Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Since it opened in 1999, hundreds of dogs have passed through the kennels doors and have gone on to wonderful new homes and families. On this page you will see some of those lucky dogs in their forever homes, and hear how they've settled in and how they've enriched their new families' lives.

Missy >>
Posted: 13th January 2010

Hi Ena,
Here are some photos taken of Missy at Christmas. Since George and I picked her up from you on the 8th of December,she's been the best thing that's happened to us since we lost wee Floss.She's just
perfect in every way.She loves it here and we her. She's bonded with George, where ever he is Missy is there to.She's got the freedom of the house,and goes where she wants,thats how it should be.
Thankyou for all you've done,contacting us,to let us know about her. She's Just great.

Keep up the good work.
Angela and George.

Missy  Missy
Missy  Missy
Missy  Missy
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Hector(Pepper) >>
Posted: 13th January 2010

Hi Ena, (Guess Who)

Here are a few for you.

Didn't Think that he was a pepper so we have named him "Hector"

Alison and James


Awwwwwww Hector ( was Pepper ) You look so settled and you look fab with your new hair cut , so very handsome.

Hector(Pepper)  Hector(Pepper)
Hector(Pepper)  Hector(Pepper)
Hector(Pepper)  Hector(Pepper)
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Misty >>
Posted: 9th January 2010

Oh Misty you are a very lucky wee girl, what a wonderful life you have now xx

Dear Ena and Frank

Thought you might like to see the latest photos of Misty enjoying the snow and the log fire - she has her nose right on the hearth. She just adores her walks and now averages about an hour and a half a day. She likes to carry Ron's glove in her mouth on the way home!. She is booked in this coming Monday to be neutered. Ron has said that I've to take her, so that she'll still speak to him afterwards! She has made such a difference to our retirement, and couldn't be more loved.
Hope you are both well.
Kind regards
Christine, Ron and Misty XXX

Misty  Misty
Misty  Misty
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Kimi >>
Posted: 9th January 2010

Thanks to your Aunt Meta Kimmi, we at last have some wonderful pics of you, you are looking great.

My wee friend Kimi. He is a wonderful wee boy.

Kimi  Kimi
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Suki >>
Posted: 9th January 2010

Hi Suki,

Just a wee note to see how you and your folks are coping with the snow. hope you akll had a lovely christmas and this year is going to be the start of everything good for you.
Tell your folks we loved your card and will treasure it.

Lots of love
Ena and all at Second Chance xxxxxxxxxx

Dear Ena,

Today it is -10 degrees and in the garden there is now over 18 inches of snow. We are snowed in so I can't go shopping in the car ? which I love to do. Kathleen says I'm a shoppaholic and a back seat driver! We only have short walks - it's so cold Brrrr!
We had a lovely Christmas ? lots of people and lots of treats.
The best treat I had was early on Christmas morning when David dropped a large carton of cream out of the fridge. It splattered all over the kitchen floor and the race was on to see who could clean up the quickest - I think I got my fair share, it ways delicious.
Kate and Lesley came down last weekend and brought Sally. We managed to play at the park. Although I'm retired from racing I can still run faster than Sally in short bursts!
I'm really good now and can be trusted to to be let off the lead provided there are no small dogs or cats around. Having the freedom is wonderful.
Lots of love to you and everybody and all the best for 2010.
Suki and folks.

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Happy 1st Gotcha Oliver >>
Posted: 9th January 2010

Well its a year today 9th January since " our " Oliver went to stay with Irene & Gavin, They used to come up to the kennels whenever they had a spare minute, and used to say are you going to let Oliver come and stay with us? I really never took it on board for a wee while that they wanted to take our wee lad home and nurture him, in fact Gavin was at the kennels one day and I have since heard Irene was on the phone to him saying " you better not come home without him" he has so landed on all four paws with them, as you will read further on he now gets fed through a tube into his tummy. He is such a wee star he's never ever complained just taken in his stride all that life has flung at him, and it has been a lot for any wee dog to put up with, but he has come through the other side after having three operations in a year, he would put us humans to shame I can tell you. Oliver needed people with love and commitment, but couldn't in his wildest dreams have wished for a better mum & dad and he also has his lovely nana Moira we all love this special wee lad to bits he is a wee star, he winds his way round everyones heart.

Bless you and your folks Oliver you are all very special to us. lots of love.

Granma Ena Grandad Frank & Auntie Mhairi xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Dear Ena,

Well, you didn?t think I would let our 1st anniversary of having Oliver go past without marking it did you? And what a year it?s been! Gavin and I are so lucky that you chose us to give Oliver a home. Sometimes we look at him and still can?t believe he'?s ours. Since the day he arrived he has been hell bent on bending (really that means breaking) all the rules. They started as ?

Oliver is not allowed upstairs
Oliver is not allowed up on the furniture
Oliver is not allowed in the bedroom
Oliver will NEVER be allowed onto our bed (I mean, that?s DISGUSTING!)

Take a look at the photos below and you will see that Oliver pretty much curls up wherever he wants. He has ?his seat? on the sofa, he sleeps in our room every night and usually jumps up onto the bed for a cuddle in the morning.

We are so blessed to have him.

Lots of love,

Irene & Gavin xxx

p.s ? message below from Oliver and some pics

Hiya folks,

It?s Oliver here.

Well I really can?t believe it?s been almost a whole year since I went to my forever home. It?s seems like only yesterday that Granma Ena and Auntie Mhairi were pacing about the kennels burping me like a baby! Mind you, I still see them most weeks as they very kindly help out with my care when Mum and Dad are working.

Life has been very eventful this last year. For those of you who keep an eye on the website you'?ll know I?ve not had an easy time of things with my esophagus problem. I?'ve now had 2 operations but (touch wood) I should now been fine. I now get fed via a tube that goes straight into my tummy and oh my goodness, I?ve never felt so full! It?s taken a wee while for us all to get used to feeding me this way. When Mum first took me home from the hospital she felt a little stressed at the thought of having such an enormous responsibility of feeding me and also making sure my wounds were clean but we soon got into the swing of things.

I had a little hiccup after my first op; I accidently chewed my feeding tube. Oops. I didn?t really think it was much of a big deal but when Granma Ena & Grandad Frank bundled me into the car and drove (at speed) to the hospital, I knew all was not entirely well. And when I saw that Dad had met us there, I REALLY knew we were in trouble; I'?ll never forget the look on his face. Anyway, after a 2nd op, the guys at the Royal Dick Small Animal Hospital fixed me. Honestly, I love it there. Everyone is so nice and friendly, not to mention amazing at looking after dogs like me.

I?m feeling much more like myself now and I?m sure I?ll start putting weight back on in no time.

I really have been so very lucky to have had such good care taken of me at 2nd Chance. I wouldn?t be here without them.

Love you all.

Oliver xxx

Happy 1st Gotcha Oliver  Happy 1st Gotcha Oliver
Happy 1st Gotcha Oliver  Happy 1st Gotcha Oliver
Happy 1st Gotcha Oliver  Happy 1st Gotcha Oliver
Happy 1st Gotcha Oliver  Happy 1st Gotcha Oliver
Happy 1st Gotcha Oliver  Happy 1st Gotcha Oliver
Happy 1st Gotcha Oliver  Happy 1st Gotcha Oliver
Happy 1st Gotcha Oliver  Happy 1st Gotcha Oliver
Happy 1st Gotcha Oliver  Happy 1st Gotcha Oliver
Happy 1st Gotcha Oliver  Happy 1st Gotcha Oliver
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Pepper >>
Posted: 7th January 2010

This is me Pepper with Alison ( who I chose as soon as she came through the door ) / James & Dee and of course Meg, who is going to be my "sis ", Meg actually was rehomed from the Pet Care next door ( through Second Chance.) and has had the most amazing home for the last four years so them indoors had no qualms about letting me go to stay with them. Love Pepper x.

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Gus (was Gumbo) >>
Posted: 6th January 2010

Hi Auntie Ena

Just to let you know I'm getting on fine. As you can see from the
attached pictures, I've made myself quite at home here. I love the
coal fire and my mum and dad keep telling me I'm getting to close and
I'll burn my tail.

Me and Jaq are having fine fun and have been chasing each other
in the snow.

I start my Bronze training class on 23rd January, but mum and dad
started already - they make me sit, lie down and wait for my dinner.
Its not all bad though because if I'm good and sit or lie down, they
give me a puppy biscuit!

Mum and dad say they will bring me up soon for a visit if that's ok.

See you soon.

Lots of love and licks.

Gus xx

PS Mum says can you maybe forward the pictures to Ian to let him know
how I'm getting on and thank him for my Christmas present.

Hi Gus my you have made yourself at home, love the one with the fire looks so cosy. Ian will be so delighted to see how well you have settled in he always asks about you.
My theory right again, the dogs / puppies that go out and come back always get the best home second time around, same thing has just happened with Katy your pal.

Gus (was Gumbo)  Gus (was Gumbo)
Gus (was Gumbo)  Gus (was Gumbo)
Gus (was Gumbo)   
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Jazz & Scout >>
Posted: 5th January 2010

Ena and all

Just wanted to wish you a great Christmas and happiness for 2010.
Scout has been rather ill this year with heart problems and then pancreatitis over the last few weeks, Thankfully he is on the mend.
Jazzy Jasper is fabulous. I was watching to see if Gumbo was taken (I really wanted to take him but three is a bit much!) and now I see you have another return. One of the best things I did was take Jazzy. Ok he had a few issues in the beginning and part of me sees why someone returned him because if you don't understand and have never had a rescue dog you may not realise it can take up to 8 months to a year for them to settle. Lots of exercise and love is the key. Thinking of you all loads. Every blessing and keep up the good work.
Susan x

Attached a pic of Jazz and scout on the beach and one that is a pdf of jazz running. I had to scan this one in but it is one of my favourites of Jasper.

Scout is doing very well now and they are both loving the expensive new digestive low fat diet!

best Wishes

happy 2010

Susan x

Jazz & Scout  Jazz & Scout
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Alfie,Katy & Stig >>
Posted: 5th January 2010

Christmas 2009 with the Second Chance residents.

Alfie just wasn't interested in his toys , he was just wanting his girl friend

Alfie,Katy & Stig  Alfie,Katy & Stig
Alfie,Katy & Stig  Alfie,Katy & Stig
Alfie,Katy & Stig  Alfie,Katy & Stig
Alfie,Katy & Stig  Alfie,Katy & Stig
Alfie,Katy & Stig  Alfie,Katy & Stig
Alfie,Katy & Stig  Alfie,Katy & Stig
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Shadow >>
Posted: 5th January 2010

Hi Shadow thanks for the update, glad to hear you have settled in so well, but then we knew you would your such a good lad. Hope Milo is doing ok as well xx

Hi Guys,

Shadow here, just thought I'd let you know how I'm getting on.
I've had a bril Xmas and New Year. I love my new home and what about all this's grrrrrreat. I'm hardly on the lead now except in traffic and Dad says I'm a terrific dog...except when I bark and won't come in from the garden after we've been playing..he he.
I was at the Vet for my booster and I behaved so well he said I'm a "good one."
Dad and me have a really good bond now and I'm always by his side and never let him out of my sight.I even like to lie on his feet when he's cleaning his teeth...but I don't know if I'll be so good when he's trying to clean mine.
That's all for now, so Happy 2010 everyone, I know I'll have a great year.
Love Shadow. xx

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Buster & Megan >>
Posted: 3rd January 2010

Merry Xmas, from Stuart,Alex, Megan and Buster x

oh how our little buster has grown,these two love each other 2 bits, will come down and see you soon

Buster & Megan  Buster & Megan
Buster & Megan  Buster & Megan
Buster & Megan  Buster & Megan
Buster & Megan  Buster & Megan
Buster & Megan   
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Holly >>
Posted: 3rd January 2010

Holly lovely to see you so happy and having such a great time with your family x

Hi Ena

I thought you would like an update on how I am getting along. As you can see I love going walks to the beach , I am there at least once a day ! If I am not chewing away on the seaweed ( which I am not supposed to do apparently and another no no is eating crabs !! ) I love chasing after my ball. My Mum and Dad tell me I have endless amount of energy !! When back home I go about looking for socks to chew !
I get lots and lots of cuddles and if I am really lucky sometimes I get to sit on their knees.

Wishing you all a very Happy Christmas, Love Holly and the Laings

Holly  Holly
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Chad & Sabe >>
Posted: 3rd January 2010

I have decided that as so many idiots cannot keep the dogs they rescue I will return Chad and Sabe also???????.NOT

What are people like they make me sick thank God for my dogs who ask for nothing (except a piggy ear at seven o?clock every night) and give so much in return (early rises every morning, continual hovering for their hairs, sore backs grooming them) would not be without them

Wishing you and everyone at the Kennels human and canine a fantastic Christmas and a happy 2010

Love from

Wilson, Kate and the Gang

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Katy >>
Posted: 1st January 2010

This is me Katy going off to my new home with Ellie as my new big sister. We get on so well together and we are going off to have a long walk before going home. I am so excited I can't wait

7th Jan:

Hi Ena/Mhairi

Just a quick note to let you know Katy has settled in really well now and being good as gold. Ellie is enjoying having a new friend to play with on her walks - they love to chase each other and the pair of them nearly knocked Fraser off his feet at the beach the other day :)

Will get some pics to you soon - they're moving too fast to get good ones so far!


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Taige >>
Posted: 31st December 2009

This is Taige ( probably not spelt it right ) anyway he brought his dad back for a vist with some goodies for the residents that are still with us !

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Louie & Guiness >>
Posted: 31st December 2009

This is Louie ( choc lab ) and his wee brother Guiness both Second Chancers, tried hard to get them to sit with their Mum for a pic but they were too excited xx

Louie & Guiness
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Jinty >>
Posted: 26th December 2009

Hi Jinty how lovely to hear from you, I was speaking to your " auntie Chris" and she gave me an update, as your mum & dad's computer wasn't up and running.Hope you and Zak and of course your folks had a lovely Xmas. Why does it not surprise me that your mum & dad are feeding the strays !! I said that to them when you all came to say good bye. Tell your folks I would love pics of you all and of course the new additions, look forward to seeing them.

Hi Ena merry xmas.I arrived in Bulgaria safe and sound.Mum says if anybody takes there dog abroad not to book kennels.They were old rusty cages outside with no protection.Zak and i stayed in the car.Anyway thanks a lot for the fur coat you gave me boy did I need it 8 inches of snow last week.14 degrees last 2 days.guess what my mum is already feeding 5 strays and 2pups.SUPPOSE I will have to give them some of my turkey it is christmas after all.will send some pictures later.Have 2 kittens eyeing up my dinner must go.
Take care,
Love Jinty x x

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Tess >>
Posted: 26th December 2009

Thanks Elaine what a lovely pic x

Merry Christmas and a Happy 2010 to everyone at Second Chance.

Love From
Tess xx
P.S Spot the white dog on her favorite walk!!!

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Winston >>
Posted: 25th December 2009

Well how exciting is this for Winston he is away to his new home in time for Santa coming. I know we had stopped rehoming for Xmas, but Linda came to see him the other day with Misty who she adopted from us 14 years ago. Linda also has another wee rescue dog and just totally fell in love with our Winston. So we could not deprive him of such a wonderful home. We are all so pleased he will be in a home tonight instead of being on his own in the kennels. Thanks to Linda and her family x.

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