Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Below is our latest news and the events which are planned at the moment. These events are a very important part of our charity. All monies raised go directly towards the upkeep of the dogs and helps to ensure that the Second Chance Kennels are maintained adequately for the job. We hold regular fundraising events and always welcome new ideas and/or helpers. If you think you can help in any way with our events, please contact us.

Broxi the Rottie >>
Posted: 19th March 2005

Broxi the rottie arrived at the kennels in January with serious hip problems. A visit to the vet confirmed that he would need am operation to fix the problem.
Well, on the 1st of March, he had his operation and all went very well! It will be a while before he is back on all 4 paws, but he is handling it very well. He is a star!
We would also like to thank a very kind lady who gave an extremely generous donation of £1000, which will help very much in covering the cost of Broxi's operation.

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