Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Since it opened in 1999, hundreds of dogs have passed through the kennels doors and have gone on to wonderful new homes and families. On this page you will see some of those lucky dogs in their forever homes, and hear how they've settled in and how they've enriched their new families' lives.

Chad(Ben) >>
Posted: 19th February 2008

Well my first week is in and what a week it has been

Went to the vet and got a clean bill of health, I was very good in the vet I just lay down in the waiting room and watched the dogs and children sitting about

Met my human brother and sister I like them gave them lots of kisses and cuddles

Mum says I am a very clean dog, only done one wee piddle on the carpet and mum says that was her fault (well I knew it wasn't mine)

Mum has attached pictures of me, you will see a couple with me and Laura Jane we played tuggy and I gave her lots of kisses and cuddles

Lots of love


Chad(Ben)  Chad(Ben)
Chad(Ben)  Chad(Ben)
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Cloe >>
Posted: 19th February 2008

Hope you like these pics of Cloe, she is having a great time, as you can see.

This is Cleo who went to her new home on Friday.

Cloe  Cloe
Cloe  Cloe
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Kaiser >>
Posted: 18th February 2008

This is Kaiser he has brought his mum & dad for a visit, he's lovely and has turned into a very handsome boy.

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Robbie >>
Posted: 18th February 2008

This is Robbie the lad the big lad on the right, although it wasn't always so rosy for him. He was handed in at the gate just before Christmas 2007, in such a state we took him straight to the vets, where he was put on a drip and kept over the weekend, quite a worrying time wondering if he was going to make it.The vet nurses called him Santa Paws. Look at him now the picture of health with his mumvdad and sis Pheobe who was a Pet Care Centre dog.

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Cassie >>
Posted: 18th February 2008

Dear Ena,

Cassie has settled beautifully,
in her new surroundings, she is making
herself completely at home.
Rocky tries to get her to play with him but Cassie just looks at him, thus far.
They both get along marvelously, and as time passes they will get even closer.
As you well know, Cassie just loves to
stretch out on her back and have her belly rubbed and she leaves Rocky to chase the toys. We have a couple of doggy pics for you unfortunately none of the four of us as yet. Every time we try Cassie goes one way and Rocky the other and leave Jim And I in the shot with two doggy bottoms,but we will persevere.
It’s Jim’s day off and the weather’s superb so we are all going for a lovely long walk.

Cassie, Rocky, Jim and Margaret

Also can you say ! Linda hope you feel we have placed "your girl " in the best of homes, she is so well loved and will never have puppies ever again and will be in this home forever.

Cassie  Cassie
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Fluffy >>
Posted: 16th February 2008

Well Ena thought Oscar ( who was adopted from here about four years ago) might like me as a companion.His mum didn't know this as she was looking for a Border Collie. However, a photo was sent to Oscar's mum and well I am black and white and they all loved me so I have just gone off to my new home. This is me with Oscar my mum & my gran not Fluffy anyway they say I have to be given a new name.

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Heidi (Sox) >>
Posted: 14th February 2008

Well this is me with my "Dad" what a lovely, lovely man, one who absolutely adores dogs, Shepherds in particular, he already has Dara a blue Shepherd girl of eleven months so I have a playmate and we get on well together.
We also go to work during the day. Shirley in the office looks after us and then we get to sleep on dad's bed at night.So I have really fallen on all four paws and I have a new name Heidi I really like it. Well must go now squirrels to chase ect: ( don't catch any though)
Heidi xx.

Ps: Ena wants to clone my dad !!

Heidi (Sox)
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Oscar >>
Posted: 14th February 2008


Photo's of Oscar - just taken!

He's just as mad as ever, full of fun but missing his pal.



This young man is l;ooking absolutely brilliant. Sadly his pal has just died

Oscar  Oscar
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Jasper & Scout >>
Posted: 14th February 2008

Hi Ena

At last new photos of Scout and Jasper. Jasper looks rather coy here
but that hides a multitude of fun and nonsense. Jas has become a star
at agility picking it up within a couple of weeks and managing a course
along with dogs that have had 3 months training. It seems he may be a
natural and I have been told by our trainer is a very intelligent dog.
Life with them both is rather busy but the best fun. I am so glad to
have them both.
There is no need to say much about Scouts photo as always he is the star
of the show!
Hopefully next time they will stand still together so that I can get a
photo of them both but judging by the whirl wind of a walk we had this
morning that may not happen for sometime.
Lots of Love


Susan thank you so much for the photo's I'm so pleased that things have worked out for Jasper ( previously Reggie from the Pet Care) I know you have had quite a few problems settling him in, I just wish everyone had your commitment for the dogs they take on.

Jasper & Scout  Jasper & Scout
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Snitch & Snatch >>
Posted: 13th February 2008

Hi Ena,

Sorry its been so long since I e-mailed but here are the pictures of my two wee boys and my wee girls.

I couldn't get the cat to sit with them but she cuddles in between them at bed time they're absolutely terrific. When they met Darren my youngest when I brought him out of hospital they were a bit unsure and wondered what this little thing was that cried all the time and they were a bit wary. Now if a stranger comes near him the€y protect him as big sisters should they are quite a formidable pair when they get going although small.

You might notice that they have declared the settee their own.

I can't thank you enough for letting us adopt them I am just sorry I haven't been in touch sooner or brought them to see you but I will very soon.


Snitch & Snatch  Snitch & Snatch
Snitch & Snatch  Snitch & Snatch
Snitch & Snatch   
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Holly & Poppy >>
Posted: 12th February 2008

Dear Ena,
Here are some photos of our two happy hounds Holly and Poppy to go on your website. Six Years ago our lives were totally changed the day we visited Second chance with Lynne and Rab Simpson 'just to have a look at the puppies'. We ended up with these two and Lynne with their brothers Murphy and Brodie. We see each other frequently and what fun they have when they're all together, lots of noise too! Holly and Poppy have filled our lives with so much fun and affection not to mention the occasional trauma and vet's bills but we can't imagine life without them now.
Thank you Ena for allowing us to adopt them. Keep up the good work! Regards, Bob Bennett

Holly & Poppy  Holly & Poppy
Holly & Poppy   
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Zara >>
Posted: 12th February 2008

Hi Ena

Here are some more photos of Zara taken over the weekend.

Kind regards

Zara  Zara
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Millie >>
Posted: 12th February 2008

I’m glad you got the food and am sure it would have been wolfed down.

Attached are three photos of Millie – you can choose which one you like. She really is a great dog – very dignified and gentle but very loving too. We love her to bits and every day are glad to have her. She’s very popular around the neighbourhood and has lots of friends, doggie and human. She isn’t a lover of cats, it’s fair to say, and chases them at every opportunity – so far she hasn’t had any success catching one and she hasn’t been attacked by one but time will tell! She is a fantastic runner and is always keen for walks – no time to sit about and do nothing when she is around.

Do you know how her twin Barney turned out – does he look like her? Also Keira her sister (who was our second choice)?

Anyway keep up the good work – I regularly read the website – you’re doing a great job.

Best wishes

Ishbel Bertram

Millie  Millie
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The Huskys >>
Posted: 12th February 2008

The Huskys  The Huskys
The Huskys   
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Fern >>
Posted: 10th February 2008

Hey there, Fern is doing great! Finny loves her, maybe too much! and Craig and I are just smitten. We wanted to send along some photos but didn't have an email to send jpegs to. Let us know. We also still owe you £20 which we will post off tomorrow. Fern was taken to the vet today and got some anti-biotics for her kennel cough. He said she was a real sweetie!
cheers Julie & Craig
p.s. thanks again!

Fern  Fern
Fern  Fern
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Maggie >>
Posted: 10th February 2008

We had another unexpected visitor today in the shape of Maggie our Rottie girl who went out from here as a puppy. This is her second home and what a brilliant one it is. Maggie is looking absolutely fantastic and is obviously a well loved "wee" lass.She travelled all the way from New Deer to see us and we were over the moon to see her and her mum & dad.

Maggie  Maggie
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Bonnie >>
Posted: 10th February 2008

This is wee Bonnie back for a visit isn't she just sweetest wee girl. Obviously so adored by her family. She looks so big in her first photo but she is really tiny.It was so nice to see her and her family today.

Bonnie  Bonnie
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Ben >>
Posted: 10th February 2008

I have now gone to my new home. It's a wonderful home Sabe the Big Shepherd is also a Second Chance boy. There were lots of people interested in me, but Ena had to be so very careful in the home she chose for me.So I have gone to stay with Kate & Wilson who have Border Collie's already who do agility.
Thanks to everyone who called and came to see me.
Ben xx ( I think I'm going to have a new name)

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Bryn >>
Posted: 8th February 2008

I now have a lovely new home I'm soooooooooooooo happy like Tikka & Zara we will all be in our new homes tonight.
Bryn xxx.

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Tara >>
Posted: 8th February 2008

I now have a lovely new home. I've gone to stay with a couple whose mum & dad already have two Second Chancer's. So it looks I now have my " forever" home. I'm so happy. Tara xx

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