Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels Second Chance Kennels

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Gender: Male

Age: 6mth

Status: Has been rehomed

Hiya, Monty here I am a six month old white / tan smooth coat Jack Russell, who has already had two homes. My first home owners started working full time and second home, man didn't keep too well so I didn't get any walks. So you can imagine I'm a bit hyper and just need someone who will take me for nice long walks and give me some training.I am ever so friendly but none of my owners could tell them indoors if I was any good with children / dogs / cats. Will update when there is some more news on me.
Monty xx

I'm having visitors on Saturday afternoon and will be meeting another Second Chance boy. Tia is a lot bigger than me but I do like to play with the big boys so fingers crossed we both like each other.
Monty xx

Thanks for looking,
Monty signed by Monty
