey >>
Posted: 31st May 2006

Bailey has left the building! This is him with his new "parents", they are so delighted with him, even when we showed them what he had chewed they said it's only wood and he's just a puppy!!!!! He so missed his pal Meg so it is nice to think he now has a home of his own too.

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Mr Woo >>
Posted: 31st May 2006

This is Mr Woo, our 10 year old Lhasa boy getting ready to go to his new home. He is going to stay with Diesel another wee Lhasa, they get on like a house on fire.

His new mum and dad are really nice as well!

Mr Woo
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