Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Since it opened in 1999, hundreds of dogs have passed through the kennels doors and have gone on to wonderful new homes and families. On this page you will see some of those lucky dogs in their forever homes, and hear how they've settled in and how they've enriched their new families' lives.

Susie >>
Posted: 27th September 2006

This is me and my family and a wee friend, Ena has already called about me and I'm perfect mum says it's like I've always stayed here!

Susie xx

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Chloe >>
Posted: 27th September 2006

This is me with my lovely family, don't we all look so happy! Strange thing is I arrived from Warrington the same day my mum moved up here from England, spooky or what?!

Best news of the day the kennels have just phoned to see what kind of night I had, My mum says I'm just perfect in every way.

Chloe xx

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Pebbles >>
Posted: 27th September 2006

This is pebbles, the pup that went to her new home a few weeks ago. This is the message her "Dad" sent us:

Hi All,

Pebbles continues to amaze us with her post-op powers of recovery. She was very calm last Friday (the day she got spayed) but since then we've sruggled to keep her calm. She doesn't seem to realise that she's had major surgery!

We got a cat on Monday this week. Christina had taken Pebbles to our vet to have an eye infection checked out. Whilst there, Christina said she had always wanted to get a cat and, by an amazing coincidence, the practice had a stray who had been brought in to them some six or seven weeks ago. I've always been ambivalent towards cats but I sensed in this case that resistance would be futile so Mister Beau has moved in with us. Clyde is very accepting of him and, to be fair, so is Pebbles but she wants to play with him and she is just too boisterous and now the cat runs for cover every time he sees Pebbles approaching. He'll need to stand up for himself to get some peace but I think he might be too timid for that. We'll need to wait and see. I do hope that the photos come through OK this time.

Best Regards

Pebbles  Pebbles
Pebbles  Pebbles
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Jake >>
Posted: 18th September 2006

This is our boy Jake (our big soft Rottie pup) off on the first leg of his journey to his new home, as Maryellen and Fraser have two Rotties from us we have already been to Fort William before so we didn't need to do a home visit for Jake. Anyway Mhairi was at their home yesterday so we know every thing is fine.

Lindsay our "collie lady" has kindly offered to take him on the first leg of his journey and his mum & dad are coming to meet them (thanks Lindsay!).

Good luck big lad, have a great life we will miss you here at the kennels but will visit sometime soon to see you all.

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Frodo >>
Posted: 18th September 2006

These are pics of the wee lad who was fostered by gillian at ryan & calders, isn't he looking great! This is what his family sent us:

Here's Frodo with his favourite toy - at least this morning's. He's the most wonderful puppy and we love him to bits. Freya and Frodo are inseparable now - we can't imagine life without him and are so grateful to you for letting us have him.

Frodo  Frodo
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Cassie & Peerie >>
Posted: 18th September 2006

This is Ewan with Cassie the white girlie who he adopted from us two years ago and now Peerie has gone to live with them as well and Ewan says he now has a race track for a garden hehehe. Good news is the girls are getting on really well, except Cassie won't let Peerie on the bed yet!!

Cassie & Peerie
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Mia >>
Posted: 18th September 2006

This is Mia the wee Spaniel who went to stay with Nessie & Ken, to say their over the moon with her would be an understatement, they love her to bits and she is so good and much younger looking now, just goes to show what love and TLC can do.

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Roxy >>
Posted: 14th September 2006

This is wee Lucky who is now named Roxy and obviously loved very much. This is the message her new family sent:

Hi Ena, hope everyone at second chance is well. Just wanted to send you an update on our wee girl, well not so wee these days. Will be taking Roxy for her check up this weekend, and she is due to be spayed soon after.

The vet recommended the op before she comes into season, so just going with her advice. Roxy is doing fantastically well and everyone she meets falls in love with her. Faith and Ross are taking her for lots of walks (even in the rain!)

Here are some more pictures, speak to you again soon.

Lots of love, Diane & Martin.

Roxy  Roxy
Roxy  Roxy
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Milly and Sam >>
Posted: 14th September 2006

This is Milly the Border Collie back for a visit, she was adopted from here not long after we opened, she was very young and really scared, so it was so nice to see her again with her mum Karen (who declined to have her photo taken) and brother Sam and both dogs are so happy.

Milly and Sam
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Ruby >>
Posted: 14th September 2006

Hello all at the second chance kennels, just a short email to say that Ruby is doing fine. She seems to have settled in well and seems happy and has grown quite a bit. She has made her self at home and is developing little quirks that everyone finds really sweet like sleeping under her dog blanket with just her head peeping out, This happened after she had seen us sleeping on the couch while we had visitors which goes to show how clever and aware she is. Anyway We'll be going for now as Ruby needs her night time walk.

Best wishes The Stenhouse's

Ruby  Ruby
Ruby  Ruby
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The Pups >>
Posted: 8th September 2006

This is the lovely litter of pups we've had at the kennels for the past few weeks going off to their new homes. They are thought to be springer spaniel x beardie x something else!

They originally came in with their mum Tia, a lovely springer spaniel girl, who has since went back to her home.

1st row - Bud with his mum & sister
2nd row - Morag and her mum, Meg and family
3rd row - Toby with his mum & auntie, Trixie and her mum.

The Pups  The Pups
The Pups  The Pups
The Pups  The Pups
The Pups   
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Blair >>
Posted: 8th September 2006

This is Blair, the wee scruffy jack russell boy, getting ready to go home with his new family.

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Meg >>
Posted: 8th September 2006

Hi everyone, Meg here! I'm the wee bichon pup that was in a few weeks ago. This is me in my new home, the pics show me after a walk, everyone kept stroking me to make sure I was still breathing, I was so quiet!

Meg xx

Meg  Meg
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Pixie >>
Posted: 8th September 2006

Pixie is the wee emaciated dog who came up from Warrington.

This is her enjoying the good weather in her garden, doesn't she look good now!

Pixie  Pixie
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Lucky >>
Posted: 8th September 2006

As you can see, I have chosen my new dad! He didn't have a lot of say in the matter, although he was wondering what had he on his face that tasted this good!

Well, I'm in my forever home now, so it's all looking good.

Lucky xx

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Sparky & Tia >>
Posted: 27th August 2006

This is Sparky with his dad and this is his sis Tia, what a marvelous job they have made of this lad, he was a nightmare on the lead ect. Just goes to show what commitment and love and patience can achieve, he is a credit to his family now.

It was so lovely to see them all!

Sparky & Tia
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Meg and Jess >>
Posted: 27th August 2006

Look who came past for a visit, Charlotte and Meg on the left, who went to her new home last November and Jess (who was Bo) who went to join Meg a few weeks ago. They look so good together and get on very well.

Meg and Jess
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Breagh >>
Posted: 27th August 2006

Look who arrived for a visit, the lovely Breagh, her mum (Carol) & dad (Angus).

It was so nice to see them all and she looks so well and happy, she has been with her folks now for over three years. They have been making noises about finding a friend for her so of course you know now that's our mission to find Breagh a pal!

It was great to see them all the way from Ballater, and we went out in their car to look at a wee dog sadly he wasn't suitable but rest assured we will find you a dog Carol & Angus.

Loved the Sat Nav what a giggle we had, good fun!

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Hailey >>
Posted: 27th August 2006

This is Hailey Bailey the Rottie, who was the very special guest at her mum & dad's wedding, isn't it brilliant!!

Hailey  Hailey
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Bruno >>
Posted: 27th August 2006

This is another happy hound courtesy of our own roving reporter Mhairi (she's so dedicated, even her holidays are spent working!!)

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