Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Since it opened in 1999, hundreds of dogs have passed through the kennels doors and have gone on to wonderful new homes and families. On this page you will see some of those lucky dogs in their forever homes, and hear how they've settled in and how they've enriched their new families' lives.

Rosie >>
Posted: 9th April 2012

Hi Ena.
Sorry I have not got back to you sooner. Been busy at work. Here is a photo of Rosie taken today up the Pentland Hills with me, Leigh, Amy, Lucy and our adopted Daughter Aimee. :-) She is a friend of Amy but always around.
It was a great day. We walked for miles and Rosie loved it. She is now coming out a lot more. We have had a couple of small issues with some dogs but overall she has been great.
I can only send 1 picture at a time with my iPhone so will send more following this one.
Hope you and Frank are well and thanks again for bringing Rosie into our lives as she is such a character.I will give u a call soon for a wee chat.

Thanks for the update Derek, she certainly looks like she is having a ball ( pardon the pun )So happy looking Frank and myself are so pleased for you all. xx

Rosie  Rosie
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Rebecca & Tia >>
Posted: 7th April 2012

This is Tia one of our six Rottie puppies back to visit, she like the other two totally gorgeous. Rebecca now has a playmate when she comes home from school, the pup is doing so well and it was lovely to see them. xx

Rebecca & Tia
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Star and Angel. >>
Posted: 5th April 2012

Two mud coloured (once black) German Shepherds
Cleaning Lady!!!
Lol - how are you all - some gorgeous dogs passing through your kennels.
That Star is just a bundle of mischief - leading my wee Angel astray!!!

He has systematically emptied our garden pond by soaking it up in his coat. Now all that's left is mud and the pair of them have just had great fun frolicking in it then running through every room in the house!! My wee Angel NEVER did that lol. They are being very quiet at the moment after mummy ranted and raved as she mopped every floor in the house ha ha. Mind you - for once Angel is dirtier than him!
Hahahahhaha, my you and Muir are having fun xx Look at him sheer innocence on that wee face xx

Star and Angel.
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Billie ( was Millie ) >>
Posted: 3rd April 2012

Hi Ena & Frank
I just wanted to let you know how I am getting on in my new home. I am having a great time and it's really nice having Pepper as a big sister! We are having great fun playing in the garden (especially getting wet and mucky in the burn) and going for walks and Pepper is showing me the best places to find rabbits and squirrels to chase. Ashley is teaching me some new tricks which is super fun and I am doing really well. My name has changed to Billie which I like but I am still trying to find my beetle! 'Billy's Beetle' was one of Jacob and Jasmine's favourite books when they were younger so I like the new name.
Best wishes, Billie xxx

Billie put a pic in off your mum when Karen brought her to kennels. See I do this all the time with photo's if I get 3 sent I find another one to take up the empty space what am I like, 2's 4's 6's but not three or five's. Silly I know !!
Well Billie your auntie Karen certainly knew what she was doing when she brought your mum Ashley to visit. You have landed on all four paws and I'm so pleased Pepper has pepped up a bit having you around xxx

Billie ( was Millie )  Billie ( was Millie )
Billie ( was Millie )  Billie ( was Millie )
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Snoop Dog. >>
Posted: 3rd April 2012

Well our wee lad has found his forever home, where he will be loved to bits. His folks have been looking for a wee dog for a long time now and when they Snoop it was love at first sight. First thing he did when we got into his house was to jump on the dining room table, but his dad wasn't fazed but his mum said it will be a no no !!! He is such a cheeky wee man. xx

Snoop Dog.
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Ruby >>
Posted: 2nd April 2012

We try and get to the agility shows when we can as loads of our dogs who have been adopted now do agility. We were at Camperdown Park yesterday as you can see from the previous pics, of Kooper & Chad who have been doing really well.However when we were there we met Reno / Abby and wee Ruby the puppy all doing really really well, it was great to see everyone. xx

Ruby  Ruby
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Brett with fur !! >>
Posted: 2nd April 2012

This is Brett being Brett he also gave us a lovely welcome and one of these days when his mum says can we find a home for him, we'll shock her and take him !! as if she would allow that they adore Bratt I mean Brett. See it's catching Kate haha x

Brett with fur !!
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My boy Chad. >>
Posted: 2nd April 2012

Your boy in action - he got a 9th in Grade 6th Jumping - what a boy.This was the collie puppy who hated children and he now has his very own grand baby and loves him.Kate & Wilson have done really well by him.Well done Chad x
This boy never forgets me no matter how long it is since I last saw him. I wear him every time for about five minutes.Kate and Wilson have another three of our dogs who also remember us xx

My boy Chad.  My boy Chad.
My boy Chad.  My boy Chad.
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Mini Kooper >>
Posted: 2nd April 2012

Mini Kooper's Second Chance, winning graded 5-7 jumping. WELL DONE KOOPER your a wee STAR XX

Mini Kooper
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Yana wee Rottie girl puppy. >>
Posted: 31st March 2012

We had visitors today Yana one of the Rotti puppies and Bronya her big sis,with their family Sandra / Scott / Connor & Brooke. What a clever wee girl Yana is she sits and stays, so cute to see and she has another pal at home a three legged kitten about the same age as herself.Scott just showed me a video on his phone of the pup and kitten playing hopefully he will send it so we can put it on here.Lovely to see them all. xx

Yana wee Rottie girl puppy.
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Rosie >>
Posted: 31st March 2012

Hi Ena and Frank.
Just a message to let you both know that wee Rosie has settled in extremely well.
She is very well behaved and loves her new home.
She has a lovely big bed in the kitchen and in the livingroom and she also loves to lie on the couch with us and can't resist the bed.
Rosie has lots of new friends that she meets up with at the park every night and has also enjoyed trips to Crammond and the Dell.
I have attached, if it works a Video of Rosie at the park with her boyfriend Ben.
I will keep you up to date with her progress and when she gets more used to the car, I will try and bring her over for a visit.
Thanks for letting us have such a friendly and Funny wee dog. She is the best.
Derek, Leigh, Amy and Lucy. xx
I can't seem to attach the video or photos on my iPhone so I will try and txt them to u.

Ok Derek look forward to receiving them, glad she has settled so well. Have put a pic on of the day you adopted her xx

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Murphy >>
Posted: 30th March 2012

HI Ena - hope you got Murphy's postcard - he enjoyed his hoiday, especially the beach and he quite
likes castles! Just a quick email to let you know we are all getting on fine. I am off for a
couple of days so thought we might head down your way this afternoon for a visit to let you see
Murphy again - probably just after lunch.
Kind regards
Sue & Jim Richards

Thanks for the update, Murphy looks fantastic, thanks for the goodies for the dogs. xx

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Mia update ! >>
Posted: 29th March 2012

I meant to send a pic so here is one from this morning.I wish you
could have seen her playing with David tonight in gerden. Don't know
who is more daft......
She is waiting for him to come in now for tea.
She is eating all her meals now Ena. Such potential!
Glad she is settling in Marcia, love the pic xx.

Mia update !
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Leo >>
Posted: 28th March 2012

Our lovely Leo getting ready to go home, his dad came to collect him today as he has organised time of his work to get Leo settled in. So he is off to see Kara( Staffy )and his mum and their wee girl who is at school. So it will be quite an excited house tonight, but I'm sure Leo will take it all in his stride he is that a good dog. Been promised a photo with them all xx

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Angel ( was Meg here ) >>
Posted: 28th March 2012

Angel came for a visit today, she was another wee timid girl, but her folks have persevered with her and she is doing well and looks great she had a few scars and was really thin when she went out but now scars all gone and coat so shiny you could just about see your face in it.This is her now with her folks xx

Angel ( was Meg here )
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Mia >>
Posted: 28th March 2012

Mia has found a lovely home out in the country, what a lucky girl, she is still a wee bit apprehensive but her mum says she is coming along nicely. Her dad wasn't there for the photo but we had already met him on Saturday when they came to see Mia.xx

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Connie ( was Kim here ) >>
Posted: 28th March 2012

Gill thanks for the update Connie looks so happy and content, not scared like she was when she arrived and every noise ect: frightened her. Just shows what patience love and commitment can do! Frank and myself are so happy for her and for Tess as she now has a pal again Thank you.xx

Connie ( was Kim here )  Connie ( was Kim here )
Connie ( was Kim here )  Connie ( was Kim here )
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Roxy and Zara >>
Posted: 27th March 2012

Dear Grandma Ena and Grandad Frank,
We know you are feeling sad at the moment, so here's a nice photo of us cooling down this afternoon when it got too hot for walkies, to cheer you up.
PS we are pleased our daddy is home!
Love Roxy and Zara xx

Aw thanks Ian they are just gorgeous wee girls, it was so nice to see them the other week and that they remembered us xx


Roxy and Zara
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Snuggles >>
Posted: 27th March 2012

Hi there Ena and Frank,
It is hard to believe that it is already 6 months since Snuggles and I found eachother with a little help from Second Chance. She has settled in here so well and I can't imagine life without her. She goes everywhere with me and we have had some lovely walks in the countryside.She had her wee op last week but is recovering well. Trying to stop a collie from jumping around is easier said than done! She was so lovely when I brought her home from the vet's, she stood at the front door and just gave the longest, most contented sniff - like she was savouring a fine wine. She is such a home buddy!
I have attached a few of the most recent photos - the close up was taken on Saturday. The other photos are from our walk in the Clydesdale, down near Tinto. She had a great time that day, running across the hills and rounding the humans up - in true sheepdog style!
I keep up-to-date with the comings and goings at Second Chance on the web-site. You have all got such big hearts and the wee waifs are strays are really lucky to come across you angels, who put them in touch with their forever homes.
Lots of Love, Carol & Snuggy xx

PS - Snuggles is still giving the best cuddles ever...

Carol thank you so much for the photo's what a happy wee girl, so pleased you two found each other xx

Snuggles  Snuggles
Snuggles  Snuggles
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Huggy Going Home >>
Posted: 25th March 2012

Well I had to wait a wee while longer for my forever home, but boy was it worth it. My folks have had Newfoundlands before so know exactly what they are taking on with me. I have had such a good time here at Second Chance. Harry came up nearly every morning and took me down the park where I met loads of doggy friends, including Hendrix the Newfie and had great fun, I just love other dogs and have never had any problems with them.So now I'm off on my journey home but mum & dad say they will send pics for the web site and keep in touch. Lots of Love Huggy xxx

Huggy Going Home
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