Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Gender: Male

Age: 6yr

Status: Has been rehomed

Hi I'm Nipper ( don't live up to my name though ) and as you can see a wee terrier mix, I think I am Border Terrier x Jack Russell I am nearly six years old,I have been a well loved wee lad, and only looking for a new home as my mum can't look after me anymore, which is quite sad as she misses me but knows she has done the best thing for me by letting me go on to find a new home where I will get lots of walks. I have great fun here though as I have found a ball I just love, too big for me to pick up but I chase it everywhere its good fun and exercise for me.
Love Nipper xx.
PS : I have everything done to me so ready for the road xx I HAVE A NEW HOME XX

Thanks for looking,
Nipper signed by Nipper
