Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Since it opened in 1999, hundreds of dogs have passed through the kennels doors and have gone on to wonderful new homes and families. On this page you will see some of those lucky dogs in their forever homes, and hear how they've settled in and how they've enriched their new families' lives.

Tess >>
Posted: 28th September 2009

Hi everyone,

Tess has been part of our family for just over a year now and we just love her!!! She now sleeps downstairs without a peep all night and is so well behaved...a joy to have.
Have attached a couple of pics of Tess.

Best wishes,

The Taylors x

Tess  Tess
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Yogi & Crystal >>
Posted: 28th September 2009

Yogi & Crystal  Yogi & Crystal
Yogi & Crystal  Yogi & Crystal
Yogi & Crystal   
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Fingal >>
Posted: 28th September 2009

Oops Fingal has grown quite big, he looks so big next to Oscar. We are only kidding when people ask what size the pup will be when he is fully grown we usually say time he gets to Great Dane size you will love him anyway, this must be the first time it has actually happened.But you do love him anyway.and Oscar !!


I thought you might like a update on Oscar & Fingal.

Fingal will be two in November and Oscar is now six years young. Fingal is still a skinny boy but after 18 months of being paranoid about his weight, and being re-assured by the vet and two hound breeders, I have accepted that he is the right weight for his size. Oscar however is suffering from a little middle age spread - I think cos he was eating what I gave to Fingal to fatten him up!. So its diet time for Oscar before his MOT and booster in December.

After a false start, when he nearly drowned himself in the river, Fingal now shares Oscar's love of water (as long as he can keep his feet on the floor). When we're down the beach he'll paddle in the sea but the local field ditch is both of their particular favourite. So walks often end with a wash down before either of them get back in the house.

We got 2 kittens from the Cat Protection league in January. sisters Maisie (tortie) and Miya (black). Oscar accepts them but is not that interested. Fingal is great with them even when Maisie decides to climb on him or bite his nose!

I've attached some pictures.



Fingal  Fingal
Fingal  Fingal
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Jake >>
Posted: 23rd September 2009

Hi Ena,
Came across Jake formerly known as the dog called Becks at Broughty Ferry last night whilst walking my dogs. He is looking great and his owner said he is a very good dog and they love having him. I have attached a couple of pics of him to let you see.


Jake  Jake
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Polly & Tilly >>
Posted: 21st September 2009

Hi Ena and all at the kennels,

Here follows an update on the happy gang, Polly and Tilly. They were both spayed on the 17th August and no problems were encountered. They were treated like royalty in the Vets and even one of the retired Vets paid them a visit to see that all was well. They were good little girls after their operations and as you can see they were really happy wearing modified baby romper suits, so that they could not get to their stitches!

Although it was 2 weeks late, they had a mention on the Paul O'Grady Show on radio 2 when Bill Kenwright was stadning in for him. We requested a song for them as they were going to the Vets for the "Op" the next day. We thought we might get lucky as Paul is fond of animals and were pleased that Bill made quite a thing of it! Polly and Tilly were oblivious to it all ofcourse but we did give them the cuddles he sent from them all on the Show.

You can see that they still enjoy each others company but both are devloping their own individual personalities. Being extremely lovable to everyone they come into contact with is one attribute they certainly share.

The picture below shows them both with their friend(the black blob in the middle), Lady, our now 21 year old cat.

They all soon became good friends and they protect her at every given opportunity. Although, she is still the head of the pet household!

We hope you are all well and thanks for all you do for the animals.


Maureen & Geoff Miller
xx from Polly & Tilly xx

Polly & Tilly  Polly & Tilly
Polly & Tilly  Polly & Tilly
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Chad >>
Posted: 20th September 2009

What a wee star you are Chad and what a long way you have come, well done .

xxxxxxxxxxxxxx for you and Sabe to share with your brothers and sisters

Hi Everyone

I just wanted to show off my first ever trophy my mum and dad are sooo proud of me I am only out a few months and to win a trophy is excellent

We are down at Easington this weekend for our last weekend away in the caravan (boohoo) Sabe is running also down there so I will let you know how he does as mum says it will depend on his mood

Mum says I am getting a surprise next Thursday Axe and I are going to the vets to get “done” nor sure what it is but I am sure it will be fun.

Will keep in touch

Lots of love to all

Chad and Sabe of course

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Rafferty >>
Posted: 20th September 2009

Rafferty getting ready to go, his folk think he is adorable and he loves them too.They are there all day for him which is good as he has never had people to really call his own.

Update 21st September,Rafferty's first night in his new home:

Rafferty Says 'I had my first night at my new home and was clean
and dry all night ( that surprised my new friends) and have been for a
little walk, but had to wear that funny rope thing they call a lead, I saw
something called 'the sea' never seen that before, its all wet. I think I
am going to like it here, and will keep in touch.
Love to you all at Second Chance.
Rafferty and new Friends.

How nice for this wee lad after spending five years as a stud dog, he now
has such a lovely home. No more work for him as he has been neutered now !!
I went to the vets today for my second inoculation
and general M.O.T. they say I am very healthy but need to put on a little
bit of weight they also gave me something called a 'worming tablet'. I
have settled in very well and love playing in my new garden'
Love to all at Second Chance.
Rafferty and friends.

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Molly & Jazz >>
Posted: 20th September 2009

Awe, how lovely this is one of the wee Staffy puppies with her big sis Molly, both Second Chancers and both in a brilliant home.

Hi Ena
Hope you are all well, I was trying to drop you all a line and pictures to let you know that our girls have settled in and are fabulous together, Jazz is very much the ring leader and Molly now takes part in everything, one of her favourites being running with our Sam and of course they both love their walks. I have attached some pictures to let you see.

See you all soon

kind regards
from Christine Duncan.

Molly & Jazz  Molly & Jazz
Molly & Jazz  Molly & Jazz
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Marley >>
Posted: 18th September 2009

This is wee Marley getting ready to go home, his folks are lovely and somehow I don't think they will need to watch telly tonight.He is such a handful but adorable with it.

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Buddy >>
Posted: 18th September 2009

Got such a lovely surprise this morning, Alison came for a visit with Buddy who is now over 12 yrs old, but still a fit boy. He was adopted from us pre kennels, and was only ten months old. I remember Lorne a lovely lass who adores border collies was going to a show and asked if she could take Buddy with her, I was a bit unsure but trusted Lorne and she found Bud this wonderful home with Alison and he never looked back. I remember Aliso calling to say he had just cost er a fortune, and thinking oh dear hemust have chewed furniture, but no he was just so good at agility and fly ball she bought her own equipment and started a club called Barking Buddies. Well he looks absolutely brilliant and I'm sure has many years to enjoy his flyball. It was wonderful to see them both.

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Gyp >>
Posted: 13th September 2009

Hi Ena,

Thought I'd drop you a line since it's ages since I've been in touch.

We had a great laugh taking Gyp to a fun agility course earlier this year, it was more like a social club for him, what a big wuss with the weave poles though, he just wasn't having them!!

Recently his health hasn't been too good, he lost his appetite, intermittent vomiting and energy levels went right down, he just wasn't himself at all. We've had quite a few visits to the vet, he had a throat infection but they also ran tests and found his pancreas enzymes were sky high, he's already on a restricted diet so there's little we can do except give him anti-sickness tablets when it strikes, limit his exercise and do our best to stop him eating grass, something he wants to do all the time!

We took him for his booster this week but unfortunately he was ill that day, bad diarrhoea, after speaking further to the vet they are now considering testing his thyroid, perhaps that would explain his lack of appetite and energy and weight gain, he has put on 2kg recently!

It all sounds like doom and gloom but it's not, he is currently snuggling up beside me, enjoying his new favourite sport of 'mouse hunting', the computer mouse that is, he either puts his paw on my hand or nuzzles in with his nose, nudging me, it's really funny!!

I've added a wee pic of my boy, sending you a high 5 ha ha!!

I'll keep you posted with his progress, sending best wishes to you all at Second Chance.

Diane & Gyp xx

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Barney >>
Posted: 11th September 2009

Well Barney didn't have to wait too long after Brody, this is him with his " mum & grandad " He is going to have the time of his life as his mum loves going for long walks and even to the woods & the beach.

Dear Ena and Frank
Just a quick note to let you know Barney is settling in well. Have been
for 2 walks in Tentsmuir and whilst he has zoomed about the place at 60
mph he hasn't gone too far from me. Dad is quite taken with him as he
snuggles up with him on the couch in the afternoons.

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Brody >>
Posted: 6th September 2009

This is Brody getting ready to go home with his Mum, who has already had a Second Chance girly ( sadly Lucy is on Rainbow Bridge). The family now feel ready to offer a home to another wee soul and have chosen Brody and we know Lucy had such a brilliant home, that Brody will be absolutely fine.

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Sonny >>
Posted: 6th September 2009

Here is Sonny already to go home with his Mum and " Sis ". His family came highly recommended from David a chap who already has one of our Shepherd girls and he took on another lad that we were asked to take in, a heart of gold he has. He already had a shepherd which gives him three, just as well or this lovely family wouldn't have had a look in for Sonny.

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Cooper >>
Posted: 5th September 2009

Well Cooper another lucky boy is now in his new home, he is away to stay with a lovely family and hopefully will give agility a try. Thanks to everyone who called offering him a home he sure was popular.

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Tia >>
Posted: 28th August 2009

Hi Tia how lovely to hear from you last time I saw you were at the vets with your mum & dad. If you get a couple of pics ( mind and get your good side hehe) and I can put this and the wee story on Happy Hounds. Look forward to them.

Lots of love
Ena. xxxx

Tia  Tia
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Luna >>
Posted: 25th August 2009

Look who came to visit us today Luna ( used to be Pippa), isn't she getting big. She is gorgeous.

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Shadow >>
Posted: 25th August 2009

Well another sad / happy day at the kennels. This is Shadow going to his new home with Charles and Claire. They have been up to see him now quite a few times and although we were sorry to see him go ( especially Frank ) and I'm sure Harry who comes in every night to walk the dogs will miss his pal as well. Good news is we have chosen the right home for him and hopefully will see him quite a lot.

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Keira >>
Posted: 25th August 2009

Hi this is Keira the wee Springer spaniel in her new home,it was all meant to be. Keira never even reached the web site, and now has a wonderful home.

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Bailey & Harvey >>
Posted: 21st August 2009

Do you think we should rehome dogs to people like this ?? Looks like they bought them a paddling pool. great stuff Ann, the boys are obviously enjoying it.

Bailey & Harvey  Bailey & Harvey
Bailey & Harvey  Bailey & Harvey
Bailey & Harvey   
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